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TURQUIE – 157487  Hierapolis - Semeraro said they have unearthed important findings in the excavation area in the northern part of the city, near the agora and the second theater. "The finds belong to the Hellenistic period. We believe the houses belong to the time when Hierapolis was founded. We found the remains of two large and really important buildings. We believe the small houses were meant for four to seven people.” The team also found many small objects including ceramics, coins and oil lamps produced in Hierapolis, Semeraro added. Dubbed a "Holy City” in archeological literature due to the number of temples and religious structures it houses, the ancient city of Hierapolis-Pamukkale is believed to have been founded by Eumenes II, one of Pergamon kings, at the beginning of the second century B.C.

ANGLETERRE – 320363167 gallery jpg durham Durham - A 14th century copper-alloy seal matrix was recovered from an important submerged archaeological site in the River Wear close to Elvet Bridge in Durham City. The object, which is slightly worn, is conical in shape and features a circular die with a hexagonally faceted handle topped by a round collar and pierced terminal. It has a copper-alloy composition – probably brass – and was most likely cast in a three-part mould before the design was then engraved into the die. The central design, or motif, depicts a four-leaved design which may be intended to be a four-leaf clover within an eight-pointed star – the star being formed by two overlapping slightly inbound double-stranded squares. Each leaf is rounded and has central and branching veins. The die is framed by a beaded circular border. Positioned in the spaces between the eight corners of the star is an asterisk and seven Lombardic capitals letters which provide the French inscription ‘PRIVE SV’ which is likely abbreviated from ‘je privé suis’ which means ‘I am private’. As this seal matrix is anonymous, it is likely to date from the 14th century – seal matrix with personal names are thought to date from the 13th century. Its primary function was to make an impression on a wax seal to authenticate a document or to keep it closed – more specifically, secret or private (privy) letters. A similar sized/shaped copper-alloy seal matrix was found by Gary at the same site in 2008, though this first example is classified as an armorial seal matrix and styled IONIS (John) ‘de Insular’, knight.

ITALIE – Aaqptfq jpgpompei Pompéi -Découverte exceptionnelle à Pompéi. Une chambre d'esclaves a été mise au jour cette semaine par des archéologues italiens. Dans un état de conservation exceptionnel, elle donne à voir ce que pouvait être la vie de deux esclaves adultes, et d'un enfant, au service d'une riche famille qui l'hébergeait. L'éruption du Vésuve a eu lieu il y a près de 2 000 ans et son nuage de cendres a recouvert de nombreux sites encore inexplorés. Gabriel Zuchtriegel, directeur du site archéologique de Pompéi : "C'est un aperçu exceptionnel de la vie et du travail quotidien d'une partie de la population antique, peu connu des sources officielles, qui se penchent presque toujours sur les élites. Dans le cas présent, nous assistons à la vie d'esclaves, de serviteurs : des personnes d'un statut social très bas." Les archéologues pensent malheureusement que cette chambre a déjà été visitée par des pilleurs. Les explorations sauvages et les pillages de tombes aux alentours de Pompéi se sont multipliés ces dernières années. Ces fouilles ont d'ailleurs été réalisées dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte contre les pilleurs de tombes. Les archéologues ont également mis au jour les restes de deux hommes, vraisemblablement un maître et son esclave, qui ont été asphyxiés par les cendres volcaniques alors qu'ils tentaient de s'échapper.

VIDEO = Archéologie : une chambre d'esclaves découverte à Pompéi (

CROATIE – Babina spilja cave hvar Hvar - The cave called “Babina Špilja” on the Adriatic island of Hvar was explored by archaeologists this summer and autumn when they found ceramic items and animal bones dating back to the early Neolithic period and a pebble with natural markings, which appears to have originated from the Mesolithic. The discoveries are currently in Oxford for radiocarbon dating. The results of that analysis will be completed in January 2022, and they will indicate whether or not people had existed on this Croatian island also before the early Neolithic. As an isolated area, Hvar is very important in the past of archeology because it gave an identity to a late Neolithic culture that dates back to the period of 6500 years ago.

TURQUIE – Thumbs b c 00290883c62f9207d187adc6198192dd Panaztepe - Archeologists have unearthed structures in Panaztepe, an area in Menemen district of Turkey’s Izmir province. Although Panaztepe is located 10 kilometers inland today, it was thought to be an island settlement and port city during the Bronze Age, and new findings have added to the historical importance of the ancient location. Umit Cayir, head of the digging operation, said Panaztepe was a significant center especially during 2000 BC with its connections stretching to the Eastern Mediterranean, Western Aegean and even Caucasus region and was located at the intersection between the Mycenaean civilization in the west and Hittite civilization in the east. He said unearthing architectural remains dating to the Early Bronze Age could also add a new dimension to the cultural history of the region, adding the remains of walls of the houses of the period and stone fishing net weights discovered along with the ceramic finds show that it was once a port city.

PEROU – A work crew laying a n Lima - Workers laying gas pipes on a street in the Peruvian capital Lima stumbled on the remains of a pre-Hispanic gravesite that included 2,000-year-old ceramic burial vessels. So far, there are six human bodies that we have recovered, including children and adults, accompanied by a set of ceramic vessels that were expressly made to bury them. Experts believe the site in the Lima district of La Victoria may be linked to the culture known as "Blanco sobre Rojo," or "White on Red," which settled on the central coast of Peru in the valleys of Chillon, Rimac and Lurin, the three rivers that cross Lima. "So far, we have recovered about 40 vessels of different shapes related to the White on Red style," said Camargo, head of the cultural heritage department at the natural gas company Calidda. "Some bottles are very distinctive of this period and style, which have a double spout and a bridge handle," Camargo said.

ANGLETERRE – Tile Carlisle  - Excavation of a Roman building on the grounds of a cricket club in the northern English city of Carlisle has yielded tiles with rare imperial stamps linked to Emperor Septimius Severus, reports Ted Peskett for the News & Star.  “The Romans would quite often stamp their tiles,” says archaeologist Frank Giecco, who is leading the dig for British firm Wardell Armstrong. “The legions would stamp tiles, the auxiliaries would stamp tiles; but this is the very top of the pile. This is the imperial court stamping the tile.” “IMP,” the letters stamped on the tiles, stand for imperator, the Latin word for emperor. Archaeologists first found the Roman structure, which they identified as a bathhouse or hotel, during construction of a new pavilion at the Carlisle Cricket Club in 2017, according to a statement. The venue is located near Stanwix, which was the largest fort on Hadrian’s Wall. Initial investigations unearthed an engraved stone fragment dedicated to Empress Julia Domna, Severus’ wife and the mother of Emperor Caracalla. The building was equipped with a hypocaust—a system used in Roman baths and private homes that relied on an empty space warmed by a furnace to heat the rooms above it.  In addition to the tiles, the dig has unearthed an iron signet ring used to stamp letters to prove their authenticity, as well as Samian ware pottery—expensive, glossy red tableware that often features scenes of gods, animals, hunts or natural scenes. Other finds that particularly interested volunteers included paw prints left on tiles by both cats and dogs. Severus, who ruled Rome from 193 to 211 C.E., led significant rebuilding and reinforcement of defenses along Hadrian’s Wall, notes English Heritage

FRANCE – Photo drone commentee Prades - Le développement de la cité de Prades au cours de l’Antiquité est encore inconnu.  Le centre-ville actuel est-il déjà un centre urbain ? Un diagnostic archéologique effectué avant la fouille atteste déjà de la présence de constructions disséminées datant des Ier et IIe siècles après J.-C. Celles-ci consistent en des sols et des indices d’une activité de métallurgie – probablement de réduction du minerai de fer. Ils sont associés à quelques murs et trous de poteau. Ces éléments évoquent des aires de travail, certaines sous abri, en campagne ou en milieu périurbain. Ces aménagements pouvaient border une voie de circulation, la Ruha, qui aurait structuré l’organisation de l’occupation dès l’Antiquité.  La fouille montre qu’au IXe ou au XIIIe siècle, une activité d’artisanat métallurgique se développe sur le site. Les archéologues ont mis au jour une zone de stockage du minerai de fer. Le bas fourneau n’a pas été conservé mais des indices subsistent des étapes de l’affinage du métal : le corroyage (où le métal était soudé à plusieurs reprises pour évacuer ses impuretés) et la fabrication des outils ainsi que la cémentation (la dernière étape de la chaîne opératoire : les objets en fer étaient chauffés au contact de poudre de charbon de bois et de poudre de corne et d’os pour enrichir le métal en carbone afin de le solidifier). Ce sont principalement les résidus de l’activité métallurgique qui sont retrouvés en contexte archéologique: couches de battitures (particules de métal qui se détachent lors du martelage) ; scories qui se sont déposées dans les ateliers ou ont été rejetées sur la rive du cours d’eau canalisé dès le Moyen Âge. Les recherches montrent qu’à partir du XVIe siècle, la Ruha, aujourd’hui rue du Palais de Justice, s’urbanise avec la construction des premières maisons. Ces maisons occupent des parcelles en lanière et ont une façade principale sur la rue. Elles sont de dimensions assez modestes, de 4 à 5 m de large, autant de profondeur avec un étage, peut-être en encorbellement. À l’arrière, elles ouvrent sur des cours et des jardins qui s’étendent jusqu’au canal. Celui-ci est alors cloisonné par deux murets de bordure et sert d’exutoire aux eaux sales et aux ordures des maisons. Les archéologues y retrouvent les objets qui y ont été rejetés depuis la fin du XVe siècle. À partir du XVIIIe siècle, les maisons se développent, recouvrant même le canal.