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09 MAI 2017 NEWS: Ayla - Chernivtsi - Ereğli - Mummy Cave - Leicester - Baiya - Halifax -






JORDANIE1aqaba2 Ayla - For the first time ever, archaeologists will carry out an underwater excavation in July in the Gulf of Aqaba, hoping to discover the sunken ruins of the early Islamic city of Ayla. The early Islamic city of Ayla is the Red Sea’s oldest port and a major archaeological site in Islamic history, Part of the ruins of Ayla is currently located northwest of Aqaba city centre, near the many hotels. The city was founded around the year 650 by the Caliph Uthman Ibn Affan. It prospered from 661 to 750 under the Ummayads and beyond under the Abbasids (750-970) and the Fatimids (970-1116), but later declined in the late 12th century due to earthquakes and attacks by bedouins and Crusaders.

UKRAINE235fdafe4ddaace112e3cf7849c73861 Chernivtsi  - An amazing archeological find was discovered on the banks of the Dniester. A rare archaeological artifact, mammoth tusks with carved images of deer and labyrinths, discovered near the village of Doroshivtsi Chernivtsi region. The age of the finds more than 22 thousand years. A length of Tusk 14.5 cm in diameter – from 2 to 4 cm From one end of it cut a small spike. The surface of the artifact is covered with numerous engravings, which conditionally can be called “labyrinths”. Along with the Tusk found whole tip of mammoth Tusk and bones of the reindeer. According to archaeologists, it testifies to the possession of the ancient hunters of the technology of processing this material. It is assumed that the Tusk could use as a kind of ritual thing in the cult of the reindeer. Perhaps it was worn in a leather case or often held in the hands, as in some places the thing as if polished.

TURQUIEN 112720 1 Ereğli  - An ancient funerary stele, unearthed last year during construction work in the Central Anatolian province of Konya’s Ereğli district and claimed to have been sold, was found on May 3 buried in the garden of the digging company.  Last year in March, workers at a construction site on the Anafartalar Street in the Cinler neighborhood unearthed the late Hittite-era stele, dating back to the 7th-8th century. The stele, which was found similar to the relief on the İvriz Rock Monument, which is located in the neighboring district Halkapınar and believed to have been made by the King Varpalas as the world’s first relief monument, had suddenly gone missing.

USAMummycave Mummy Cave - Researchers are re-examining the artifacts that were un-earthed more than 50 years ago. In the mid-sixties, archaeologists found the remains of a human in a bluff shelter in the Shoshone National Forest near Yellowstone.  The mummy, as they called it, is estimated to be about a thousand years old. The excavation also revealed human artifacts left there for as long as ten thousand years. The site is called Mummy Cave and is well known by archaeologists all over the world.

ROYAUME UNI Lewj20170506b 007 c Leicester - Key discoveries include the remains of one of the largest and highest-status Roman mosaic floors ever found in the city, two Roman streets containing a number of buildings and rare evidence of the first Anglo-Saxon migrants to arrive in the city following the demise of Roman Leicester. Since the excavation began in September 2016, the team has discovered the largest and finest-quality mosaic found in over 150 years in Leicester, made with small cubes of stone and tile (tesserae) throughout. The mosaic is in a room with underfloor heating (hypocaust), probably the principal reception room of a major Roman town house on one of the main streets through Roman Leicester. Vast quantities of pottery, coins, brooches, beads, hair pins, gaming pieces and manicure objects were found, as well as an elaborately-decorated knife handle cast in copper alloy, which seemingly depicts a scene showing victims thrown to the lions in the amphitheatre.


CHINE -x  Aa cover k6bc5etmusvo2gjq7auvm5n1i7 20170506160421 medi Baiya - Archaeologists have discovered the remains of an ancient city dating back to more than 1,000 years ago in the country's southwest region. Archaeologists have found the remains of several walls in Yunnan's Midu County, believed to be part of Baiya City, and dating back to the early years of the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Accounts of the old town of Baiya City first appear in a history book written by military official Fan Chuo during the Tang Dynasty. Fan said that Baiya City had an old town and a new town, which were closely connected. A previously discovered "old town" was about two kilometres from the confirmed new town, contradictory to the book, historian and archaeologist He Jinlong said.

CANADAHalifax Halifax - Archaeologists working at the construction site of a future real estate development in downtown Halifax are unearthing some interesting artifacts along the city’s waterfront. The site of the Queen’s Marque development is one of the oldest areas in Halifax.  The city began infilling the harbour shortly after Halifax was founded in 1749, which makes the discovery of an old stone foundation especially interesting. “This foundation behind us is a 1780s guard house. It’s the second … there was an earlier guard house that was kind of, it was probably more likely in Lower Water Street, so this is kind of a later version of it basically,” says Stewart. In addition to the stone foundation, archaeologists dug up a cannonball and an old boot during the trenching process.