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Préhistoire 2

Toba (Indonésie): Doubt over 'volcanic winter' after Toba super-eruption

Toca da Tira Peia (Brésil): Humans may have reached the Americas 22,000 years ago

- The paleo diet isn’t necessarily ideal, an evolutionary biologist says

- Original Australians numbered 1,000-3,000, study finds

A formula that can calculate a person's speed by just looking at their footprints

Sunduki (Russie): evidence of crude solar calendars ?

Ouriakos (Grèce): A Late Palaeolithic site in the north-eastern Aegean

- Hundvåg (Norvège): an axe sculpted by an unskilled knapper, probably a child

Wonderwerk Cave (Afrique du Sud): Earliest Evidence of Humans Cooking With Fire

Üçağızlı Cave I (Turquie): Early Upper Paleolithic shell beads: Technology and the socioeconomic context of ornament life-histories

Niassa Rift (Mozambique): Phytoliths from Middle Stone Age habitats in the Mozambican Rift (105–29 ka)

Olorgesailie and Kariandusi, Kenya Rift : Acheulean handaxe accumulations

- Manot Cave (Israël): Archaeologists Reopen Investigation of Early Humans

- Neschers (France): the first find of an early human artwork

Yellow River region (Chine): grinding stones suggests adaption to ice age may have led to birth of agriculture

Gonglou (Chine): Stone Artifacts Found

Sungezhuang (Chine): New Paleolithic Site Found

Toca da Tira Peia rock-shelter (Brésil): finds put humans in South America 22,000 years ago²

Ethiopie : Ancient stone tools show the pace of remarkable technological enhancements over time

Global temperatures reaching 11,000 years peak

Shuidonggou (Chine): large blade technology appears earlier than previously thought

- Wustermark (Allemagne): Ancient Reindeer Hunters Fished Ice Age Lakes

Malarrak (Australie): uranium discovery threatens ancient indigenous cave art

Blombos Cave (Afrique du Sud): Human Ancestors Were Fashion Conscious

Woolly Rhino shows Britain was once a freezing tundra

Rimrock Draw (USA): Excavations Reveal Promising New Early Paleoindian Site

- In prehistory, CO2 and warming went in lock-step

Cueva de Nerja (Espagne): Barnacles Point to whale meat consumption

Danemark: New technique reveals rare pattern on Stone Age adze

Early human burials varied widely but most were simple

Oppdal (Norvège): Frosty time machine coughs up arrowheads

 - Sha`ar Hagolan (Israël): Did overhunting lead to domestication ?

Blombos Cave (Afrique du Sud): new light on early human's abilities to adapt to climate change

When Did Humans Come to the Americas?

- Konso (Ethiopie): Oldest stone hand axes unearthed

USA : Study rebuts hypothesis that comet attacks ended 9,000-year-old Clovis culture

Shuidonggou (Chine): Re-examination of the dates of large blade technology: A comparison of  Locality 1 and Locality 2

Groenland: Un épisode chaud du passé décrit grâce au forage des glaces les plus anciennes

- Ararat (Turquie): "Noah's Ark" Prehistoric Site Exhibits Possible Evidence for Metallurgy

El-Kherba /Ain Hanech (Algérie): early hominin subsistence activities circa 1.8 Ma

Kimberley (Australie): Did Mega-Drought Kill Ancient Aboriginal Culture?

Kakuthungutanta (Australie): Oldest known occupation

Severn Estuary (G-B): Stone Age hunters used the environment to improve standard of living

- Danemark : Stone Age hunters liked their carbs

Con Moong Cave (Viet Nam): Tomb of prehistoric people discovered

- Mesa (USA): Climate change chased off people of the Mesa

Shuidonggou (Chine): Engraved Stone Artifact Found at the Paleolithic Site

Human–climate interaction during the Early Upper Paleolithic

Kimberley (Australie): light on the disappearance of a pre-historic culture

Three Gorges (Chine): Hominins already inhabited the region in Pleistocene

When Homo sapiens hit upon the power of art

Cavemen were better at drawing animals than modern artists

Afrique du Sud -  Late Pleistocene Techno-traditions:the Still Bay and Howiesons Poort

Roccia San Sebastiano (Italie): Remains of both Neanderthals and Homo sapiens in same caves

Shuidonggou (Chine) : An engraved stone artifact found at the Paleolithic site

Ègadi Islands (Italie): Origin and Diet of the Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers

Phia Vai cave (Viet Nam): Secrets of 12,000-year-old remains

Trust' provides answer to handaxe enigma

Mediterranean islands inhabited much earlier than thought

Kathu Pan 1 (Afrique du Sud): Stone-tipped weapons dated at 500,000 years ago

Australie: Hunting or climate change? Megafauna extinction debate narrows

The Origin of America’s Clovis Culture

- Bring Ancient Voices Back to Life

British Columbia's coast (Canada): Sifting Evidence with BC's Ancient Civilization Sleuths

Pinnacle Point (Afrique du Sud): Small lethal tools have big implications for early modern human complexity

Changis-sur-Marne (France): Un mammouth et des hommes de Néandertal

Sumatra (Indonésie): Massive volcanic eruption puts past climate and people in perspective

Burke archaeologist challenges Smithsonian over Kennewick Man

Caveman Diet: Stone Age Humans Ate Less Meat Than Previously Thought

Skeletal variation among early holocene north american humans

Did the changing climate shrink Europe's ancient hippos?

Orgnac (France): Towards the Middle Palaeolithic in Western Europe

Sopochnaya Karga cape (Russie): Well-preserved mammoth carcass found

- Who Mastered Fire?

Breitenbach (Allemagne): a 35,000-year-old ivory workshop.

Olduvai Gorge (Tanzanie): Humans hunted for meat 2 million years ago

New research findings consistent with theory of impact event 12,900 years ago

Vela Spila (Croatie): Ceramic Fragments Point to Artistry in the Ice Age

- Molí del Salt (Espagne): Humans were already recycling 13,000 years ago

Topper (USA): Did a massive comet explode over Canada 12,900 years ago ?

Schöningen (Allemagne): Skilled hunters 300,000 years ago

Did Stone Age cavemen talk to each other in symbols?

Xujiacheng (Chine): New Paleolithic Site

- “Contextual areas” of early Homo sapiens and their significance for human dispersal from Africa into Eurasia between 200 ka and 70 ka

Early Cannibalism Tied to Territorial Defense?

Can Ty (Viet Nam): Archaelogists find traces of early humans in Ha Giang

Shi’bat Dihya (Yemen): Inland human settlement in southern Arabia 55,000 years ago. New evidence from the Wadi Surdud Middle Paleolithic site complex

Cornelia (Afrique du Sud): human molar and stone tools dating to about 1 million years ago

Badger Hole (USA): bison kill site excavation

Terceira Island (Portugal): Prehistoric rock art found in caves

Tell Qarassa North (Syrie): Stone Age skull-smashers spark a cultural mystery

Coopers Ferry (USA): Researchers dig fossils that may be 13,000 years old

Annamite Mountains (Laos): skull earliest example of modern human fossil in Southeast Asia

Shuidonggou (Chine): initial appearance of the late Paleolithic in Northern China

Longgupo Cave (Chine): Age of Fossil Teeth Determined With Combined ESR/U-Series

Narmada valley (Inde): centre of human evolution?

Tsidjiore Nouve Glacier (Suisse): Cold spell gripped Europe 3,000 years before 'Little Ice Age,'

Xianrendong Cave (Chine): A Prehistoric Pottery Barn

Border Cave (Afrique du Sud): L'apparition des premières cultures de chasseurs-cueilleurs modernes repoussée de 24 000 ans

- why stone age man was no Neanderthal

South Oregon (USA): The mystery of early Northwest peoples

- Vela Spila (Croatie): Archaeologists uncover Palaeolithic ceramic art

Mystery of Native Americans' arrival

Cathole Cave (G-B): oldest rock art in the British Isles?

Antelope Cave (USA): Feces fossils yield new insights into ancient diets and 'thrifty genes'

Stone Age Tools Help to Streamline Modern Manufacturing

Erongo (Namibie): domestication des caprinés dans le sud de l'Afrique

Etricourt-Manancourt (France): Sur les traces des premiers peuplements européens

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