- The first genome sequence of Chinese plum
- European Romani exodus began 1,500 years ago
- ‘Bigfoot’ DNA sequenced ?Homo sapiens/Unknown Hominin Hybrid Species in North America ?
- Kenya: the Ashkenazi Jews and the Masai people
- Genome of the Black Death Reveals Evidence for an Antique Bubonic Plague Pandemic
- Native Americans and Northern Europeans More Closely Related Than Previously Thought
- Most of the harmful mutations in people arose in the past 5,000 to 10,000 years
- Past 5,000 years prolific for changes to human genome
- La variole identifiée dans des corps gelés de Sibérie datant du 18e siècle
- DNA sleuth hunts wine roots in Anatolia
- The evolution of human intellect: Human-specific regulation of neuronal genes
- Humans have added new bones to the pig
- Pilbara (Australie): 30000-year-old DNA preserved in poo a window into the past
- Iceman was Central Europe native
- Altai Mountains (Mongolie): Origins of genetic blending between Europeans and Asians
- Humans, chimpanzees and monkeys share DNA but not gene regulatory mechanisms
- The biggest expansion of man in prehistory?
- Xaltocan (Mexique): The DNA of Aztec conquest
- Rise of wheat and milk allergies
- Complete mitochondrial genome sequences of ancient New Zealanders
- New analysis provides fuller picture of human expansion from Africa
- Jerusalem (Israël): Olive trees in the Garden of Gethsemane linked to Christ's time
- Dating encounters between modern humans and Neandertals
- The Only Ancient Jewish Hair Ever Found
- Genetics of hunter-gatherers and pastoralists in sub-Saharan Africa
- Khoe and San groups descendants of the earliest diversification event in the history of all humans - some 100 000 years ago
- Genetic mutation may have allowed early humans to migrate throughout Africa
- Studies slow the human DNA clock
- Islande: Little Ice Age led to migration of island hopping arctic foxes
- Human evolution has become multi-colored
- Denisovan genome:relationships between Denisovans and present-day humans.
- Most mutations come from dad
- Signatures of human migrations and marriage practices
- Doubts about whether modern humans and Neanderthals interbred
- How evolution has shaped modern Europeans
- Genetic analysis focusing on Jews from North Africa
- Cross-breeding of bison with domestic cattle in the late 1800s
- DNA hints at African cousin to humans
- Tracing the complicated trail of human origins
- Citizen science helps unlock European genetic heritage
- All chickens descend from south east Asia
- Whole-genome sequencing of Africa's hunter-gatherers elucidates human variation and ancient interbreeding
- Australie : DNA analysis of ancient remains to uncover origin mysteries
- Le peuplement de l'Amérique vu par la génétique
- Americas 'settled in three waves'
- La Ermita de la Soledad (Espagne): Searching for an ancient syphilis DNA in newborns
- La Braña-Arintero (Espagne):researchers recover part of the genome of two hunter-gatherer individuals from 7,000 years ago
- Genomics and African queens
- Welsh people could be most ancient in UK, DNA suggests
- DNA reveals new picture of dog origins
- Infectious Disease May Have Shaped Human Origins
- 16th-century Korean mummy provides clue to hepatitis B virus genetic code
- New genetic method to pinpoint individuals' geographic origin
- Migration patterns of the first humans to settle the Americas
- Project to examine 'Yeti' DNA
- Abundance of rare DNA changes following population explosion may hold clues to common diseases
- Modern dogs have 'little in common' with ancient breeds
- As population exploded, more rare genes entered human genome
- Refugees from the Ice Age: How Was Europe Repopulated?
- Mystery of the domestication of the horse solved
- Solomon Islands 'blond' gene is found
- Rise of agriculture in Stone Age Europe
- Gotland (Suède) : DNA Studies Reveal Spread of European Agriculture In Stone Age
- Coropuna (Pérou): Forensic science used to determine who's who in pre-Columbian Peru
- Chur (Suisse): DNA tests aim to identify 17th century Swiss hero - and killer - Jürg Jenatsch
- Liang Island (Taiwan): Ancient skeleton linked to Polynesia
- DNA analysis shakes up Neandertal theories
- Afghans share unique genetic heritage
- Qasr Ibrim (Egypte): Ancient cotton unveils secrets of domesticated crop evolution
- Ancient links between African and European populations
- DNA traces cattle back to a small herd domesticated around 10,500 years ago
- Valdegoba cave (Espagne): European Neandertals were almost extinct long before humans showed up
- Le séquençage de l'ADN ouvre des nouvelles voies sur la compréhension de l'évolution humaine
- Indonesian 'Eves' colonised Madagascar 1,200 years ago
- Were Some Neandertals Brown-Eyed Girls?
- Where Vikings went, mice followed
- Study of ribosome evolution challenges 'RNA World' hypothesis
- Recreate a woolly mammoth
- Otzi and the migration across Europe during the Copper Age
- Palm Valley (Australie): Red cabbage palms arrived only 15,000 years ago
- What have we got in common with a gorilla?
- The first complete map of the DNA of Oetzi
- How Neanderthal Are You? Your DNA Has the Answer
- The race question: are bonobos human?
- Molecular secrets of 2,000-year-old Chinese herbal remedy
- Extensive RNA editing in human transcriptome
- Inside the Archaeology of Paleofeces
- Could the World All Be Genetically Arab, Says New DNA Evidence
- Ile de Pâques : Did Easter Islanders Mix It Up With South Americans?
- Denisova Cave (Russie) :Entire genome of extinct human decoded from fossil
- Altai (Russie) : Birthplace of Native Americans?
- Denisova Cave (Russie) : DNA Turning Human Story Into a Tell-All
- Altai (Russie) : link between Asians and early Native-Americans
- MtDNA tests trace all modern horses back to single ancestor 140,000 years ago
- Following genetic footprints out of Africa
- 'Speed gene' in modern racehorses originated from British mare 300 years ago
- Decoded: The Mystery of Human Migration
- Origins of domestic dog in Japon
- Gran Canaria (Espagne) : Ancient DNA in archaeological wheat grains: preservation conditions and the study of pre-Hispanic agriculture
- Modern dogs are more Asian fusions than Euro pups