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06 JUIN 2018: Plovdiv - Rome - Huangshan - Cork - Dhanusha - Mouy -






BULGARIE02 goth remains invasion ancient adapt 590 1 Plovdiv - The 1,700-year-old remains of three people—a child and two adults—were recently unearthed by excavators in Bulgaria. Archaeologist Elena Bozhinova from the Plovdiv Museum of Archaeology found the remains at the site of an ancient city called Philippopolis near modern-day Plovdiv, Bulgaria. According to the team, the grizzly discovery is likely linked to ancient Goth invasion in the region. While evidence of the Goth attacks has been previously collected, Bozhinova says, finding skeletal remains is exceedingly rare. Each skeleton shows signs of dying in a fire. Researchers were able to see that one of the skeletons was a woman who was still wearing two bronze bracelets. Near the bones of the other adult, archaeologists found six coins and a bronze figurine depicting a naked image of the Roman god Venus wearing a golden necklace. In the child's skeleton, archaeologists found an arrow head, suggesting a particularly violent end. The stratigraphic position of the burnt house and the artifacts suggest that the fire happened around the middle of the third century, when the city was conquered by the Goths,” says Bozhinova. They invaded Philippopolis in 251, burning much of the city. The town is still considered to be one of the oldest inhabited cities in Europe and had existed for hundreds of years before it came under Roman control.

ITALIERome Rome - An imperial Roman villa has been found along the banks of the Tiber near the Milvian Bridge, archaeologists said Tuesday. Digs have uncovered a large floor area in 'opus sectile', decorated with "extraordinary" multicoloured marble floral motifs, they said. The beauty of the floor has led experts to believe that the rest of the building was full of precious decorations.
The villa's setting so close to the river is unusual, archaeologists said.

CHINE - Huangshan - Archeologists have found six ancient white marble bracelets at a site in central China’s Henan Province, local authorities said yesterday. Besides the bracelets, some other jade and stone materials which had been polished, cut or carved, have also been discovered at the Huangshan site, which is located in Nanyang. The site was built by a Neolithic culture called Yangshao that originated on the middle reaches of the Yellow River and is considered a main precursor of Chinese civilization. All of the findings date back to between 5,000 to 7,000 years ago. Experts said that the area could have been a processing factory of jade and stone ware. “The findings show that people living in this region might have mastered the skills of making, cutting, and polishing jade and stone,” said Ma Juncai, a researcher at the provincial institute of cultural heritage and archeology. “This information is crucial for the study of the exploitation and making of jade and stone ware in ancient times,” Ma added.

IRLANDECork Cork -  Excavations at a former brewery in Cork have uncovered the foundations of 19 wooden Viking age houses from the 11th and 12th centuries. Some of the structures date back to 1070, making them 30 years older than any housing previously excavated in the city. The dig at the former Beamish & Crawford factory also found three stone walls and a doorway from St Laurence’s Church, dating back to the 13th century. Cork’s urban layout as a Viking city dates from around the same time that Waterford began developing as a Viking city, but archaeologists have yet to find any evidence on Leeside comparable to a trading post established near Waterford in the ninth century, archaeologists have found. According to Dr Maurice Hurley of University College Cork (UCC), who was involved in archeological digs in Waterford and Cork, both cites appear to have developed as structured Viking urban settlements around the same time in the 11th century.

NEPAL - Dhanusha - The Department of Archaeology has claimed that they have found evidences to prove that an ancient civilisation dating back to the third or second century BC existed on the banks of the Jamuni River in Dhanusha district. The location lies 16-km southeast from historic Janaki temple. Earlier in March, locals of Mukhiya Patti Musarahaniya Village Committee had requested the DoA to conduct extensive research in the area after they discovered ancient idols while embanking the Jamuni River. Later, the DAO deployed a team of researchers in the area. According to the DoA’s press release, they have found evidences of as many as eight human civilisations that existed in different time periods. “The DoA said that the cultural layers in the area date back to Kusand period of the first to second Century AD to Mourya Period of the third to second Century BC,” the press release reads. Similarly, Under-secretary at DoA Ram Bahadur Kunwar, who led the team, said they had found dozens of evidences such as ancient brick walls, floors of human settlement, human-made pits, piles of mud utensils and post wholes which were used to place wooden pillars. He said that all of the artefacts had unique features of Maurya period civilisation. Some comparatively advanced relics of Kusand Period like iron slag, terracotta beads, terracotta bangles and bricks were also discovered in the area. Kunwar said that they also discovered unique utensil pieces called Northern Black Polished Ware which date back to 600 to 300 Century BC. The excavation was undertaken by digging a four-metre wide and three-metre deep trench. Officials have collected samples of Charcoal, bone and mud for further research in the area.

FRANCE –  Mouy - Des tombes ont été découvertes à Mouy, place Cantrel, le 17 mai lors des travaux de rénovation des lieux . Le service départemental d’archéologie de l’Oise est intervenu sur place pendant dix jours. Les tombes ont déjà livré leurs premiers secrets. « Il s’agit d’un cimetière médiéval. On distingue au moins quatre étages,donc une utilisation longue. Les os ne sont pas très bien conservés. Certains individus sont dans des sarcophages, d’autres en pleine terre », détaille Hélène Dulauroy-Lynch. Des murs ont également été mis au jour. Il s’agirait, pour certains, des vestiges d’une halle qui trônait là. Déception pour les amateurs de trésors, aucun objet, pièces ou bijoux, n’a été découvert.écouverte de tombes

