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05 NOVEMBRE 2014 NEWS: Worcester - Autun - Dandong - Amphipolis - Dehli -






ROYAUME UNIV0 master 57 Worcester - A young male who was decapitated after death before having his head placed by his legs has been identified as one of two Roman burials in Worcestershire, with the accompanying skeleton thought to have belonged to a woman over 50 who was laid to rest in an agricultural ceremony. Archaeologists digging at a primary school say the man, who was aged between 25 and 30, had signs of degenerative joints and osteoarthritis. It is unclear why the beheading ritual – a common post-mortem practice of the period – took place. "This discovery seems to support evidence that during Roman times there were small farmsteads in Worcestershire, owned or run by a family,” said Tom Vaughan, an archaeologist on the dig. The excavations are typical of Roman internments in the area and similar to recent excavations near Wyre Piddle and St John's, Worcester. It is well known that there was Roman occupation around Bredon Hill.A set of hobnails found on the woman could indicate a “physically demanding” farming lifestyle. Recent research has suggested that female labourers would have been employed on farmsteads during the Roman era, preparing food, manufacturing cloth and carrying out general work. A selection of late Iron Age pots were found near the incomplete skeletons, with cropmarks of a possible trackway and enclosures supporting the theory that farming took place in the area.

FRANCEFouilles autun Autun - Depuis quelques mois, une équipe interdisciplinaire tente de reconstituer un immense puzzle : 1200 fragments de marbre qui constituent un texte antique qui donnerait une nouvelle preuve du rôle majeur d’Autun à l’époque gallo-romaine.Le travail est mené au Centre archéologique d'Autun sur des morceaux de marbre trouvés en 1839 dans la cave d’un Autunois, des fragments d’un texte sur lequel apparaissent les noms d’empereurs romains du 1er siècle après Jésus-Christ. Devant la complexité du puzzle que constituent ces 1200 fragments, les recherches avaient été mises de côté. Les nouvelles technologies devraient permettre, aujourd’hui, d’y voir plus clair.Des ingénieurs ont donc intégrés l’équipe d’archéologues et d’historiens. Des membres du laboratoire informatique et image de l’IUT du Creusot qui ont d’abord dû créer un outil pour numériser en 3D les fragments. La 2ème étape consiste à concevoir ensuite un outil pour assembler les morceaux. Un travail de longue haleine car si la numérisation ne devrait prendre « que » quelques semaines, la reconstitution du puzzle devrait être beaucoup plus longue.Les fragments sont constitués d’un marbre grec utilisés également dans la construction du Parthénon à Athènes. Ils sont des documents exceptionnels car rarissimes hors de la zone romaine. Ils pourraient s’agir de décrets impérieux ce qui donneraient une preuve supplémentaire de l’importance de la ville d’Augustodunum, une des capitales de la Gaule romaine.

CHINE – Dandong - The wreckage of a Chinese warship, sunk 120 years ago during the first Sino-Japanese War, has been discovered during an underwater exploration for port construction in the Yellow Sea. Song Peiran, vice-president of Dandong Port Group, on Tuesday said that the warship was found during an underwater exploration for port construction and is located 10 nautical miles southwest of the Dandong Port, sate-run Xinhua news agency reported. He said the company has cooperated with the cultural department in Dandong City, northeast China's Liaoning Province, in studying the relic currently coded as "Dandong No 1". The 50-meter hull was still intact but the inside tanks were badly damaged.

GRECEAmphipolis door 21 en 225x338 Amphipolis - An underground vault was found last week during the ongoing excavations in ancient Amphipolis. The vault was discovered in the third chamber of the mysterious burial monument. It measures 4×2.1m. Archaeologists also uncovered the second marble door leaf. It measures 2×0.90×0.15m and weighs 1.5 tonnes. Earlier last week authorities stated that no evidence of a gateway leading to the fourth chamber had been found during the dig.

INDERahim tomb1 Dehli - InterGlobe Foundation and the Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC) Tuesday announced they would collaborate to conserve and restore Abdul Rahim Khan-i-Khanan's tomb. Popularly known as Rahim and immortalized through his dohas's or couplets, Rahim was amongst the most important ministers in Akbar's court. He was one of the Navratnas and continued to serve Salim after his accession to the throne as Emperor Jahangir. The tomb sits prominently along the Mathura Road, formerly the Mughul Grand Trunk Road, and is in close proximity to the Dargah of Hazrat Nizammudin Auliya and Humayun's Tomb in South Delhi.