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06 MAI 2016 NEWS : Delft - Harray - Old Vero Man -







PAYS BASSchildpaddensoep2 1500x575 Delft - Construction workers working on the construction of a railway tunnel and parking garage on Phoenixstraat in Delft, recently made a remarkable discovery – an old tin can that used to contain a culinary delicacy: turtle soup, Archaeology Delft announced. The construction workers first thought they struck gold when they found the shiny can, but it later turned out to be tin with a brass wrap. Still, the can was never intended for an average Joe, according to Archaeology Delft. Turtle soup was considered a massive delicacy, and was served as and was served as an appetizer ath King Wille III’s 70th birthday party in Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky in Amsterdam on 23 April 1887. The label of the can reads in French: “Preserved foods, W. Hoogenstraaten and Sons, purveyor, turtle soup, Leiden. “The soup was therefore of Dutch origin, but was probably sold throughout Europe. French was a common language then”, Bas Penning of Archaeology Delft explained to AD.

ROYAUME UNI Dscn0729 Harray - A prehistoric underground structure has been rediscovered in Harray – rediscovered in that the archaeologists found it to be full of Victorian rubbish! But although it had obviously been opened,  entered and used in the 19th century, the chamber appears to have gone unrecorded. Martin Carruthers, of the Archaeology Institute UHI, and county archaeologist Julie Gibson made their way out to the site, near the Harray Manse, last weekend. Martin explained: “It’s either a souterrain or a ‘well’ and, given similar examples elsewhere in the county, probably dates to the Iron Age.

USAT0013497733 119352 Old Vero Man - Just 10 feet below the ground's surface at the Old Vero Man site, archaeologists from Florida Atlantic University's Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute have discovered what they believe are 13,000-year-old bones from an ancient, extinct species of bison. The bison was identified using an upper molar and is thought to be representative of a Bison antiquus, a direct ancestor of the American bison that roamed North America until it became extinct. Other bones from small mammals were also found at the Old Vero Man site, along with slivers of bones from large mammals that could have come from mammoth, mastodon, sloth or bison. Pieces of charcoal and the head of a fly were discovered earlier in this year's excavation, which began in late February.