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08 JUIN 2017 NEWS: Channel Islands - Karnamamidi - Bonifacio -






USA1024x1024 Channel Islands - Archaeologists discovered stone tools representative of early North American Paleoindians when the main house at the historic Vail & Vicker Ranch on Santa Rosa Island was lifted for construction of a new foundation. The tools, described as barbed points and crescents, were used for hunting and fishing in the islands, five of which comprise Channel Islands National Park. "The northern Channel Islands have one of the largest and most significant clusters of early coastal sites in the Americas with more than 100 sites over 7,500 years old," Jon Erlandson, a University of Oregon expert on ancient coastal archaeology, said in a statement. "We suspect the site is at least 10,000 years old, with evidence of some of the earliest people on the West Coast, the first Americans."Scientists believe the ancient sites may be evidence of a coastal migration around the North Pacific Rim from northeast Asia to the Americas, the park service said. Santa Rosa Island is also the site of the 1959 discovery of the so-called Arlington Man, human remains that were subsequently dated to 13,000 years ago and may be the oldest found in North America.

INDE - Excavation1 Karnamamidi - The Archaeology Department began massive excavations at Karnamamidi village in Hajipur mandal, on the Godavari basin, an early-historical site believed to be a glorious capital of Satavahana kingdom dating back to 4th and 5th century BC.  The object of the programme is to find historical evidences to establish whether the village was once a capital of ancestors of Satavahana kings. The Archeology department embarked on this mission at a place called Patigadda near Karnamamidi, following permission accorded to it recently by Archeological Survey of India (ASI). Evidently, Kotilingala, the maiden capital of Satahavana rulers can be viewed from this site, rekindling hopes of the authorities. Kotilingala is currently situated in Velgatur mandal of Jagtial district.According to Jagtial’s famous historian Dr Jaisetti Ramanaiah, Kotilingala is considered to be the maiden capital city that had flourished in south India during the 5th and 4th centuries B.C. It was Gobada, a pre-Satavahana ruler who had introduced coins for the first time from Koti Lingala.  Archaeological department’s excavations, carried out during 1968-1974 and 1978-1983, revealed that Koti Lingala and Dhulikatta were fortified towns, which might be among the 30 walled towns mentioned by Meghasthenes in his Indica. “As many as 24,000 coins were recovered from the single Satavahana site at Peddabankur. No other historical site in the world has yielded so large a number of coins,” reasons Ramanaiah.

FRANCECapture2017 06 03 18h09m50s244 3090857 Bonifacio - L'été dernier, une épave de la fin du 17e siècle était fouillée aux environs de Bonifacio. Son état de conservation était si exceptionnel que les archéologues avaient douté de son authenticité. Cette année, une deuxième campagne de fouilles a été diligentée. L'an dernier, une partie de la coque avait été fouillée. Cette année, les chercheurs se focalisent sur une zone stratégique : "C'est la zone centrale où a été déposée le mat. On a toute une structure très caractéristique de l'architecture navale méditerranéenne qui confirme bien l'origine méditerranéenne du bateau", explique Alain Rieth, archéologue et directeur de recherche au CNRS, spécialiste en archéologie navale médiévale et moderne. Bien peu d'objets ont été retrouvés sur le site. Cette année : Un simple morceau de pipe et quelques fragments de céramiques. Mais ils ont une vertu, ils permettent de confirmer la datation du bateau vers la fin du 17e siècle. Une 3e campagne de fouilles l'an prochain, devrait permettre de révéler les tous derniers secrets de l'épave.

