08 JUIN 2012 NEWS: Persepolis - Zhangjiakou - Toronto - Mayas - Vire - Williamsburg -




 INSCRIPTION  2012 /  Session III : Juillet 2012

   REGISTRATION 2012 /  Term III : July 2012

IRANnorouz-at-persepolis-shiraz-12.jpg – Persepolis - A team of Iranian archaeologists has recently discovered 20 meters of a canal of the sewage system of Persepolis in southern Iran. The team led by Ali Asadi has been commissioned to carry out excavations of the sewage system to discover how the system worked during the Achaemenid era. The sewage system is located in the southwest of the Achaemenid city near the city of Shiraz.  The team dug down about five meters to reach the canal, Asadi said.  A number of stone bas-reliefs have also been discovered during the excavations, he added. Asadi said that the sewage system branches off into many canals, which extend to the south and then turn to the east. The archaeological excavations that have been underway since early May will continue with studies on the canal. Persepolis was built by Darius I in the late 6th century B.C. Its ruins lie 56 kilometers northeast of Shiraz. Darius transferred the capital of the Achaemenid dynasty to Persepolis from Pasargadae, where Cyrus the Great, the founder of the Persian Empire, had ruled.


CHINEthumbnail-2.jpg Zhangjiakou - Chinese scientists on Thursday launched a DNA test program on 22 ancient human skeletons that date back more than 2,000 years. Scientists will conduct DNA tests on the bones and carry out micro-element analysis to collect demography and ethnology data, said Wang Wei, researcher with the Chinese Frontier Research Center of Jilin University and head of the program.  With the data, the scientists can analyze the diets and lifestyle habits and age structure of the people living in the Warring States Period (476 BC to 221 BC) as well as the agriculture and business development at that time, Wang said. A total of 34 tombs of the Warring States Period were discovered in Zhangjiakou city of north China's Hebei province last September. Twenty-eight human skeletons were found in the tomb, of which 22 were complete.


CANADA1a089a1a49f1811bf6305e473aab.jpeg Toronto - As a team of anthropologists carefully sweep back the layers of dirt surrounding a nearly 200-year-old building foundation at the Stanley Barracks, they are uncovering part of Toronto's history.  "By excavating you are actually preserving the archeological site through detailed records and salvage of the artifacts," said Eva MacDonald, senior archaeologist with Archaeological Services Inc.  Since 2006, when the City of Toronto adopted an archeological master plan, Toronto has been requiring developers to have archeological assessments in areas that are deemed to have archeological potential. The original formation at The New Barracks, a military post completed in 1841 to replace an aging Fort York, was six stone buildings positioned around a parade square. There was a hospital, a range of barracks for non-commissioned officers and the enlisted men, a canteen and a quartermaster. In 1893, The New Barracks was renamed the Stanley Barracks. In the early 1950s, all the buildings except the Officers Quarters were demolished.  The soil levels show that progression: a natural clay subsoil, above that a grey layer, which was probably the original ground surface. On top of that a lighter soil from the time the barracks were built. Above that a demolition layer from when the building was torn down in the 1950s. All topped off with the asphalt of the modern parking lot.


AMERIQUE CENTRALE – Mayas - Sur le site Maya GIS , vous pouvez retrouver des éléments de curiosité ou de travaux (selon que vous soyez amoureux de l'ancienne civilisation maya ou chercheur) D'une part, vous pouvez télécharger un fichier .kmz à ouvrir sous le programme Google Earth. Vous pourrez ainsi retrouver pas moins de 6000 sites répartis selon trois catégories d'importance, datés de février 2010. Clifford Brown, chercheur à l'Université de Tulane en Louisiane, et Walter Witschey, professeur d'anthropologie à l'Université Lognwood en Virginie ont mis à profit leurs expériences, respectivement dans le domaine militaire et dans l'informatique, pour utiliser des données pour situer par satellite différents sites mayas.  Ils ont ainsi pu fournir au public une série de cartes statiques de haute résolution


FRANCE – Vire - Très largement contrariées par le mauvais temps, les fouilles archéologues entreprises à Vire sur le terrain d'assiette du futur lotissement de La Mercerie se sont achevées le jeudi midi 7 juin et dès l'après-midi du même jour, les restes de bâtiments dégagés par les fouilleurs, ont été recouverts de terre.  Au total, les fouilleurs de l'Institut National de Recherches Archéologiques Préventives (INRAP) ont fortement augmenté leur collection de tessons de céramique mais n'ont rien découvert d'extraordinaire dans les restes de ces constructions datant des XV et XVIe siècles.


USA – Williamsburg –  An archaeological collaboration between William & Mary and the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation hopes to find conclusive evidence of the Bray School, an 18th-century institution dedicated to the education of free and enslaved black children.. The Bray School Archaeological Project (BSAP) is a pair of field schools excavating the area near what Meyers and others believe is the original site of the Bray School, the Dudley Digges House at the intersection of Prince George and North Boundary streets in Williamsburg. The Bray School, established with the support of Benjamin Franklin, operated in Williamsburg from 1760 to 1774. The school was in the Digges House from its inception until 1765, when it moved to another location.

