Adelaïde - A painstaking dig in the heart of the Adelaide CBD, at a Waymouth St site earmarked for an apartment development, has uncovered the structural remains of the “new” Queen’s Theatre, built in the mid to late 1840s. The 21-day project, completed on Thursday, also revealed a tavern, a tobacco importer’s warehouse, a horse bazaar and a deep well. Excavation director Guadalupe Cincunegui said her team had unearthed artefacts covering more than 150 years of history. They include thousands of tobacco pipes, champagne bottles, ceramics and a beautiful water bottle, providing vital information not found in written records. One was a fragment of a Willow-pattern ceramic — Willow being a Chinese-style ceramic pattern popular in late 18th century England. Ms Cincunegui identified it from the faintest of faded marks on what was once most likely a decorative plate. Enough artefacts to fill more than 100 boxes will now be sorted.
Lyrboton Kome - Archaeologists have discovered Anatolia's oldest olive oil press, dating back 2,000 years, in the Lyrboton Kome settlement located near the southern Turkish city of Antalya. Akdeniz University Archaeology professor, Nevzat Çevik, explained that the Lyboton Kome Ancient City was a unique production center with the presence of high-capacity olive oil plants. Perhaps one of the most revelations, Çevik explained, was that a woman founded many of the olive oil facilities. Çevik said that a woman named Arete, meaning "honor," established the settlement itself."This woman was the owner of the settlement. She had the tower built and dedicated to the Emperor Domitian and Perge Artemis. And the most important thing is that she institutionalized production by founding olive oil facilities."
Gadag - A rift between a landlord and workers over the sharing of treasure found while digging a construction site, has led to the seizure of 82 ancient gold coins reportedly belonging to the period of the Vijayanagar empire in Gadag district. The gold coins, kept in a clay pot, were found while digging the land belonging to Jyothi Hiremath of Mulagund of Gadag district. The coins reportedly date back to the 15th century with the name Pratapa Krishna Raya (another name of Sri Krishnadevaraya) inscribed in Devanagari script on one side and images of Lord Krishna, Lord Ganesh, an elephant and a camel on the other side. Some of the coins don’t have any images on either side. According to experts the coins were in circulation during the period of Sri Krishnadevaraya, who is said to have got Veeranarayana Temple built in Gadag. Considering the significance of the find, the Archaeology Department officials have planned to conduct further excavation at the site.
Cap Fear - Plunge into history with Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson’s newest exhibit, a colonial-era toilet bowl now on display at the site’s museum. This circa 1760s artifact is possibly the first archaeological evidence of indoor plumbing in the lower Cape Fear region, according to Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson State Historic Site Manager Jim McKee. It’s the latest addition to the site’s permanent exhibits. The artifact made it’s way back to the historic site in mid-March and was placed on public display. The 18th Century toilet bowl has been sitting in storage in Raleigh, since it’s since its discovery within the Russellborough ruins at Brunswick Town by Archaeologist Stanley South in the late 1960s. The toilet and tunnel system were found within the ruins of the colonial home built on a roughly 200-acre property in Russellborough .Though the more than 200-year-old toilet bowl has been damaged though the ages, the square rim of the toilet is visible on much of the artifact. McKee said you can also see remnants of a hole in the bottom of the toilet bowl where waste would exit, possibly through a lead pipe. The toilet bowl is made out of a substance called coquina, a concrete-like substance similar to soft limestone made from broken shells. But the prominent colonials who lived in the Russellborough home weren’t sitting on a stone-cold toilet seat. McKee said it’s likely that there was a wooden seat covering the stone bowl with an opening, that would have likely sat in a wooden box in the floor. Based on current research, McKee believes a tank would have rested above the toilet seat, and filled with water. It’s possible tank water would have been flushed manually with a string. Waste water would have dumped into a pit and then flushed through the tunnel system, which would carry away the waste from the house, down the buff and into the rice fields and marsh.
Phoenix - Archaeologists recently unearthed evidence of prehistoric people and remnants of Phoenix’s first fire station in the heart of downtown, where the area’s only grocery store is set to break ground April 13. Until then, the dusty bricks and possible remnants of pit houses give a rare window into the history of a site that has long been at the center of city society. Crews finished Friday a three-week dig at Block 23, named for its place in Phoenix’s original townsite. The land at First and Washington streets was most recently used for parking and has a long list of documented uses starting in the 1880s. But archaeologists also found signs of some of Arizona's earliest people. The team thinks ceramics and other uncovered artifacts could be from the Red Mountain Phase, a predecessor to the Hohokam culture that settled in the area for more than a millennium until about 1450 A.D. Testing samples like pottery fragments and pollen will determine a more precise time period, said Alex Howard , archaeologist for Logan Howard, the firm contracted for the work.
Mersea Island - Archaeologists on an early morning walk along the Essex coast have found a six-foot-long mammoth tusk buried in the sand. When the archaeologists dug down around the tip, they discovered the 6ft (1.8m) tusk hidden in the beach, around 1,000m from the shore. They also took small samples of the tusk itself, and from the ground around and below it, in order to date the find, which could be 14,000 years old.
Sélestat - Des fondations, des tomettes bien conservées par le sol dont elles ont été recouvertes pendant plus de deux siècles et une stèle mortuaire déplacée : voici ce qu’il reste de palpable de ce qui fut l’église la plus richement décorée de Sélestat, construite de 1404 à 1407 par l’ordre de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem (on parle aussi des Johannites). Ces traces ont été découvertes lors des fouilles archéologiques préventives de la place du Docteur-Schweitzer, réalisées mi-mars par Archéologie Alsace. Plus explicite mais plus étonnant, un dessin en couleurs daté de 1511, étonnante perspective vue de dessus, représente très nettement l’église, insérée dans le site de la commanderie : une longue église dotée à son extrémité orientale d’un chœur surmonté d’une flèche, alignée entre, d’un côté, les remparts, et de l’autre, la commanderie de l’ordre de Saint-Jean. Cet ordre s’était établi à Sélestat en 1265, a retrouvé l’historien sélestadien Raymond Muller, sans doute en raison de la situation de carrefour géographique de la ville et de sa richesse potentielle, ayant d’ailleurs attiré d’autres ordres religieux tels les Dominicains, les Franciscains, les Bénédictins…Ordre monastique et militaire, cet hospice avait pour fonction de secourir et de protéger les pèlerins qui se rendaient à Jérusalem. Il fit construire une commanderie sur un terrain offert par la famille des Rathsamhausen, situé alors en dehors de la ville fortifiée, ainsi qu’une chapelle dédiée à Saint-Michel. Afin de protéger la commanderie, la Ville érigea de nouveaux remparts en 1276.