- North American native population decline
- Ancient Greek trading vessels carried much more than wine
- Genetic Study Confirms: First Dogs Came from East Asia
- Domestication du blé
- Angel Mounds (USA) : DNA testing settles 70-year mystery over possible conjoined twins buried
- Cause of Ice Age extinctions
- Ancient horse DNA sheds light on cave paintings
- Shared genes with Neanderthal relatives not unusual
- Early humans were from Africa but their route out was via Arabia
- Génome de la bactérie responsable de la Peste Noire déchiffré
- La grossesse humaine a-t-elle évolué à cause d'une infection ?
- Manis Site (USA) : Hunters present in North America 800 years earlier than previously thought
- Aboriginals get new history
- Premier séquençage du génome d'un Aborigène d'Australie
- DNA study suggests Asia was settled in multiple waves of migration
- Continents influenced human migration, spread of technology
- Human-Neanderthal coupling was rare
- Ancient wild horses help unlock past
- A 'jumping gene's' preferred targets may influence genome evolution
- Mother tongue comes from your prehistoric father
- Evolution's past is modern human's present : ancient interbreeding inside Africa
- Indians and Europeans share a milky past
- Australia's native dog – the dingo – may have arrived here much earlier and by quite a different route than previously thought
- Ancient humans were mixing it up
- Genetic analysis of medieval plague skeletons proves the presence of y. pestis bacteria
- Canoodling with cavemen gave healthy boost to human genome
- Sunflower Domesticated in US, Not Mexico