Swords Castle - On Saturday 20th February, Fingal County Council, presented the first results from its community archaeology programme at Swords Castle – Swords Castle: Digging History. A range of experts presented findings from the month long dig which took place in August and September 2015. Speakers included archaeologist Christine Baker who designed and led Swords Castle: Digging History. Christine commended the input of over 100 volunteers in the success of the project, a highlight was the finding of two medieval floor tiles, which indicates the high-status of Swords Castle as a residence of the Archbishop of Dublin. Other finds from the excavation included over 6000 fragments of animal and fish bone, shows that the Castle was an important centre for food preparation. The food theme was also reflected in the presentation by Dr. Meriel McClatchie who analysed seeds and grains from the site. Meriel emphasised the quantity of this material recovered which suggests that wheat and other crops were being brought to the Castle from the surrounding rich agricultural lands and processed in large quantities. This is not surprising because, as an Archbishops’ residence, the Castle was the administrative headquarters for much of the commercial and social activity in the town and surrounding countryside. Archaeologist Siobhan Duffy revealed many of the small finds from the site which included an interesting collection of clay pipes. Pipes dated from the late 17th or early 18th century right up to the late 19th century from a variety of manufacturers in Dublin and beyond. Siobhan highlighted a fragment from a very small clay pipe which she suggested was made for children to blow bubbles! Dr. Linda Lynch then discussed human remains from the site and how archaeologists use these finds to give us valuable information about how people lived and died in medieval Swords. Finally, County Architect, Fionnuala May discussed the Council’s future plans for the Castle and emphasised the importance of the community excavation in adding to our knowledge of the site and assisting in the future development of the Castle.
Kovachevsko Kale - The archaeological excavations of the Late Roman and Early Byzantine fortress of Kovachevsko Kale, which is located near the town of Popovo in Northern Bulgaria, have so far led to the discoveryof coins of a total of 42 Roman and Byzantine emperors and a number of other rulers from theAntiquity period. These include also coins of six empresses, commemorative coins of the cities Rome and Constantinople, barbarian coins, government-issued fake Roman and Byzantine coins, and a fewbronze coins of King Philip II of Macedon and Emperor Alexander I the Great, Popovo Municipality and the Popovo Museum of History have announced based on analysis of latest and pastarchaeological finds. The coin finds are from allarchaeological excavations atKovachevsko Kale since the start of regular digs there in 1990. A total of more than 4,500 Roman, Byzantine and other ancient coins have been discovered at the fortress nearPopovo so far, with the largest number of coins, over 2,400, having been in 2,400 when the Popovo Museum of History participated in the most large-scale archaeological excavations atKovachevsko Kale. The Kovachevsko Kale Fortress is believed to have been built between 308 and 324 AD, during the reigns of Roman Emperors Constantine I the Great (r. 306-337 AD), and Licinius (r. 308-324 AD) who ruled the Roman Empiretogether as rivaling Augusti under the Tetrarchy system.
Le Caire - Minister of Antiquities, Dr. Mamdouh Eldamaty, announced the beginning of excavation works, archaeological and cadastral survey at the mosque of Sultan Hassan which started at the morning today by a teamwork from the Ministry of Antiquities using the robot which has been granted by a German engineer to the Ministry last January. Eldamaty clarified that, the mosque is suffering from a land slide, and the robot will be used to know the reason behind this slide. Proposals suggest that older buildings remains might be found, as the document of the mosque construction indicates, it was built over the remains of other buildings which belong to previous ages.
Barry - Overgrown Roman remains face being wrecked by plant roots unless work is carried out to rescue the relics, an archaeologist has warned. The site was excavated in 1980. Work revealed the remnants of a 20-odd room building with a courtyard in the middle. “Work to replace fencing, which is simply a few hours work, has not materialised and the site is fenced off,” Karl-James said. “The information boards at the site are also in a poor state. “More importantly the conserved Roman walls now face plant roots destroying them, and eventually the loss of a nationally important set of remains.”