Warwick - Wall foundations for a large aisled structure the size of a medieval church have been uncovered by Warwickshire County Council’s team of archaeologists, who have been on site since October, at the behest of Warwick Independent Schools Foundation. Archaeology Warwickshire’s Principal Archaeologist, Stuart Palmer, said: “The building probably forms a component of a large villa estate, which must have spread along the banks of the Avon and been connected to the Roman road system.“Early indications suggest it developed in the 2nd Century AD and probably went out of use in the 4th Century. Constructed of local sandstone, over 28m long by 14.5m wide, the villa would have been the largest building ever seen in the region. Corn drying ovens, both inside and outside the structure, attest to an agricultural function, although internal wall divisions at the opposite end of the building probably indicate a suite of domestic rooms.
Shrewsbury - The remains of an Anglo Saxon hall have been discovered by archaeologists on the National Trust’s Attingham estate near Shrewsbury. Experts consider it to be a particularly exciting find because only a small number of Anglo Saxon halls have been excavated in Britain. National Trust archaeologist Janine Young said: “We are delighted with our findings. What we have discovered was certainly a high status building from the Anglo Saxon period - possibly a feasting hall, or could even be a palace. "We have identified that the building was of wooden frame, dug into a trench with wattle and daub walls, samples of which were found during the dig.” The site, close to Attingham Park, was first thought to contain archaeological remains in 1975 when an aerial photograph revealed a complex set of crop marks. Dr White said: “As one of only a small number of Anglo Saxon halls to be excavated in Britain this makes it a very significant discovery. “We believe the wooden hall burnt down at some point, and despite the damage to the site from the fire and over the years, we’re still confident of working out the exact era that the hall was built and used in.” Samples of charcoal have been sent to a specialist radio carbon dating centre in Glasgow for examination. The results are due later this year and should clarify the exact date of the building. The dating window is between 400AD to 1066.
CHINE - Xinli - An ancient tomb with a special drainage system and a fresco has been discovered in northeast China's Liaoning Province, local archaeological authorities said Tuesday. The excavation of the tomb site in Xinli Village of Beizhen City was approved by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage in June 2017. Archaeologists found a fresco that had been painted three times, in one tomb. The first two drawings were hard to identify as they were very vague. Vehicles, horses, camels and figures can be recognized in the third. "The owner of the tomb hasn't been identified at this moment, but it may belong to an aristocrat of the Liao Dynasty (916 - 1125). It also could be a joint burial tomb as the fresco had been painted three times," said Si Weiwei, a researcher at the provincial cultural relics and archaeological institute. Experts have speculated that the construction of the tomb was finished and the fresco completed before the owner died. When the owner died, the fresco may have been refurbished and after his or her spouse died, the fresco painted a third time.Meanwhile, archaeologists also discovered a complete drainage system surrounding the tomb. The drainage ditches were filled with many stone balls, which are rarely found in Liao Dynasty tombs. "The function of those stone balls is to drain away water, on the one hand, and also to prevent tomb raiders, on the other hand," Si said. Based on the shape of the tomb and objects excavated, archaeologists said it could be a family joint burial tomb from the middle or late Liao Dynasty.
Xiping - Archaeologists have discovered six ancient wells dating back to 9,000 years ago in the Xiping County in Henan Province. The discovery was made public on Tuesday, (6 February). Deputy head of the provincial archaeological research institute, Wei Xingtao told Xinhua News that they are the oldest wells found in China to date. The wells are different in structure. The deepest of the six goes 5.2 metres underground. Some were built with flights of stairs, most likely to allow settlers to fetch deeper water and more easily. In the wells, the team of archaeologists unearthed ancient tools. five pottery pots were found, most likely used to carry water. These pots were built with handles so that strings could be attached to them. "The people probably dropped the pots accidentally into the wells while fetching water," said Xingtao. The purpose of the wells is still obscure. Xingtao mused they could have either been used for drinking water, for land irrigation or to fetch water used in pottery. "These are questions yet to be answered." According to Xingtao, the discovery pushes the history of Chinese wells back by 2,000 years. Archaeologists previously thought the oldest wells dated back to the Neolithic Period, 6,000 to 7,000 years ago. They were located along Yangtze River, which is Asia's longest river and the third longest in the world. "The invention of wells was of great significance as it freed people from their reliance on rivers for water," Wei said.