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Recherche 2010


 - "Coca leaves first chewed 8000 years ago"

 - "Humans caused Megafauna demise : expert"

 - "Hunters may have delivered fatal blow to mammoths"

 - " Identifying Eadgyth"

 - "Shuttle images reveal Egypt's lost great lake"

 - "Burnt city woman's face reconstructed"

 - "Quel est le propre de l'Homme ?"

 - "Battle erupts over claims for ancient butchery"

 - "Des squelettes du XVIIIe s. révèlent une épidémie de typhus venant d'Espagne"

 - "Scientists debate when Human ancestors picked up stone tools"

 - "Histoire évolutive de la peste"

 - "The brains of Neanderthals and modern humans developed differently"

 - "King Tut suffered massive chest injury"

 - "35000-year-old axe head places Aboriginal ancestors at the cutting edge of technology"

 - "Brain trumps hand in Stone Age tool study"

 - "Language and toolmaking evolved together"

 - " Beer lubricated the rise of Civilization"

 - " The fossils that could reveal how man walked out of Africa"

 - "Big finger gives away naughty Neanderthals"

 - "Europe's plagues came from China"

 - "50000 ans plus tôt qu'en Europe, Homo Sapiens maitrisait la retouche par pression en Afrique du Sud"

 - "Was death of Iron Age man at Heslington East a ritual killing ?"

 - "L'homme de Néandertal était-il un bon artisan ?"

 - "Deep African roots for toolmaking method"

 - "Out of Asia : new origin proposed for Humans, monkeys, apes."

 - "Modern humans emerged far earlier than previously thought"

 - "Ancient skulls vindicate Colombus of spreading syphilis"

 - "A setback for Neanderthal smarts ?"

 - "York's 'Headless Romans' had exotic origins and diet"

 - "Neanderthal children were large, sturdy"

 - "Un jeune Carthaginois réapparait plus de 26 siècles après sa mort"

 - "Neolithic Immigration  Part. 1" , Part. 2 , Part. 3

 - "Rotten experiments help to create picture of our early ancestors"

 - "Cancer is a man-made disease"

 - "Humans ancestors hunted by prehistoric beasts"

 - "Earliest traces of a disabled, aged human found"

 - "Cause of the big plague epidemic of Middle Ages identified"

 - "Study to reveal link between climate and early human evolution"

  - "Une langue iconnue découverte en Inde "

 - "L'homme de Neanderthal était capable d'innover et de s'adapter"

 - " Mummy tattoos hint at ancient Andean acupuncture"

 - "Quand le macaque réfléchit à son miroir"

 - "Did Australian Aborigines reach America first ?"

 -"Post-cranial skeletons of hypothyroid cretins show a similar anatomical mosaic as Homo floresiensis"

 - "Stonehenge boy was from the Med"

 - "Nouvelle méthode pour déterminer le régime alimentaires"

 - "Neanderthals more advanced than previously thought"

 - "Stone tools change Migration story"

 - "Volcanoes wiped out the Neanderthals ?"

 -"Undersea cave yields one of oldest skeletons in America"

 - "Australian Aborigines 'world's first astronomers"

 - "Le 'charognage raisonné' des pré-Néandertaliens

 -"Vergina Tomb Twister : Skeleton may be Alexander the Great's father"

 - "Lead poisoning in Samoirai kids linked to mom's makeup"

 - "Religious ceremony forces fish to evolve or die"

 - "Mummy whisperer rejuvenates the dead"

 - "Decouverte en Galilée des restes d'un festin datant de 12000 ans "

 - "Evolving culture : where do we go from here ?"   (J.Palca / NPR)


 - " Researchers offer alternate theory for found skull's assymetry"  (University Park)

 - "Discovery Ages Antibiotics 2000 years"

 - "First cannibals ate each other for extra nutrition"  (Discovery news)


 - "Did humans make tools or did tools make humans ?"   (DiscoverMagazine)


 - " Traces of a lost langage and number system discovered in the north coast of Peru"  (American Anthropologist)

 - "From grunding to gabbing : why humans can talk"  (K. Masterson / NPR)


 - "Cannibal cavemen of Spain uncovered"

 - "Freedom of neck played major role in human brain evolution" (Science Daily)


 - "When did we become mentally modern ?"  (A. Spiegel / NPR)


 - "From primitive parts, a highly evolved human brain" (J.Hamilton / NPR)


 - "Archaeology and Human Evolution" (Tryon - Pobiner - Kauffman)

 - "Ancient bone find may change Filipins history"  (AFP)

 - "Food for thought : meat-based diet made us smarter" (C.Joyce / NPR)


 - "Armed and deadly : shoulder, weapons key to hunt"  (C.joyce/ NPR)


 - "Notes from an excavation"  Ngandong, Indonesia (R.L.Ciochon / University of Iowa / Nature)


 - "Les ancêtres de 'la Mujer de Las Palmas' vevaient-ils d'Asie du Sud-est ?"

 - "Scientists give Bronze Age Gristhorpe Man a face and voice"


 - "A handy bunch : tools, thumbs helped us thrive"  (C.Joyce/ NPR)


 - "Animal connection : new hypothesis for Human evolution and Human nature" (ScienceDaily)


 - "Fast feet : a springy step helps humans walk"  (C.Joyce / NPR)


 - " Découverte d'un nouveau primate en Arabie Saoudite"  (AFP)

 - "Baby brain growth reflects Human evolution"  (LiveScience)


 - "Baby steps : learning to walk, the Hominid way"  (C.Joyce / NPR)


 - "Scanner d'une momie hongroise vieille de 200 ans"  (California Science Center)

 - "Amputation réussie d'un bras en 4900 av JC."

 - "Neandertal males had Popeye-like arms"  (M. Mednikova / Russian Academy of Sciences /J.Viegas)

 - "More accurate technique to determine sex of skeletal remains" (North Carolina University)

 - "Ancient language connection between Asia and North America"  (Western Washington University)

 - "L'utilisation des os des défunts pour la fabrication d'objets"

 - "Man-made global warning started with ancient hunters"  (American Geophysical Union)


 - "ASU bioarchaeologist challenges King Tut royal mummy findings"  (Arizona State University)

 - "Date de la divergence entre la lignée Neandertal et celle de l'Homo Sapiens"  (A. Gomez Robles / CENIEH / Université de Grenade

 - "Fossil discovery confirms Advanced Human-Like Walking is Ancient"   (Cleveland Museum of National History)

 - "Bones from a Cheddar Gorge cave show that cannibalism helped Britain's settlers survive the ice age"  (Robin McKie)

  - African Population History  (Pennsylvania University)

  - "Testing Evolutionary and Dispersion Scenarios for the settlement of the New World"  (M.Hubbe/W.Neves/ K/Harvati)

 - "Evolutionary Road, Ethiopie : Middle Awash"   (National Geographic)