Dreamer’s Bay - Threatened archaeological remains were investigated and recorded along the shoreline at Dreamer’s Bay, on the south coast of the Akrotiri peninsula, the British Bases announced on Thursday. “Excavations were carried out by a team of archaeologists from the University of Leicester last month. They exposed masonry wall foundations with concentrations of pottery and other material at various points along more than 500 metres of shoreline. These are all being eroded, especially by wave action during winter storms. The walls most likely represent warehouses pertaining to the known ancient harbour at Dreamer’s Bay,” a statement by the British Bases said. “From the masses of pottery fragments surrounding the structural remains, the buildings appear to be of late Roman to early Byzantine date (probably AD 300-600).” “The work rapidly established that the archaeological remains are considerably more extensive and complex than previous survey had revealed, although at the moment the remains all seem to represent a single phase of occupation. A number of additional walls were identified suggesting that at least one of the buildings fronted onto a courtyard area, facing onto what had been a small inlet suitable for lesser water craft. Most of the recorded walls were, as expected, heavily truncated by erosion to foundation level, and in places were completely lost. However, some areas with deeper intact deposits were also identified, offering hope of survival of much more informative floor levels for future exploration,” they added. Inspection of the ground immediately behind the eroded shoreline also identified more unrecorded wall lines detectable on the surface, again promising better survival of intact archaeological deposits.
USA – Piedmont - Archaeologists are racing to recover artifacts from a campground in Piedmont before a construction project to build a service road over the land begins. The archaeologists, who are from the South Dakota State Historical Society and Archaeological Research Center, began digging in late August and are expected to wrap up their excavation in the next couple of weeks. The site is located next to a natural spring near the Tilford Gulch Campground. Among the items found is a late prehistoric arrow point that dates back to a few hundred years, as well as a fragment of a dart point that resembles other points found in the Black Hills and is around 2,000 years old. David Williams, a senior archaeologist for the dig, and his team have also found a lot of debris from stones used for cooking, flakes and shatter from flint knapping. The researchers have even found a few tools like scrapers used for cleaning hide, and fire-cracked rock, which could have been used for heating features or cooking in a hut. It also can be naturally formed from a forest fire, Williams added.
Rhodes - This movement wants to revive the Colossus of Rhodes. According to the official website for the Colossus of Rhodes Project, the endeavor was made not out of just wanting to restore one of the Seven Wonders of the World, but to help the people who have greatly suffered in Greece’s failing economy. Collaborating with archaeological-cultural institutions and travel agencies, Rhodes architect Ari A. Palla wants to put the Colossus of Rhodes back on the map. By reviving the ancient statue honoring the ancient Greek mythological gods of victory, it would serve as a port-of-entry for three continents, attracting millions of visitors each year. the Colossus of Rhodes is the last of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World to be completed back in 280 B.C.E. by Chares of Lindos. The island it was built on (known as Rhodes, of course) has a history of being conquered. Back in 357 B.C.E., its first record of being conquered was by Mausolus of Halicarnassus. That reign would be short-lived as 17 years later, the Persians took over the island in 340 B.C.E. Finally, it was captured by Alexander the Great in 332 B.C.E. The one battle that would bring forth the building of the Colossus of Rhodes was back in 305 B.C.E. when Antigonus sent his son Demetrius to capture Rhodes for forming an alliance with Egypt through Ptolemy I. Demetrius arrived with 40,000 men ready to take over. However, Ptolemy sent a relief force of ships one year later which forced Antigonus’ army to abandon the siege. In the process, they also left behind most of their siege equipment as well. To celebrate, the Rhodians sold the siege equipment for money to be used to build a huge statue honoring the mythological Greek sun god Helios. The statue was made to honor him but was also meant to honor other mythological Greek gods associated with victory and triumph. The Colossus of Rhodes did not last the test of time as it fell after 56 years. Its destruction wasn’t by the hands of invaders, but by an earthquake that hit Rhodes in 226 B.C.E. The statue broke off at the knees and toppled over, shattering into numerous pieces. The ruins of the Colossus of Rhodes would remain untouched until 654 C.E. when Arabs invaded and supposedly melted down the remains to be used for coins, tools, and weapons. As of now, the Colossus Rhodes Project is just a proposal. Revival of the Seventh Wonder of the Ancient World have not gone through planning, purchasing, or contracts. Until the proposal is accepted, this project will merely remain a dream for the people of Rhodes.