03 JUILLET 2017 NEWS: Akra - Kirk Michael - Vancouver -






RUSSIE1172115 Akra - Archaeologists from the St. Petersburg-based Institute of Material Culture have set off on an expedition to explore and map out the ancient underwater city of Akra known as the Crimean Atlantis. "Our task is to produce the city’s topographic plan. We have some landmarks near the coastline but the rest is terra incognita," Sergei Solovyov, the expedition’s head, told TASS on Friday. "We brought along new sonars to work with in deep waters," he added. Akra, once a prosperous city in eastern Crimea, belonged to the Bosporus Kingdom and submerged some 2,000 years ago. The archaeologists examined two walls and a tower during their previous expeditions and also found the remains of residential buildings.


ROYAUME UNI86033729 86033723 wind 29 Kirk Michael - An archaeological dig to investigate prehistoric burial mounds in Kirk Michael will start on Sunday (July 2).The dig is part of a project, called Round Mounds of the Isle of Man, jointly led by Dr Rachel Crellin, who is from Port Erin, but now works at Leicester University.’The first year of the project involved desk-based research on prehistoric burials and their location in the landscape, geophysical surveys at a small number of sites, and the first modern osteological analysis of the Neolithic and Bronze Age skeletal remains from the island. Dr Fowler said: ’More than 160 prehistoric round mounds are known in the island, but very few have been excavated by archaeologists using modern techniques. The project will discover any remains of prehistoric activity that survive at the site of these two mounds and this will add to the ongoing study led by myself and Dr Crellin investigating all of the known round mounds and other Bronze Age burial sites in the Isle of Man.


CANADA – Vancouver - Clam gardens are man-made rock walls built by the Coast Salish First Nations which are used to improve the productivity of butter clams.  The clam garden at Russell Island is at least 1,000-years-old. For several years, Parks Canada has been working with local First Nations to restore two clam gardens on Russell Island and Fulford Bay on Salt Spring Island.  Parks Canada has deployed their underwater archaeology team this week where they will retrieve small samples of the base wall to determine the depth and age of the gardens.  The structures can only be seen a few times of the year during very low tides. 

VIDEO = http://www.cheknews.ca/archaeology-team-works-with-local-first-nations-to-determine-age-depth-of-ancient-clam-gardens-342283/
