04 JANVIER 2018: Metropolis - Dixon - Sisal -






TURQUIE0x0 ancient burial chambers containing artifacts discovered in turkeys izmir 1514962728066 Metropolis - ncient burial chambers containing bones and various artifacts belonging to a noble family have been found in Turkey's Izmir province, reports said Tuesday. The burial chambers were discovered during excavations in the ancient city of Metropolis in Torbalı district, about 40 km southeast of İzmir. The discovery marks the first time mass burials are found in the ancient city, as previously unearthed graves made specifically for each individual. Archaeologists have also discovered bronze mirrors, spoons, glass and ceramic tear bottles and lamps inside the graves, Anadolu Agency reported. The lamps were reportedly buried with the dead person with the aim to "light up his/her way" in the afterlife. Over 11,000 artifacts have been unearthed from the ancient city during the excavations. The history of Metropolis dates back to the Neolithic period. The city hosted a number of civilizations, including the Hittites, Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman empires.


USA - Dixon Site - The Dixon Site, is a village occupied by a prehistoric Native American group called the Oneota. This site was archaeologically recognized in the early 1950s, with excavations conducted in 1964 and 1994. These earlier studies documented a slice of information into the life-ways of these agricultural peoples that lived in northwest Iowa about 500-700 years ago. The recent 2016 and 2017 excavations were conducted prior to bank stabilization protecting highway 31. The Iowa Office of the State Archaeologist led this project, and the Sanford Museum partnered on the excavation crew. These excavations offered more insight into the mysteries around the Dixon Site.


MEXIQUE – Sisal - A team of archaeologists have discovered remains belonging to an 18th century Dutch warship and a 19th century British steamboat as well as an old lighthouse at three separate sites, on the seabed off the coast of the small seaport town of Sisal in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Sisal is a peaceful beach destination and was an important source of employment for fishermen but between the 18th and 19th centuries. It was a bustling port that attracted numerous vessels, many of which never reached their destination, according to archaeologists from Mexico’s main anthropology and history institute. Twelve 8.2 foot (2.5 metres) long cannons were found in an area now called, Madagascar Canyons, 22 nautical miles (40 kilometres) northwest off Sisal. Archaeologists said the cannons bear a resemblance to artillery used by Dutch warships that sailed to the West Indies in the 19th century. Experts believe the cannons – weighing more than 300 tones in total – were thrown overboard by the crew in an effort to stay afloat. In another location 19 meters (62 feet) to the southeast, archaeologists found eight cannons and eight cannon balls, as well as ceramic fragments, which they believe sunk at the same time. The artifacts are covered by more than 15 centimetres (5.9 inches) of coral.The second wreck is a British steamboat found 1.08 nautical miles (2 kilometres) north of Sisal, at a site called Adalio, in honour of the grandfather of local fisherman Juan Diego Esquivel, who led archaeologists to its location. It’s a Mississippi-type steamboat, whose machine and paddle wheels, among other elements, indicate it was built between 1807 and 1870, prior to Scottish type boilers.

VIDEO = https://globalnews.ca/news/3943584/remains-of-centuries-old-dutch-and-british-ships-discovered-off-yucatan-coast/
