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06 OCTOBRE 2017 NEWS: Heshbon - Tavistock - Prozor Rama - La Barre de Monts - Mas-d'Azil -






JORDANIE35 1 Heshbon - While our research shows that Hisban was a place for the demonstration of power and prestige by conquerors and kings, it also reveals the daily lives of their local subjects—the farmers, artisans, and merchants that occupied the site throughout time. Their story is best preserved among Hisban’s many discoveries. These local inhabitants built and maintained dozens of cisterns, terraces, and other water installations throughout the site. They enlarged and dwelt in nearby caves and built houses and sheep pens on its slopes. Hisban’s inhabitants fashioned many of the thousands of ceramic vessels and other household artifacts found during our excavations. Bones recovered at Hisban reflect that people populated Hisban with horses, donkeys, sheep, goats, chickens, doves, and, yes, pigs.

ROYAUME UNI - Tavistock - An archaeological survey undertaken at Mount Kelly shows ‘exciting’ evidence of two prehistoric round houses at the earliest settlement known in Tavistock. A geophysical survey took place over three days in July and August this year on a site known as the Trendle — a rectangular enclosure formed by a rampart and ditch — and the findings were described as ‘tantalising’. Excavations of the Trendle’s bank and ditch in the 1960s revealed a few fragments of pottery of a type called Glastonbury Ware which date back to the late Iron Age — but a round house had not been identified until this year. As a scheduled monument the Trendle is already nationally significant and settlements of this type, which archaeologists often refer to as ‘rounds’, are rare and mostly found on the uplands of the South West for use as a home for the prehistoric families, or, as some believe, could have been for show or even religious purposes. Andrew Thompson, co-ordinator and project manager, said: ‘Items found in the sixties date the site to the Iron Age or very early Roman period around the first century BC and first century AD.

BELARUS000022 1507122775 big Prozor-Rama - Archaeological research at the Gradac site in the Prozor-Rama municipality has continued today, while the first phase of the research took place in May this year. After the completion of the excavation in the first phase, archeologist Snjezana Vasilj presented some findings, pointing out that a monumental Roman cistern had been found as well as a stone block in the supporting wall with the Illyrian God Silva carved. That stone block was removed and left on safe to avoid destruction. Also, in the first phase of the work, a large number of ceramic fragments were found, which indicate that there was life before the Romans, i.e. from the Neolithic period. At the beginning of the second phase of the research, archeologist Snjezana Vasilj said that this research campaign would go in two directions. "The first one is the continuation of works in the and around the Roman cistern, while the second part will focus on prehistoric findings. During the research of the cistern we found a lot of prehistoric material that can be used to track the past of this region" - Vasilj said.
FRANCE25243 170927184645703 1 1024x768 La Barre de Monts - Des vestiges romains ont été mis à jour sur des terrains jouxtant le Daviaud. Vont-ils révolutionner nos connaissances sur la formation du marais breton-vendéen ?Ce n’est pas la première fois que des vestiges romains sont mis à jour dans le Nord-Ouest Vendée. Mais ici, aux abords de l’écomusée Le Daviaud, explique Sébastien Thébaud, archéologue à l’Inrap (Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives) : on est situé dans un espace qui est considéré, selon la tradition la plus répandue, comme maritime à l’époque antique. Cette nouvelle découverte remet donc en cause les informations sur l’évolution et l’aménagement du marais breton-vendéen à l’époque romaine, elles-mêmes basées sur un contexte archéologique relativement méconnu.L’un des enjeux principaux sera de comprendre l’environnement de cette implantation, qui remonte autour du 1er et 2e siècle de notre ère, à l’époque du Haut Empire Romain. Pour procéder aux fouilles, l’équipe d’archéologues a creusé dans l’argile des fenêtres de sondage, sur une surface de près de 500 m2, comme on peut le voir dans la vidéo ci-dessous :

FRANCE - Mas-d'Azil - Depuis 2011 maintenant, un groupe de chercheurs de l'Inrap ont entamé une vaste opération de recherches archéologiques dans la grotte du Mas-d'Azil. Au bout de cinq ans, ils dressent un premier bilan fructueux de ces recherches.