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09 JUIN 2017 NEWS: Sullivan's Island - Lubatowka - San Francisco -






USA593836aed6a0f image Sullivan's Island - If you want to know how the cleanup of the Confederate submarine H.L. Hunley is going, think oven cleaner. In the simplest form of chemistry explanation, the sub is being subjected to a mixture of sodium hydroxide and a mild electrical current. The effect is that, when combined, it gradually helps to soften some of the concrete-hard buildup of sand, mud and shells that accumulated inside the sub during the 140 years it was buried off Sullivan's Island so that it can be removed later. Another find officials reported Wednesday: A human tooth. While most of the remains of the eight men who sailed on the sub's final Feb. 17, 1864, mission were removed and ceremonially buried at Magnolia Cemetery in 2004, a tooth was recently discovered stuck in the concretion at crank handle position Number 3. It is believed that's where crewman Frank Collins sat. Scafuri said the tooth loss was "post mortem," meaning that long after the sinking, the tooth came loose during the decomposition process and stuck to the crank handle where it corroded with the iron.

POLOGNEBronze jewellery Lubatowka - Several bronze spiral-shaped bracelets and glass beads known as 'peacock eyes' dating from the Iron Age have been discovered near Krosno in southern Poland. In 500 BCE, the possessor of the treasures buried the jewellery in the valley by a small stream, deep in the forests of Poland's Lower Beskidy Mountains. Now a small village called Lubatowka stands near the site. The hoard was discovered by metal detectorists searching for WWI and WWII artefacts in the Lubatowka area. They found one bronze bracelet, which they brought to the Podkarpackie Museum in nearby Krosno. The museum's archaeologists returned to the site to excavate it more fully. "We found two other bronze bracelets, four fragments of bronze wire – probably from an ornament or a pendant – nine glass beads and eight pieces of glass beads of an eye-shape, with so called peacock feather ornamentation," Katarzyna Krępulec-Nowak, a researcher at the museum told IBTimes UK. "We think this is a typical hoard hidden and protected against theft."

USA01 map post san francisco shipwreck adapt 590 1 San Francisco - Every day thousands of passengers on underground streetcars in San Francisco pass through the hull of a 19th-century ship without knowing it. Likewise, thousands of pedestrians walk unawares over dozens of old ships buried beneath the streets of the city’s financial district. The vessels brought eager prospectors to San Francisco during the California Gold Rush, only to be mostly abandoned and later covered up by landfill as the city grew like crazy in the late 1800s. Now, the San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park has created a new map of these buried ships, adding several fascinating discoveries made by archaeologists since the first buried-ships map was issued, in 1963. It’s hard to imagine now, but the area at the foot of Market Street, on the city’s eastern flank, was once a shallow body of water called Yerba Buena Cove, says Richard Everett, the park’s curator of exhibits. The shoreline extended inland to where the iconic Transamerica Pyramid now rises skyward.