Kapitolias - A winepress facility dating back 1,400 years has been discovered by Polish archaeologists at a site in the ancient city Kapitolias in northern Jordan.“The city was famous for its wine production in the Byzantine and early Islamic periods,” prof. Jolanta Młynarczyk, the director in charge of the excavations conducted on behalf of the Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology at the University of Warsaw, told the PAP news agency. "The finding is not surprising to us, but draws attention to the workmanship of the whole complex,” Młynarczyk said. During excavations, archaeologists uncovered a 7m rectangular pool lined with mosaics, but have not been able to unearth it in its entirety. The pool's walls were covered with mortar, while low walls divided the pool into smaller sections. Młynarczyk said the tank was designed for the storage of ripe grapes and extraction of the juice.,Polish-archaeologists-discover-1400yearold-winepress-in-Jordan
Plomelin - Les vestiges de la villa gallo-romaine implantée en surplomb des thermes du Pérennou, à Plomelin, ont retrouvé leurs anges gardiens. L'équipe d'archéologues qui fouille le site depuis 2014 reprend ses quartiers pour un mois, avec allant et sans pression : ils ont obtenu trois années supplémentaires pour conforter leurs thèses. Grand beau temps, hier après-midi, au-dessus du site de fouilles archéologiques de Gorré-Bodivit, voisin des thermes du Pérennou. « C'est juste de l'organisation, ça ! », rigole Jean-Charles Arramond, du service régional d'archéologie de la Direction régionale des affaires culturelles (Drac). Déjà trois ans que lui et Sophie Casadebaig, chef du service départemental d'archéologie, reviennent traîner leurs guêtres, chaque fin de printemps, aux abords d'une ferme gallo-romaine qui dormait sous des remblais depuis 1834, année au cours de laquelle une première campagne de fouilles avait été menée. Il y a là au moins huit tonnes de moellons qui serviront ensuite à remonter les fondations de la villa. Cette dernière - ou plutôt ses ruines - a passé l'hiver au sec sous une large bâche de protection. Le premier acte a consisté à débâcher. Les vestiges de la ferme gallo-romaine, en forme de U, ont retrouvé la lumière. L'aile ouest, qui avait essentiellement occupé l'équipe en 2014, est bien dégagée. « Nous avons eu accès au niveau sous-jacent. Nous avons découvert ce que nous pressentions : quelques vestiges appartenaient à un édifice antérieur. Ils ont été construits par-dessus. Nous allons finir son étude », commente Sophie Casadebaig. L'aile est, elle, attend encore son heure, car le couloir reliant l'ouest et l'est demande beaucoup d'investissement. Il est long de 40 m, et large de 2,40 m, avec des murs qui semblent indiquer des pièces étagées, « qui réinterrogent sur le fait que la villa ait pu avoir plusieurs niveaux », continue Sophie Casadebaig. Le programme du mois à venir prévoit aussi que les archéologues s'attaquent à la cour située entre les deux barres du U. « Selon les textes, elle était pavée », se souvient Sophie Casadebaig.
Ereğli - An ancient stela last March in the Central Anatolian province of Konya’s Ereğli district has been lost, while claims emerged that the 2,700-year-old late Hittite-era stela had been sold for 6 million Turkish Liras in the southern province of Adana. The priceless stela, discovered during construction work on Ereğli’s Anafartalar Street, has similar features with the famous İvriz relief, located 15 kilometers southeast of Ereğli. Many people in Ereğli have photos of the stela but its fate is currently unknown and everyone is curious of its whereabouts. It was also claimed that a complaint was filed against the sale of the stela. The Ereğli Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office launched an investigation about the issue and ordered for confidentiality during the investigation. Many people in Ereğli have been named in connection to the smuggling of the artifact but so far nobody has been detained. In a photo of the stela, which shows a paper dated March 1, it can be seen it is larger than 2 meters. Considering the photo, archaeologist Nezih Başgelen said, “This is a typical example of stelas that we see in the late Hittite era. The scene on the stela is the same with the famous Ivriz rock relief. The artifact also has similar features with the Ambarderesi relief in the skirts of the Taurus Mountains.”
Mandalay - The Mandalay City Development Committee (MCDC) instructed a team carrying out restorations on Siamese King Uthumphon’s tomb to stop working until a further investigation could be carried out on the remains held inside. There is little proof that the ashes and the urn belong to King Uthumphon. Because we need to do a DNA test and other investigations, the work must stop during this process.
Kato Paphos - Work to clean up Kato Paphos was bought to a grinding halt on Thursday morning after the discovery of two ancient tombs in the heart of the area. Paphos municipality employees were carrying out work to remove illegal buildings, clear rubbish and generally tidy up the area as part of the mayor’s campaign to present a better image, when they made the discovery. The tombs were discovered at the previous site of Splash, situated between Ayiou Antoniou (Bar) Street and Poseidonos Avenue, which operated as an outdoor bar. According to workers at the site, they immediately told private workmen, also at the site undertaking work for the bar owner, to cease work and leave until the authorities decide what action to take. Earlier this year, the bar was torched and police said the 20-by-20 metre wood and metal structure was completely destroyed by a deliberately set fire. Once uncovered, it was obvious that the tomb had previously been discovered, as a stone placed above it clearly writes ‘TOMB’ in English. An archaeologist from the Department of Antiquities confirmed to the Cyprus Mail that the tomb is not a new discovery and that it was found more than 30 years ago. “This tomb was uncovered in the past, in the 1980s and there are numerous tombs like this in Kato Paphos. It was covered over, as many of them are. There are so many tombs along that road, and it’s nothing new, and this is not a new find.” However, work at the site had to stop for authorities to visit it and determine what action could be taken. A municipality worker said: “We were doing some work here, we found these two tombs and stopped immediately and also told the others to stop as well. We’re not allowed to go down into the tomb and are waiting for the mayor or a representative to visit the site and tell us what to do.” Recently, six tombs were uncovered during upgrading works in the area. Tombs were found close to the police station and then next to the kafenio, opposite the town hall. The spokesman for the municipality said: “This kind of thing can be found everywhere in Paphos, but it’s strange that it was discovered and presumably offered as an attraction and then covered over. It would be better to keep it visible and covered with a special glass, so that visitors may also see.”