Shangzhuang - A group of archaeologists in China has discovered a rare grave, shaped like a turtle. They claim that the well-preserved tomb might be 800 years old and that it probably contains what’s left of a few generations that existed at the time. The tomb was discovered accidentally by one of the residents of Shangzhuang village in Shanxi Province while making the foundation for his house. Scientists believe that the tomb belonged to the Jin Dynasty from the year 1115 to 1234, measures 4 meters high and contains an octagon shape burial compartment. It also has five rooms cleverly situated beside the octagon chamber on the northern, northwestern, northeastern, southwestern and southeastern sides. The hexagonal design plus the extra chamber makes the tomb appear like a turtle from an aerial view. The interior of the chamber has 21 brick carvings, with three located on each side of the wall. The architectural designs and the carvings seem to support ancient folk tales of filial sons. Archaeologists who have examined the tomb and its remains claim that the tomb was shared by some generations based on several archaeological clues. Archaeologists are still studying the tomb to try and establish more facts. There is a lot of information they can collect from the tomb that can help fill them learn more about the history of the Jin dynasty. That way, they can fill in some of the historic gaps that have been present due to lack of proper documentation or loss of some of the historic material. The discovery of the tomb suggests that a lot of history might be buried in the region. More archaeological excavations might reveal more archaic treasures just waiting to be discovered. However, it will be hard to establish further information because finding the actual sites is a mystery in itself and most times it relies on sheer luck just like in the case of the turtle-shaped tomb. The report was stated by Bai Shuzhang, a member of the Provincial Institute of Archaeology.
Fethiye - .The Amintas Tombs in Fethiye have been cleaned by museum officials after news that locals were using them as storage space roused controversy. Ancient tombs dating back to the 4th century B.C. have been cleaned by officials of the Fethiye Museum, after news emerged that they were being used as storage space by locals in the western province of Muğla’s Fethiye district. The Amintas tombs in Fethiye are among the many ruins in the area from the ancient Lycian site of Telmessos that have survived until today, and the Amintas Imperial Tomb is acknowledged as the symbol of the touristic town of Fethiye. Despite their historical significance, a number of the tombs were being used by inhabitants of the Cumhuriyet neighborhood as store houses for various wares. In the 1.5 meter-long, 2 meter-wide tombs, which are cool during summer months and warm during the winter, people collected material ranging from plastic bottles to carton boxes and even rubber tires.
Some of the tombs have been covered with bushes and grass, where local dogs shelter.
Brignall - Archaeologists could be about to reveal Anglo-Saxon remains picked out on aerial surveys above a shrunken medieval village in County Durham. Drone pictures are likely to have identified a settlement established long before Brignall, a village first mentioned in the Domesday Book of 1086 and held by Edwin, Earl of Mercia, before the Norman Conquest. A fragment of sculpture from the time of his reign has already been found in the wall of the old Brignall church. “Using modern survey techniques that provide a digital model of tiny changes in the height of the land surface, we can clearly pick out property plots to the south of the former road alignment, as well as boundary walls and the remains of medieval ridge and furrow cultivation,” says Penny Middleton, who will manage a 12-day community dig for Northern Archaeological Associates.
Matareya - An Egyptian-German archaeological mission unearthed on Sunday some stone blocks dating back to the era of King Nectanebo I in Matareya near the Ain Shams district in Cairo. Also, some limestones for ancient columns and a part of the roof of King Nectanebo's temple were discovered by the archaeologists on site, Antiquities Minister Mamdouh El Damaty said. The mission found also parts of statues of King Merneptah King Nectanebo on the scene, a ministerial official said
SRI LANKA - Meewalapathah - Archaeological Department officials excavating the historic Weherabediyaya site in Meewalapathaha, Galewela found a part of an ancient dageba. The officials earlier found only bricks and several other items from the site. They said according to legend King Dutugamunu had stayed here leading his battalion to fight with King Elara. Ruins scattered in about 10 acres can be found here. Among the ruins are stone pillars, slates, a dagaba and a stone wall. Vandals searching for valuables have destroyed some ruins. Officials said after excavations are completed more artefacts will be found. "A new chapter will be added to history then," they said. Meewalapathaha Purana Vihara incumbent Ven. Debawa Gunanandha Thera said ruins are scattered in the temple premises.
Ath - Une équipe du Service public de Wallonie, dirigée par Isabelle Deramaix, a mis au jour un village du Néolithique ancien à Ath à l’occasion de fouilles préventives préalables à la réalisation d’un projet immobilier, à 500 m du centre d’Ath, sur le site des Hâleurs entre la chaussée de Mons et le canal Nimy-Blaton. Le Néolithique ancien est la période qui voit l’implantation des premières populations d’agriculteurs et éleveurs dans nos régions entre 5200 et 4900 ans avant notre ère. Sur le site les maisons et les fosses d’habitat mises au jour ont livré du mobilier (tessons de céramique, silex, …) appartenant aux deux groupes du Néolithique ancien présents dans nos régions, le groupe Rubané et le groupe de Blicquy. Le groupe Rubané s’est implanté dans nos régions à partir du Rhin moyen, s’installant dans le Limbourg, la Hesbaye et la région d’Ath. Le groupe de Blicquy, originaire quant à lui du Centre du Bassin parisien, s’implante dans nos régions aux sources de la Dendre (région d’Ath) et en Hesbaye.
Cette découverte est remarquable. Ce n’est en effet pas tous les jours qu’un village ou une portion significative d’un village du Néolithique ancien (le canal et le chemin de fer ont sans doute détruit une partie du site) est mise au jour. Les dernières découvertes en la matière faites à Ormeignies remontent à 1999, où une fosse rubanée a été mise au jour par les archéologues de RPAW (archéologue : Olivier Vrielynck) lors de l’installation d’une conduite de gaz et en 1993 où deux maison ont été fouillées par le Service public de Wallonie (archéologue : Alexandre Livingstone-Smith) préalablement à l’installation de la ligne TGV. La RTBF a également consacré un reportage à la découverte effectuée par le SPW ces dernières semaines.
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