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05 AVRIL 2012 NEWS : Rolle - Syrie - Allendale County - Ellammagutta - Poitiers - Peukakia - Koh Ker -




 INSCRIPTION  2012 /  Session III : Juillet 2012

   REGISTRATION 2012 /  Term III : July 2012

SUISSE742446-pic-970x641.jpg – Rolle - Un mur d’enceinte, 25 pieux en bois et deux dalles ont été mis au jour le 14 mars dernier à la rue des Halles, actuellement en travaux. «Il devait y avoir un ancien quai à cet endroit, on peut peut-être imaginer un débarcadère», précise le municipal Cédric Echenard.  Le mur date sans doute du Moyen Age (13e-14e siècles), tandis que les pieux sont probablement plus tardifs. Des analyses sont en cours pour établir la datation de ces objets. «Nous avons mis les dalles à l’abri, et demandé à l’archéologue cantonal de garder deux ou trois pieux, dans l’idée de les exposer», ajoute Cédric Echenard.  Ce matin, le chantier a révélé une nouvelle surprise: de nouvelles pierres ont été découvertes.

SYRIEw460.jpg - Syria's year-long revolt has exposed to looting and destruction the country's archaeological treasures, including the ancient city of Palmyra and the Greco-Roman ruins of Apamea, experts warned Thursday. According to experts, thieves have already made off with items from the museum in the central city of Hama, including antique weapons and a statue dating back to Aramaic times. Further northwest, the historical Citadel of Shayzar, overlooking the Orontes River, has been damaged while in Apamea, a Roman marble statue has been stolen from the museum and looters have been busy pillaging the sprawling site at night, the experts say. They add that stolen pieces are probably smuggled through Lebanon and other neighboring countries and then sold on the black market. Videos posted on YouTube also show the Citadel of al-Madiq, in Apamea, being shelled during fighting between regime forces and rebels. The ancient city of Ebla, located in Idlib province, site of fierce clashes between regime forces and rebels, has also been exposed to looting. At the Krak des Chevaliers, considered a crown jewel of Crusader castles and a top tourist attraction, guards have been unable to enter the site due to it being occupied by armed men, Sakhel said. Michel al-Maqdissi, head of archaeological excavations in Syria, said most at risk is the northern so-called Limestone Massif region that is home to hundreds of convents, monasteries and ancient churches.

USA - Allendale County - The University of South Carolina is accepting registrations from volunteers to help excavate archaeological sites along the Savannah River April 30-June 2. The expedition will be led by archaeologist Albert Goodyear, whose discoveries at the Topper site in Allendale County have captured international media attention. Volunteers will learn excavation techniques and how to identify Clovis and pre-Clovis artifacts in several prehistoric chert quarries. This year, some volunteers may also be involved in the excavation of a nearby Paleoamerican site known as the Charles site. Goodyear’s search for a pre-Clovis culture — ice age man in South Carolina — began in Allendale County in 1998 when he found artifacts that dated back 16,000 years. In May 2004, volunteers excavating the site were part of a monumental discovery. Pre-Clovis artifacts found in the Pleistocene terrace soil, some four meters (12-13 feet) below the ground surface, were radiocarbon-dated to be at least 50,000 years old, which placed humans in North America long before the last ice age.

INDE - Ellammagutta - The tiny village of Potlapalli in Husnabad mandal has catapulted to prominence again for the megalithic burials (rakasi gullu) found in it. The megaliths dating back to 1,000 years were found by the Archaeology department at Ellammagutta on the outskirts of Potlapalli, two days ago, following a complaint that granite mafia was destroying the historical hillock. Megalithic burial is a typical mode of disposing the dead. In 1996, a 'swayambhu sivalingam' was found in the same village when a farmer began digging for construction of his house. Showing the pictures of the megalithic complex to this paper on Wednesday, Phalguna Rao said that each of the megalith had a circumference of 100 feet and a diameter of 33 feet.

FRANCE – Poitiers - A la suite de la découverte, mardi, de trois intéressants fragments de colonnes romaines dans une fosse creusée au milieu de la rue de Puygarreau (à l'emplacement du local technique de la future fontaine située à l'arrière de l'hôtel de ville) une prescription de fouilles a été décidée conjointement hier par la Drac et les services de Cœur d'agglo. Ce travail sera confié à un opérateur archéologique pour une période d'une quinzaine de jours. Elle portera sur la partie base de l'espace déjà mis au jour (où voisinent fragments de colonnes et vestiges d'enduits polychromes antiques) mais aussi sur le creusement d'une deuxième fosse contiguë (également d'une profondeur de 4 mètres) destinée à recevoir une réserve d'eau circulaire. Pour Christophe Belliard, archéologue chargé du suivi de Cœur d'agglo, « il était nécessaire de ne pas faire les choses dans la précipitation » pour cet espace dont l'étude va contribuer à élargir les connaissances sur le Poitiers antique.

GRECE - 13320787862006071174.jpg Peukakia (ancienne Iolcos, près de Volos) : découverte d'un autel du XIIIe av. JC

CAMBODGEla-na-nn-cambodian-antiquity-20120405-001.jpg – Koh Ker - Federal agents have threatened to seize from Sotheby's a 10th-century Cambodian sandstone statue, alleging the auction house planned to sell it despite warnings that looters had stolen the piece from its rightful place, adorning an ancient temple in the former Khmer kingdom. Court documents filed Wednesday in New York say the Duryodhana statue -- listed as the "Defendant in rem" in the complaint -- was apparently torn from the Prasat Chen Temple in  Koh Ker in northern Cambodia sometime in the 1960s or early 1970s, when the Asian nation was engulfed in civil unrest. The statue fell into the hands of a private collector in Belgium, whose heirs recently reached an agreement with Sotheby's to sell it on consignment.,0,1254428.story
