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10 MAI 2016 NEWS: Tidworth - Sheboygan - Aiguillon - Nivelles - Vallée des Rois -







ROYAUME UNIImgid65864990 jpg gallery Tidworth - Another archaeological find has been unearthed on land designated for army housing in Tidworth. The 1300-year-old Anglo-Saxon cemetery was discovered ahead of building works as part of a £70 million housing development to provide 322 new homes for Army families by the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) in partnership with housebuilder Hill. The cemetery of about 55 graves date back to the late 7th and early 8th century AD. A similar archaeological site was also found in Bulford. Simon Flaherty, the site director for Wessex Archaeology, said: “The earliest documentary evidence we have for Saxon settlement at Tidworth dates to 975 AD. This excavation potentially pushes the history of the town back a further 300 years.” Preliminary results suggest the burials represent a cross-section of a local community, with men, women and children all present. Nearly all the burials contained grave goods; personal effects or significant items interred with the dead. Most commonly these were small iron knives, although other finds included combs and pins made of bone, beads and pierced coins thought to form necklaces, and several spearheads. Project manager Bruce Eaton, added: “The site at Tidworth has produced some fascinating archaeology. The mid-Saxon cemetery is of particular importance in its own right, but taken together with the recent excavation of the Anglo-Saxon cemetery on MOD land at Bulford, which was of a similar date, we now have the opportunity to compare and contrast the burial practices of two communities living only a few miles apart and who would almost certainly have known each other.” One of the graves found was of a 6 feet tall man which contained an unusually large spearhead and a conical shield boss, possibly indicating his status as a warrior. A rich female burial had bronze jewellery, beads, a bone comb, a chatelaine and a finely decorated bronze work box - suggesting her likely importance within the household and wider community.

USA635982924360008992 golf Sheboygan - Land that the Kohler Co. envisions for a high-end golf course along the shore of Lake Michigan contains thousands of cultural artifacts dating back more than 2,000 years, an archaeological study shows. The relics — and those found in previous research — could affect the eventual design of the 18-hole golf course in Sheboygan County, if Kohler is required to avoid some areas and minimize the impact on others, according to a federal official. Excavations in 2015 turned up pottery fragments, stone tools, arrows and other projectile points, a grooved ax and special stones that Native Americans used as a hammer to make implements. The items date back to the late Archaic period — between 1200 B.C. and 100 B.C. Most of the artifacts come from Woodland-era Native Americans, whose most recent inhabitants lived between 400 and 1100 A.D. In all, archaeologists found 25,186 prehistoric and historic artifacts in 96 digs across 195 acres, according to the report. Much of the material — more than 10,000 of the artifacts — was classified as "debitage," which are bits of rock left when stone tools were fashioned, according to an archaeological investigation of the site. The site contains one previously known burial mound that Kohler has said will not be disturbed. No other human remains or burial mounds were discovered during the 2015 digs, the report says. Another discovery: A fragment of a pipe, buttons and a buckle, and the remnants of a foundation of a fish house owned a European immigrant family, who lived on the property in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

FRANCEFrederic prodeo ingenieur responsable d operations 3780244 1000x500 Aiguillon - Le sous-sol de la commune regorge de vestiges. Des fours de potiers et une voie romaine viennent d’être découverts.

BELGIQUE – Nivelles - ans les guides touristiques, les promenades suggérées à ceux qui veulent visiter Nivelles passent la plupart du temps par les « Vingt-quatre Apas », des escaliers anciens reliant le pittoresque quartier Saint-Jacques au parc de la Dodaine, poumon vert de la ville. Actuellement, le passage est impossible : depuis deux semaines, le lieu subit d’importants travaux de rénovation. Mais le chantier a été mis à l’arrêt la semaine dernière, suite à une découverte archéologique qui renforcera sans doute encore l’attrait de l’endroit. Le grutier qui creusait les « apas » après avoir enlevé les pierres bleues est en effet tombé sur des éléments anciens de maçonnerie qui, après avertissement aux spécialistes du Service régional de l’archéologique du Brabant wallon, s’avèrent être l’ancien rempart de Nivelles. Un double rempart, en réalité : on voit particulièrement bien sur place que ces fortifications qui ont été érigées à la fin du XIIe ou au début du XIIIe siècle se composaient d’un mur extérieur large de 2,1 mètres, et un peu plus loin d’un mur intérieur. On suppose qu’une plateforme en bois, entre les deux, permettait de placer des pièces d’artillerie. Les archéologues qui ont quelques jours pour dégager l’ensemble en tâchant de respecter les niveaux du chantier ont aussi mis à jour d’autres petits murs, dont ils tenteront d’expliquer l’utilité. Il n’est pas impossible qu’il s’agisse de contrebuter la muraille principale, qui semble partir de biais et être déformée vers l’intérieur. Il y avait peut-être une autre utilité. L’enceinte ancienne sert en réalité d’assise aux murs latéraux des 24 apas. Et un peu plus loin, elle était visiblement intégrée dans ceux d’une ancienne habitation.

EGYPTE01 radar tut adapt 590 1 Vallée des Rois -  After months of speculation about the possibility of hidden chambers in the tomb, officials revealed another surprise: that two different radar scans of King Tut’s burial chamber have resulted in contradictory conclusions. “Until now, we don’t have a conclusive result,” Khaled El-Enany, the minister of antiquities, announced on the final day of the conference. He called for the formation of a committee to decide the next step, which will likely include further examination by radar and other high-tech methods.
