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10 JANVIER 2017 NEWS: St Andrews - Wittenberg - Kakheti - Qingzhuangzi - Bouc Bel air - Tobna -






ROYAUME UNI 507782 neolithic pottery and flint tools buried between st andrews and guardbridge for over 4000 years uplo St Andrews - Pottery and tools dating back more than 4000 years have been dug up near a St Andrews University campus. The artefacts provide more evidence of long-distance trade, contacts and especially ideas across the country. It is likely the flint tools came from Yorkshire with further analysis being carried out by archaeologist Dr Torben Ballin, of Bradford University. Grooved-ware pottery has been discovered all over Britain, from Orkney to the south of England, and is most associated with the Neolithic age which ended between 4500 and 2000 BC.

ALLEMAGNE37061470 303 Wittenberg - During a 15th-century outdoor party in the castle courtyard of the Schloss Wittenberg in eastern Germany, guests feasted on wild venison and drank to their heart's content. When their cups were empty, they simply tossed them over their shoulders, where they crashed onto the tiles covering the courtyard. "We found entire layers of cups and animal bones. They ate a lot of wild meat, especially venison," Holger Rode, the archaeologist in charge of the dig in the castle's courtyard in Wittenberg, told German news service dpa. "The parties took place in the summer here in the courtyard. The cups were simply thrown away. That's equivalent to paper cups today." Except that porcelain mugs decorated with roll stamps and mask designs likely provided a more luxurious drinking experience. Disposable dishes were a sign of great wealth at the time and only the nobility used them at the castle. According to Rode, the cups discovered by his team were only used at the Wittenberg castle and had been created to be used just once. "All the noble families celebrated - the House of Ascania up to 1422 and then the House of Wettin, and they all threw the cups away," said Rode. Frederick III (1463-1525) began building the castle and a church on the site of a former Ascania castle in 1480. Archaeologists began excavating the site in November and have found portions of a curtain wall, remains of the Ascania castle, as well as original tiles from the subsequent castle's oven. It was in Wittenberg that church reformer Martin Luther posted his famous 95 theses in 1517. He was said to have owned an oven similar to that found in the dig. "Ovens of that kind were incredibly expensive due to their multi-colored tiles," archaeologist Harald Meller told dpa. "Luther must have received the oven as a gift from a ruler or cardinal."

GEORGIEAncient settlement in kakheti 17 1 Kakheti - Leading Georgian and foreign archaeologists will join forces to study an ancient settlement and the largest burial mound ever found in Georgia. The National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia (NACHPG) last week revealed the discovery of an ancient settlement on the Iori riverbank in the east of Georgia. Located in Kakheti region, the settlement’s remains were found next to a Bronze Age burial mound. The NACHPG later released aerial footage of the site. The ancient settlement sprawls across 25,000 square metres and features traces of walls reaching 1 - 1.2 metres in thickness. Located to the east of the remains is a burial mound 115 meters in diameter and 20 meters in height, making it the largest of its kind ever discovered in Georgia. Archaeologists said the walls of the settlement had been damaged by a "strong fire”. The experts also revealed items and materials discovered via a "surface study” of the site including clay bassanite, painted fragments of ancient dishes and sharpening stones.


CHINEChina old city 1483898369 Qingzhuangzi - Dating back more than 2,000 years, an ancient settlement has been unearthed in Shenyang, capital of China’s northeastern Liaoning Province, the city cultural relics and archaeology institute said on Sunday. The institute started work on Qingzhuangzi City in the Hunnan District of Shenyang in July 2016. So far, about 500 square meters have been excavated. Archaeologists have found the remains of houses, cellars, ash pits, and tombs. Pottery, bronzeware, ironware and stoneware have been unearthed at the site, state-run Xinhua news agency reported. Archaeologists said Qingzhuangzi had a long history of human habitation from the Bronze Age to the Han Dynasty (202 BC – 220 AD).

FRANCE - Capture d e cran 2017 01 06 a 18 20 50 Bouc Bel air - Les images étonnantes de la nécropole découverte il y a quelques mois sur un terrain de la commune de Bouc Bel air, une nécropole datant de la fin de l'antiquité qui regroupe 313 sépultures. Les fouilles vont se poursuivent jusqu'à la fin du mois.


ALGERIEDb3e297220f6793767cabfba4d4e0e26 l Tobna - Une équipe d’archéologues du centre national de recherche en archéologie (CNRA) de l’université Alger 2, a entamé une opération d’évaluation du potentiel archéologique du site Tobna, situé à la daïra de Barika dans la wilaya de Batna, a-t-on appris dimanche du directeur de la Culture.  Programmée du 5 au 9 janvier courant, cette opération, présidée par le Pr Mohamed El Mostefa Filah, permettra de mieux connaitre le site et de localiser les zones qui seront ciblées par les fouilles archéologiques, devant être lancées à la fin du mois de mars prochain, a précisé Omar Kebour. Le site Tobna, qui renferme des ruines romaines et islamiques, s’étend à l’Est de la route nationale (RN) n° 70 entre les deux villes de Barika et M’doukal. Bien que l’existence de la cité historique Tobna remonte à la fin du 2ème siècle, selon plusieurs sources historiques, le site, classé en 1950 et portée sur la liste du patrimoine national en janvier 1968, n’a pas constitué l’objet des recherches archéologiques, a-t-on noté.