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Recherche 2011-2



 - Chimpanzees have a significant bias for prosocial behavior

 - Climate cycles are driving wars

 - Excavation at Palaeolithic site Mengwa, Luonan Basin

 - Homo erectus was first master of the kitchen: study

 - Not so fast -- researchers find that lasting evolutionary change takes about one million years

 - Brainless Mummy Revealed in 3-D Images

 - Exciting discovery about the origin of humans

 - Investigating Early Humans' Search for Food and Mates

 - Scientists shed light on the dark secret of Queen Hatshepsut's flacon

 Desert-society healers appear to have operated on skulls 2,000 years ago

 - Black Death study lets rats off the hook

 - Human precursors went to sea

 - Pig Point , Hearth dating to 7290 B.C. is discovered

 - Local archaeologists discover 8,000 year old shelter near GJ

 - Like humans, chimps are born with immature forebrains

 - Marriage across frontiers: sexual mixing, power and identity in medieval Iberia

 - Nouvelles découvertes autour de l'Homme de Pékin

 - Submerged prehistoric landscape off the north Connemara coast.

 - Caveman Zezva Has 1.8-Million-Year Grin, Forces Georgia to Rewrite History

 - Stone Age toe could redraw human family tree

 - 'Hobbit' just a deformed human?

 - Thank climate change for the rise of humans

 - Hunt for origins of beautiful Tsodilo ritual stones begins

 - La Ninas distant effects in East Africa

 - What shapes a bone?

 - Large variations in Arctic sea ice

 - Six Million Years of African Savanna

 - Chinese stone tools introduced to Japan 20,000 years ago

 - Ancient dog skull unearthed in Siberia

 - Water’s edge ancestors

Ouganda : découverte d'un crâne de grand singe agé de 20 millions d'années

 - Strength in numbers : Modern Humans 10, Neandertals 1

 - Adult femur recovered from Atapuerca's Pit of Bones

 - It's dim up north

 - Grandparents connected to success of human race

 - Australopithecus sediba : Part Ape, Part Human

 - Carving found in Gower cave could be oldest rock art

 - Mexican Anthropologists Find Evidence of Cannibalistic Tribe

 - Fast-Evolving Brains Helped Humans out of the Stone Age

 - The riddle of the Syriac double dot: The world's earliest question mark

 - UK's 'oldest' open-air cemetery discovered in Somerset

 - Debris points to lost lake sites

 - Collaboration encourages equal sharing in children but not in chimpanzees

 - Ancient footprints show human-like walking began nearly four million years ago

 - Stone Age erotic art found in Germany

 - La Signora di Introd, Contemporary of Oetzi?

 - La mâchoire articulée moderne est apparue il y a 400 millions d'années

 - Pratiques de cannibalisme à Herxheim au cours du Néolithique ancien

 - Le Texas au centre du débat sur l'origine des premiers Américains

 - Mozart may have lived longer if he had spent more time in the sun

 - CT scans unravel mysteries of Field Museum’s mummies

 - Evidence of early human occupation found in Ladakh

 - 3.000 pièces de silex datant de plus de 15.000 ans exhumées à Clérac

 - Tiny Clay Head May Have Been Used As Ancient Effigy

 - Arrow origins traced to Africa

 - Brain Endocast of Nanjing 1 Homo erectus Reconstructed

 - Social Networking -- 400 Years Ago

 - Mammoth Bones Found in Northern Mexico

 - Did Australian Aborigines Change the Weather?

 - Finding showing human ancestor older than previously thought

 - A happy life is a long one for orang-utans

 - L'homme moderne n'a pas coexisté avec son ancêtre "Homo erectus"

 - Peking man differing from modern humans in brain asymmetry

 - Découverte des plus anciens Hommes modernes du Sud-Est de l'Europe

 - Prehistoric BBQ Leftovers Found

 - Bioarchaeologist's work helps identify origins of a people

 - Why is there only one human species?

 - Shaman Whalers of Ancient Kodiak Island

 - Scientists finally determine iceman Otzi's last meal

   Iceman's Stomach Sampled—Filled With Goat Meat

 - Climate change and the people of the Mesa

 - Early human fossils unearthed in Ukraine

 - USAScientists reveal a first in Ice Age art

 - Cutting edge training developed the human brain 80 000 years ago

 - Brain surgery during Harappan civilisation?

 - Human evolution: the long, winding road to modern man

 - First Direct Fossil Evidence of Diet Differences

 - Penn team uncovers skeleton of 'world's oldest child'

 - Iceman Had Bad Teeth

 - Dawn of agriculture took toll on health

 - Bronze Age Brain Surgeons

 - Life-history traits may affect DNA mutation rates in males more than in females

 - The Cemetery of the Barbarian Warriors

 - Climate change, doomsday and the ‘inevitable’ extinction of humankind

 - New finds in Caucasus suggest non-African origin for ancient Homo species

 - Egyptian mummies hold clues to ancient air pollution

 - A Palaeolithic handaxe has been found on an Orkney beach.

 - Were ancient human migrations two-way streets?

 - Asphalt may have poisoned ancient Americans

 - Autism May Have Had Advantages in Humans' Hunter-Gatherer Past


 - Ancient hominid males stayed home while females roamed

 - Humans originated from Andamans?

 - Unique Canine Tooth from 'Peking Man' Found in Swedish Museum Collection

 - Schistosomiasis : Mummies tell history of a 'modern' plague

 - Standing Up to Fight: Does It Explain Why We Walk Upright and Why Women Like Tall Men?

 - Native population decline in the heartland of the Inca Empire following Spanish conquest

 - Early Evidence (ca. 12,000 BP) for Iron Oxide Mining on the Pacific Coast of South America

 - Egyptian princess was first person with diagnosed coronary artery disease

 - Clues to Neanderthal hunting tactics hidden in reindeer teeth

 - Les derniers néandertaliens près du cercle polaire ?

 - Neandertals, or possibly ancient people, took polar express

 - Were Neandertals and Modern Humans Just Ships in the Night?

 - Human influence comes of age

 - Prehistoric Australian Aboriginal populations were growing

 - Mysterious New Human Coexisted with Neanderthals

 - Artifacts spark debate on the Clovis culture   

 - Finding on Dialects Casts New Light on the Origins of the Japanese People

 - Dieu, fruit de l'évolution humaine?

 - A la recherche de l'ancêtre commun à l'homme moderne et à Néandertal

 - I control therefore I am: chimps self-aware, says study

 - Peking Man could have used weapons in China 700,000 years ago

 - Ancient relative of humans dubbed Nutcracker Man may have preferred to eat grass

 - En trois siècles, l'homme a plus changé qu'en des milliers d'années

 - "Monkeys, Brains, and Human Evolution: New Findings"

 - "L'homme s'est-il levé pour courir après ses proies?"

 - "Earth Recovered from Prehistoric Global Warming Faster Than Previously Thought"

 - "CT Scans Of Egyptian Mummy Help Vt. Solve Crimes"

 - "Missing parts of sphinx found in German cave"

 - "Grotto galleries show early Somali life"

 - "Chimps give birth like humans"