01 - 02 AOÛT 2010


 - 02 AOÛT :

 - CANADA : LeBer-LeMoyne - Les travaux de recherche souterraine ont repris sur le site historique LeBer-LeMoyne de Lachine. Le Musée de Lachine, en collaboration avec les archéologues d’Archéotec, poursuit ainsi les efforts entrepris en 1998 afin de relever les traces laissées par les êtres humains qui ont fréquenté ou habité le site depuis 2000 ans. Le site LeBer-LeMoyne de Lachine est un témoin majeur des événements qui ont marqué l’Île de Montréal, le Québec et, autrefois, la Nouvelle-France.


 - CHINE : Two fossilised horse bones with cuneiform inscriptions have been found in China, carved with extracts from the Cyrus Cylinder. They were initially dismissed as fakes because of the improbability of ancient Persian texts turning up in Beijing. But following new research, British Museum specialist Irving Finkel is now convinced of their authenticity. This discovery looks set to transform our knowledge about what is arguably the most important surviving cuneiform text, written in the world’s earliest script. Dating from 539BC, the Cyrus Cylinder was ceremonially buried in the walls of Babylon. Its text celebrates the achievements of Cyrus the Great, ruler of the Persian empire. The clay cylinder was excavated by BM archaeologists in 1879 and sent to London, where it is one of the museum’s most important antiquities. The texts found in China inexplicably have fewer than one in every 20 of the Cyrus text’s cuneiform signs transcribed, although they are in the correct order. The two inscribed bones were donated to the Palace Museum in Beijing in 1985.


 - FRANCE : Foix - Un défi un peu fou : explorer le rocher du château de Foix. 27 grottes  se cachent sous le château. 19 d'entre elles possèdent leur lot de richesses, identifiées et datées du Magdalénien au Moyen âge, en passant par le Gallo-Romain. Les vestiges sont nombreux:  monnaies romaines du IIIe siècle, tessons de poteries romaines et moyenâgeuses, ossements, silex et quartzites et  un cheval gravé datant de 10 000 ans avant J.C.


 - BULGARIE : St Ivan Island - Last week it was reported that excavations on St Ivan island, the largest of five Bulgarian islands in the Black Sea, discovered artefacts and exquisite marble reliquary incorporated into the church’s altar. It was subsequently revealed that the archaeologists found an exquisite reliquary – a relic urn – built in the altar of an ancient church bearing the name of St. John the Baptist. The urn, which was opened on August 1, contained small bones from the arm and leg of the saint.Once the island was converted to Christianity, a monastical complex was built between the 5th-6th century on top of the ruins of the old Roman temple, including the Basilica of the Mother of God. Around the 7th-9th century, the basilica was abandoned only to be reconstructed in the 10th century. The Monastery of John the Forerunner and the Baptist grew into an important centre of Christianity in the region.


 - CHILI : Easter Island - Dr Karina Croucher from The University of Manchester says her research backs a growing body of opinion which casts new light on the people living on the island of Rapa Nui, named ‘Easter Island’ by its discoverers in 1722. “Easter Islanders’ ancestors have been unfairly accused by Westerners of being primitive and warlike, for toppling statues - or moai - and for over-exploiting the island’s natural resources,” she said. But the art which adorns Easter Island’s landscape, volcanoes and statues, body tattoos and carved wooden figurines, when examined together, show a different picture of what the islanders were like, according to Dr Croucher.“The carved designs - including birds, sea creatures, canoes and human figures - mimic natural features already visible in the landscape and show their complex relationship to the natural environment,” she said. “Visitors brought disease, pests and slavery, resulting in the tragic demise of the local population and culture.


 - ROYAUME-UNI : Forden - A team of archaeologists are to investigate what might be a rare 5th Century Saxon hall or palace in Powys. Aerial photographs and preliminary excavations have revealed a post-Roman settlement. Large post holes, which would have formed the foundations for a large building, have also been discovered. There's speculation it could be a Saxon long house or palace and if that's the case it would be a significant find. The building would have been a very large timber hall and possibly a palace. It measured 40m by 15m from aerial photos. If it was a Saxon building then it would only be the second of its type in Wales to be unearthed.


 - ALLEMAGNE :  Kesslerloch - Des chercheurs allemands sont parvenus à dater une mâchoire de chien retrouvée sur le site archéologique du Kesslerloch (SH). Vieille de plus de 14 000 ans, elle remporte la palme du plus vieux fossile de chien clairement identifié. Comme l'écrivent Hannes Napierala et Hans-Peter Uerpmann dans la revue "International Journal of Osteoarchaeology", le chien en question a vécu il y a environ 14'100 à 14'600 ans. "A cette époque, les humains étaient encore des chasseurs-cueilleurs". Le Kesslerloch est un des plus importants sites européens de la culture dite du Magdalénien (-17'000 à -10'000 ans), à la fin de l'ère glaciaire. La grotte servait probablement de quartier d'été à des chasseurs de rennes. Les fouilles effectuées à la fin du 19e siècle ont permis de retrouver plusieurs milliers d'artefacts datant de 14'000 à 12'000 ans avant notre ère, outils, pointes de projectiles et objets d'art. Le plus célèbre est la gravure de "renne broutant" sur un bâton percé en bois de renne.


 - FRANCE : Bordeaux - Une équipe de l'Institut de recherches archéologiques préventives (Inrap) fouille une aire de 650 mètres carrés située rue du rempart Saint-Claude. Les archéologues ont découvert des rues, superposées les unes sur les autres, dont les plus vieilles remontent à l'époque médiévale. La première mention du quartier apparaît au XIIe, mais son origine est certainement plus ancienne. On sait que ce site était dédié à l'exploitation des marais salants, une des principales richesses de l'époque, qui faisait l'intérêt de la ville. Il était donc sûrement déjà occupé avant l'an mille. Le secteur étudié n'a pas été choisi par hasard. C'est là que se trouvait la première porte Saint-Nicolas, laquelle commandait l'un des accès de la ville au Moyen-Âge.


 - ROYAUME -UNI : Fife - A medieval cross discovered chiselled into a farm wall in Fife could be 13th century holy graffiti, experts have claimed. The cross is thought to have been left by a pilgrim on his way to Dunfermline Abbey, around half a mile from where it was found. Experts are unsure exactly why the cross was made on the stone, which was later used to build the wall, but they believe it may have been put there to mark a pilgrim's journey to visit the tomb of Saint Margaret, who was buried at the abbey in 1093. She was canonised in the year 1250 by Pope Innocent IV in recognition of her personal holiness, fidelity to the Church, work for religious reform and charity. Because of St Margaret, Dunfermline became a place of pilgrimage.


 - ISLANDE : Skriduklaustur-A skeleton from a person who suffered from the Paget’s disease of bone was unearthed this week during an archeological excavation project at Skriduklaustur in east Iceland, where a monastery was once operated. “We know now that a hospital was operated in the monastery from 1490 to 1550, which makes it the oldest hospital in Iceland. So far, 185 skeletons have been excavated . “We have found many cases of syphilis and tuberculosis but this one is different as the disease causes overgrowth and deformation of the bones.”


 - FRANCE : Paris - Le Louvre  ouvre ses salles grecques réaménagées.  Le parcours a été repensé. Il y en a un géographique et un autre thématique. Ce premier circuit unit la grande sculpture à la céramique en relief, aux monnaies ou aux fragments architecturaux. La diversité y gagne. Le second trajet tourne, lui, autour de la représentation des divinités. Représentations d’époque romaines, précisons-le. A part les reliefs du Parthénon, qui attendent encore leur salle, le Louvre ne conserve aucun original des Ve et IVe siècles av. J.-C.


 - 01 AOÛT :

 - UNESCO - Quinze  nouveaux sites -et deux extensions- classés au patrimoine mondial.

