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Prehistoire 7

Humans in The Americas 130,000 Years Ago ?

Humans Have Been Making Poison Arrows For Over 70,000 Years

Blombos Cave (Af. du Sud) :Is this 100,000-year-old hashtag the first humanmade symbol—or just a pretty decoration?

- Illinois (USA) : Dogs lived with humans 10,000 years ago

Neanderthals and Homo sapiens coexisted for less than 1000 years in the Cantabrian Region

Leang Burung 2 (Indonésie) : Humans may have occupied site earlier than previously thought

Spread of fluted-point technology in Canada's Ice-Free Corridor

Nefud (Arabie Saoudite) : Ancient middle finger found to reshape history of human migration

Machine learning algorithm suggests ancient hominin remains not part of ritualistic burial

Calvert Island (Canada) :Humans walked on a beach 13,000 years ago

Solving the mysteries of prehistoric blades

Gran Dolina (Espagne): Human dispersion through southern Europe in Early Pleistocene

Cave drawings may be evidence of first spoken language

Iberian Peninsula’s Earliest Cave Paintings Were Made by Neanderthals

Mer du Nord (Pays-Bas):Oldest ever Dutch artwork fished from the bottom of the North Sea

Doubts on Early Humans in California

Attirampakkam (Inde): Stone Tool Discovery Raises Questions About Spread of Ancient Technology

Misliya Cave (Israel):  Jawbone Fossil From Oldest Modern Human Out of Africa

Scarborough (G-B): Ancient lake reveals a colorful past

El Portalón de Cueva Mayor 'Espagne):  Early Neolithic pottery fragment with unique iconography found

Untermassfeld (Allemagne): History of humanity does not require rewriting

Jaljulia ( Israel): Half a million years ago, Homo erectus made prehistoric ‘Swiss Army knives’ here

Sanlongdong cave (Chine): Discovery of 50,000-year-old Paleolithic Remains

- Skhul Cave (Israel): Study may shed new light on dispersal of early modern humans

Mumbai (Inde): Tools trace human settlements to Middle Stone Age

- Hilazon Tachtit cave (Israel): An archaeological dig provides clues to how feasting became an important ritual

Niah Caves  (Malaisie): Evidence of early humans found in the jungles of Borneo

Shubayqa 1 (Jordanie) :   Archaeologists revise chronology of the last hunter-gatherers in the Near East

Sungir (Russie) : Adornments told about the culture of prehistoric people

Kapova cave (Russie) : Scientists have discovered an Upper Paleolithic painting of a camel in the Ural Mountains

Sculptor’s Cave G-B) : Digital exploration

Qesem Cave (Israel) : 400,000-year-old 'School of Rock' Found

- Manot Cave (Israel) : Dating the Presence of Archeological Cultures During the Upper Paleolithic

Tell Qaramel (Syrie) : Crops evolving 10 millennia before experts thought

Les grottes ornées, signe extérieur de noblesse ?

Sibudu Cave (Af. Du Sud) : 'staying longer at home' was key to stone age technology change 60,000 years ago

- Ancient humans left Africa to escape drying climate

Ornamented artifact may indicate long-distance exchange between Mesolithic communities

Subeira (Egypte) : Ancient wall markings of wild animals uncovered

Cantabria (Espagne) :  researchers discover 30,000 year-old cave paintings

Grotte du Vallonet (France) : Sur les traces des premières migrations humaines hors d'Afrique

Santa Elina (Brésil) : People may have lived in Brazil more than 20,000 years ago

Chan Hol Cave (Mexique) : Human settlement in the Americas may have occurred in the late Pleistocene

Hoyo Negro (Mexique) : Ice age era bones recovered from underwater caves

Creswell Crags (G-B) Life in last Ice Age captured in soundscape at famous archaeological site

Black Desert (Jordanie) : Wild sheep grazed14,500 years ago

Gough's cave (G-B) : Bone’s Marks Suggest a Cannibal Ritual

- Lida Ajer cave(Indonésie) : Arrival of modern humans in Southeast Asia questioned

Lida Ajer cave (Indonésie) : Early humans may have seen a supervolcano explosion up close

Nefud desert (Arabie Saoudite) :46 Prehistoric Sites with Paleolakes Discovered

Traces of adaptation and cultural diversification found among early North American stone tools

Early human's ability to survive through prolonged arid areas in southern Africa

Madjedbebe  (Australie) :  Artifacts suggest humans arrived in Australia earlier than thought

Hohle Fels Cave (Allemagne) :  Evidence of Humanity's Oldest Ropes Unearthed

Porc-Epic Cave (Ethiopie) : 40 000 year old ochre treatment points to a symbolic use

Escalante (USA) :  home to earliest use of a wild potato in North America

The Australian paleo diet: Which native animals should we be eating?

Shigir (Russie) : Beaver's teeth 'used to carve the oldest wooden statue in the world'

MerMorte (Israel) :Humans were already changing the environment 11,500 years ago

New research reveals earliest directly dated rock paintings from southern Africa

Huaca Prieta (Pérou) : Groundbreaking discovery of early human life

Porc-Epic Cave (Ethiopie) :Ochre use by Middle Stone Age humans persisted over thousands of years

Barrow Island (Australie) : Evidence of the earliest occupation of the coasts of Australia

Ledi-Geraru (Ethiopie) : Grassy beginning for earliest Homo

Movement of early humans into the Indian subcontinent

Yabroud (Syrie) : Well-traveled tool shows early humans covered vast distances

Changes in Early Stone Age tool production have ‘musical’ ties

Quest to hand down prehistoric secrets

Early culture shaped by migration and population growth

El Kherba (Algérie) :Study correlates climate change and early human activities 1.7 million years ago

Southern California (USA) : Humans in America '115,000 years earlier than thought'

Sibudu Cave (Af. du Sud) : Early evidence of Middle Stone Age projectiles found

Saline (USA) : Archaeology study of the County area continues

World's Tallest Men Trace Back to Paleolithic Mammoth Hunters

- el-Wad (Israel) :In search of the wild fava bean

Adoption Of Bow Use In Ancient Hunting May Have Set Off Societal Changes

- For early humans, cannibalism more than just a meal

We’re closer to learning when humans first daubed arrows with poison

Triquet Island (Cnada) : One of the Oldest North American Settlements Found

Origin of fluting in North American Pleistocene weaponry

Paisley (USA) : Oldest remains of insects from bed bug genus found

Sulawesi (Indonésie) :  Ice age art and ‘jewellery’ found reveal an ancient symbolic culture

Gran Dolina (Espagne) : Oldest case of bison communal hunting

Mouse in the house tells tale of human settlement

Afar (Ethiopie): Archaeologists Uncover Last Human To Die Happy

Aquitaine (France) :Evidence of craft specialisation in bead production in Upper Palaeolithic?

Coves de Santa Maira (Espagne) : an outbreak of cannibalism 10,000 years ago

Wadi Hammeh 27 (Jordanie) : Half a million miniscule stone flakes give clues to Natufian culture

Discovery of widespread platinum may help solve Clovis people mystery

- Saulges (France) : L’homme préhistorique se plaisait en Mayenne

Miasteczko Śląskie (Pologne) : Prehistoric humans mined metal 12,000 years ago

Atapuerca (Espagne) : New evidence on the diet of the ’Homo antecessor’

Where were all the women in the Stone Age?

Abri Cellier (France) :38,000-year-old engravings confirm ancient origins of technique used by Seurat, Van Gogh

Ohalo II (Israel) : Flint Sickles Prove Grain Cultivation in Galilee 23,000 Years Ago

Sharpening our knowledge of prehistory on East Africa's bone harpoons

Lethal aggression among prehistoric hunter-gatherers in central California

Clovis Culture, Ice Age Fauna Weren’t Wiped Out by Cosmic Impact

Kiowa (Nouvelle Guinée) : early humans were forced to start farming

Caverna delle Arene Candide (Italie) :  Broken pebbles offer clues to Paleolithic funeral rituals

Sibilo School Road Site (Kenya) :  Stone age trade

Abri Blanchard (France) :  38,000 year-old engravings

Humans, not climate change, wiped out Australian megafauna

Bluefish Caves (Canada): 1st traces of humans in North America 24,000 years ago

Chusang (Tibet): Tibetans Lived in Himalayas Year-Round Up to 12,600 Years Ago

Sahara (Libye): Earliest evidence discovered of plants cooked in ancient pottery

Early humans began cooking food over 800k yrs ago

Atacama (Chili): Desert may have harbored lakes, wetlands

Sima del Elefante (Espagne): Dental hygiene, caveman style

Sima del Elefante (Espagne): Europe's earliest humans did not use fire

Forensic technique reveals sex of prehistoric hand stencil artists

Development of new techniques makes it possible to date Australian Aboriginal rock art

- Tell Qarassa North (Syrie):  first to domesticate cereals