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07 NOVEMBRE 2016 NEWS: Masada - Smyrna - Chester - Plovdiv -






ISRAEL0c1435ab8ddc3d350fe1801ecc39a0656e67b647 Masada - Dr. Guy Stiebel, former director of excavations at Masada, will this February conduct a new series of archaeological digs to pierce the secrets of this national shrine. Dr. Stiebel expressed his excitement to return to the site after a ten year absence, enthusiasm that was reciprocated by conference organizers. To highlight the diversity of this outstanding historical site, Stiebel exhibited a remarkable collection of relics. First, he presented a lice removal comb found at the site, surprisingly similar to the ones used today. A small urn with preserved wine was exposed as well. The wine is now solid and is said to be 2000 years old. Broken clay pottery used as bread coupons on display have unbelievably kept the baker’s signature. Although some believe that 97 percent of Masada’s potential has already been exploited, Stiebel says that its core is yet to be discovered.

TURQUIEN 105702 1 Smyrna - The Old Smyrna excavation field contains traces from 3,000 years ago, when a city was first formed in the area. The area completes the chain of the historical ring between İzmir’s Yeşilova Mound, dating from 8,500 years ago, and the Agora excavation fields featuring Hellenistic- and Roman-era settlements. anrıöver said the city’s heyday was between the seventh and eighth centuries B.C., after which Greek philosophy and arts developed here. “Then the name of Smyrna began to be heard in Europe.” Tanrıöver said the famous poet Homer was said to be from Smyrna. “If this is true, this is the place where he lived,” he added.  One of the most important structures in the city was the Temple of Athens, the professor said.The temple, whose construction started in 690 B.C., was one of the first stone temples of Greek culture in the Aegean region. Excavations have unearthed earthenware shields dedicated to the city’s goddess Athena, iron and bronze weapons, statuettes carried from the whole Mediterranean world and perfume bottles. We can see in these excavations the development of Greek cities since the end of 2000 B.C. There are also cultural traces of the Lydians and Persians who occupied the city later on.”

ROYAUME UNIWalls Chester - Remains of the northern entrance to the Roman fortress have been uncovered by archaeologists during repairs to the Northgate steps that lead up to the City Walls. Huge foundation stones have been discovered which are thought to represent what’s left of a Roman gate tower – one of a pair – with evidence suggesting 1st century AD timber gates and towers preceded the stone towers.


BULGARIEPhoto verybig 177221 Plovdiv - The massive walls of a Roman bath with impressive architecture were uncovered surprisingly during a clearing of a private property at the very centre of Plovdiv. According to local archaeologists this is “the top find of the year and an extremely beautiful site.” It comes as confirmation of their thesis that there are several undiscovered invaluable historical monuments from various ages in the region.
