Kildavie - The archaeological team is investigating the remains of a small historic settlement known as Kildavie in the North West Mull Community Woodland of Langamull. No one has lived in this place for hundreds of years, but it was occupied in the 17th and 18th centuries. The remains of sixteen buildings have been identified thus far. The archaeologists suggest they were primarily domestic dwellings, with perhaps some evidence of a cottage industry. “There is archaeological and historic evidence that Kildavie was a domestic settlement in the 17th and 18th centuries until it was abandoned at the beginning of the 19th century,” says Kate Leonard, an archaeologist who was working at the site during the summer of 2016. “The reason for its final abandonment is unknown, as is the origin of the settlement.” But digging and research at the site could provide some clues for answers. Who were these people and why did they leave? There is no written history of this settlement. But some historical context could help frame the inquiry. “While there is a grand narrative about the Highland Clearances in this part of the country - with some very real and harrowing accounts to go along with it - the story is not straightforward in every case,” continues Leonard. “While some people were quickly forced out of their homes, other places were more gradually abandoned and Kildavie may be one of these.” The Highland Clearances saw the forced eviction or displacement in the 18th and 19th centuries by aristocratic landowners of a large number of people or crofters, people who made their living as tenant farmers of small parcels of land. The landowners required the land to be converted to use as grazing area for the new agricultural revolution — sheep raising and herding. Many of the evictions were brutal, and the actions had the effect of depopulating the Hebrides and displacing them to other areas of Scotland and even other countries and continents, such as the Americas and Australasia. It profoundly impacted the indigenous Gaelic culture.
La Ferrassie - Actuellement, les projecteurs se tournent vers le site de La Ferrassie, à Savignac-de-Miremont, maintes fois fouillé au début du XXe siècle et où une nouvelle campagne de recherches s'achève. Laurent Chiotti, chercheur au Muséum national d'histoire naturelle et également responsable du site de l'abri Pataud voisin, aux Eyzies, nous en parle. « À partir de 1902, Peyrony et Capitan ont commencé par vider la petite grotte, avant de fouiller devant, puis de dégager le grand abri. Au fil des années, huit sépultures néandertaliennes ont été découvertes dans les niveaux moustériens [datés autour de 70 000 ans, NDLR], ce qui en fait le site le plus riche en Europe. Dans les couches supérieures qui datent de l'aurignacien [autour de 30 000 ans], des blocs gravés de symboles sexuels, d'animaux et de signes ont été mis au jour. Ce site a été largement fouillé, mais avec les techniques de l'époque, qui laissaient passer beaucoup de choses. Un programme a donc été proposé pour le réétudier. L'an dernier, nous avons trouvé des niveaux en place sous les déblais. Nous achevons la première campagne de quatre semaines dans des niveaux aurignaciens où nous trouvons beaucoup de matériels : des outils en silex et en os, des ossements, essentiellement de rennes. Il y a 25 à 30 centimètres de sédiments avant la roche.
Hierapolis - Two small earthquakes that occurred last week in the southwestern Turkish province of Denizli’s Pamukkale district have caused collapses in the pool of the ancient city of Hierapolis. The first 4.1-magnitude quake occurred in the district on Sept. 27, followed by another 4.2-magnitude quake the next day. A number of smaller aftershocks were also felt. The quakes have reportedly led to collapses in the ancient pool, which is the source of the famous water in Pamukkale and which is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Uppsala - A Viking-era rune stone that went missing for almost two centuries has been found after a Swedish archaeologist stumbled on it almost by chance. The find took place during installation work of a lightning conductor at Hagby Church, west of the central Swedish university town of Uppsala. It was found underground a few metres from the building. "We knew that there had been a medieval church there, but didn't know that this rune stone was in that exact location," Emelie Sunding, archaeologist at Uppland Museum. Archaeologists believe that the rune stone, measuring around 180 by 135 centimetres, was first erected in the mid-11th century. Records show that it was used as a threshold leading up to the church porch in the Middle Ages, before somehow disappearing when the old building was torn down in the 1830s. According to archaeologists, the stone was made by Fot, a runemaster who lived and worked in the area in the mid 11th-century and has created and signed several famous rune stones found in Sweden.
Solnitsata - Several roughly 6,500-year-old gold artifacts have beendiscovered by archaeologists together with numerous other finds during the 2016 excavations of the Solnitsata (i.e. “The Salt Pit") prehistoric settlement, which has been dubbed “Europe’s oldest prehistoric town“, located near Provadiya in Northeast Bulgaria. More specifically, the newly found gold items date back to the period between 4,500 and 4,200 BC, lead archaeologist Prof. Vasil Nikolov from the National Institute and Museum of Archaeology in Sofia, has announced, as cited by local news site Darik News Varna.