INSCRIPTION 2012 / Session III : Juillet 2012
REGISTRATION 2012 / Term III : July 2012
– Al-Ahsa - A rare pottery jug that dates back to the pre-Islamic era was found recently in the Al Ahsa municipality. This was the first time that a relic of such historic importance was located in the Al Ahsa municipality. Chance alone had led citizen Omar Ba Obaid to find this relic, while he was digging the foundation of his house in the village of Al Taraf, east of Al Ahsa. He found it stuck to the base of the wall. He said that, he then contacted his relative, who in turn notified the Antiquities Office.
Estakhr - A team of Iranian and Italian archaeologists is slated to study ancient sites of the southern city of Estakhar in the Iranian province of Fars. A group of archaeological experts from Italy will conduct a series of studies in the ancient city of Estakhr, said director of the Iranian Center for Archaeological Research (ICAR) Mahmoud Mir-Eskandari. “The Italian group will use advanced equipments giving Iranian experts the chance to become acquainted with high-tech tools used in this field,” he added. The joint team will excavate the city for 45 days seeking probable signs of early mosques and ancient ruins, said Mir-Eskandari. Estakhr is an ancient city located five kilometers north of Persepolis which was a prosperous city during the Achaemenid era. The new team is also planning to study the Sassanid city of Bishpur and several other cities in Fars province, Mir-Eskandari noted. The ruins of Bishapur have been recently introduced to be registered on UNESCO’s World Heritage List.
Monticello - Monticello archaeologists have discovered two previously unknown archaeological sites that contain nineteenth century artifacts, including remains of slave homes—some from Jefferson’s time. The sites were discovered in April at Tufton, historically significant as one of Thomas Jefferson’s four quarter farms located about a mile and a quarter east of Monticello. A preliminary assessment of the artifacts indicates the earlier of the two sites was occupied in the first few decades of the nineteenth century, most likely by enslaved field laborers who worked on the Tufton farm. Archaeologists recovered significant Jefferson-era artifacts including: a padlock, which matches one found on Mulberry Row, a glass bead, a slate pencil, a metal coat button, along with scores of datable ceramic sherds in refined English earthenwares and some Chinese porcelain. The second site contains artifacts that date from the mid through late-nineteenth century and contains above-ground remains of at least two houses: a stone foundation and a brick chimney stack. This indicates that after Jefferson’s death and the sale of his slaves to pay his debts, the site was occupied by slaves belonging to Tufton’s subsequent owners, the Macons, who acquired the tract in 1833. The earlier site also contains artifacts from the Macon period. The Jefferson-era remains on the earlier site will give archaeologists an opportunity to assess how the material lives of slaves living on an outlying quarter farm compared to the lives of enslaved domestic workers and artisans living on Mulberry Row and enslaved field hands who cultivated the fields of Monticello Mountain and lived on its slopes. The later nineteenth-century remains offer the possibility of studying how the material lives of slaves changed from Jefferson’s time up to the Civil War, and then again after emancipation. The archaeological sites are significant in size. The site with earlier artifacts measures about 875 by 500 feet, the later 750 by 200 feet.
Craig - Dr. Jan J. Roth, of the Sundance Research Institute, said he's about to embark on a project that has renewed his passion for archaeology and paleontology — the discovery of what he believes are the remains of a Columbian Mammoth inside city limits. The Columbian Mammoth, a slightly larger cousin of the Woolly Mammoth, roamed from Alaska to South America beginning one million years ago, Roth said. It’s believed the animal, standing more than 14 feet tall at the shoulder and weighing anywhere from eight to 10 tons, became extinct approximately 12,500 years ago.
Jamestown - Archaeology this summer at Historic Jamestowne will fast forward to explore the Civil War fort and bomb shelter on the island. Archaeologists will also explore a possible site of barracks for common soldiers near the east palisade. With next month’s 150th commemoration of the Battle of Williamsburg, archaeologists will continue work on the bomb-proof room, part of Fort Pocahontas, the Civil War fort constructed in 1861. Fort Pocahontas is one of five forts built on the island during the Civil War. It was raised by Capt. William Allen and his own troops and slaves in April 1861. Eventually, the Confederate Army stationed more than 1,200 men at the fort with the mission of blocking Union ships from moving up the James River toward Richmond, the Confederate capital. Along with numerous Civil War artifacts, archaeologists have uncovered the remains of a bomb shelter and powder magazine that were part of the fort. Although Fort Pocahontas never came under attack, archaeological evidence indicates the bomb shelter collapsed at some point. The fort and earthworks were first uncovered in 2004. Last summer the archaeologists found sand bag markings and wooden beams that supported the roof of the bomb shelter. The shelter was about 12 feet wide and at least 18 feet long. Fort Pocahontas was evacuated in May 1862 and the troops transfered to locations closer to Richmond.
Peakirk - Peakirk residents turned their gardens into archaeological dig sites. Dozens of artefacts – including a fine array of Roman pots, remnants of medieval walls and even animal bones – were found in the gardens of the 37 households who took part. Dr Lewis said: “It has been a brilliant day. Everyone in Peakirk embraced the event and they have found some interesting things. “Within the first hour we had already found lots of Anglo Saxon and medieval things that go back 1,000 years. “To put that in perspective, earlier in the week we were in Norfolk for two days and only found two bits of medieval pottery.”
ROYAUME UNI – Northampton - Archaeologists hope to uncover up to 1,000 years of Northampton’s history when they investigate a building site on the west of the town. A dig on the latest phase of the Upton development is planned to take place next month. Early examinations of the nine- acre site have suggested there could be both Iron Age and Roman finds beneath the ground. Steve Parry, from Northamptonshire Archaeology, said: “The exciting thing about this project is that it gives us the opportunity to look at quite an extensive area. “And we believe occupation on the site runs from the early Iron Age through to the end of the Roman period. So it’s getting on for 1,000 years of settlement and farming on the site.” Initial tests on the site, which were carried out more than a decade ago, suggest there could be a road buried beneath the ground with a number of buildings facing onto it. It is believed the buildings could have been a suburb of the Roman settlement of Duston.
USA – Lincoln - Interesting clues to life in Lincoln during the 1870s likely are buried under the rubble of the demolished Watson-Brickson Lumber building. About 35 single, working men are believed to have lived in a boardinghouse at that location 140 years ago. So there could be information about what an 1870s boardinghouse looked like; how big it was; what the men ate; what they wore; and what they might have done in their spare time.