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10 MAI 2017 NEWS: Triquet - Savai’i - Edom - Ploemeur - Arques - Chicago -






CANADATriquet Triquet Island - In their oral history, the Heiltsuk people describe how the area around Triquet Island, on the western coast of their territory in British Columbia, remained open land during the ice age. “People flocked there for survival because everywhere else was being covered by ice, and all the ocean was freezing and all of the food resources were dwindling,” says Heiltsuk Nation member William Housty. And late last year, archaeologists excavating an ancient Heiltsuk village on Triquet Island uncovered the physical evidence: a few flakes of charcoal from a long-ago hearth. Analysis of the carbon fragments indicates that the village site — deserted since a smallpox epidemic in the 1800s — was inhabited as many as 14,000 years ago, making it three times as old as the pyramids at Giza, and one of the oldest settlements in North America. There are several sites that date to around the same time as the very early date that we obtained for Triquet Island, so what this is suggesting is that people have been here for tens of thousands of years,” says Alisha Gauvreau, a scholar at the Hakai Institute and a PhD candidate at the University of Victoria, who has been working at the Triquet Island site. But how was it that Triquet Island remained uncovered, even during the ice age? According to Gauvreau, sea levels in the area remained stable over time, due to a phenomenon called sea level hinge. So all the rest of the landmass was covered in ice,” she explains. “As those ice sheets started to recede — and we had some major shifts in sea levels coastwide, so further to the north and to the south in the magnitude of 150 to 200 meters of difference, whereas here it remained exactly the same.” The result, Gauvreau says, is that people were able to return to Triquet Island repeatedly over time. And while nearby sites also show evidence of ancient inhabitants, people “were definitely sticking around Triquet Island longer than anywhere else,” she says. In addition to finding bits of charcoal at the site, she says archaeologists have uncovered tools like obsidian blades, atlatls and spear throwers, fishhook fragments and hand drills for starting fires.

SAMOASamoa Savai’i. - This week, a research team from the Centre of Samoan Studies presented their findings during their archaeological survey of the inland areas of the villages of Vaito’omuli, and Fa’ala in Savai’i.  Mr. Jackmond mapped an extensive antic net settlement of over 200 hectares inland of Vailoa village, in original on the Nelson family owned Plantation. However, the team found large platforms as well as giant walls and walkways that suggest that there were far more people living inland than previously suggested and therefore a greater number in population size.  Their survey of the land proved a large group of Samoans occupied  inland areas as they found many large platforms that could be used for living quarters and other large man made structures.  After 4 full days, in the field, the team had logged 673 GPS way points, taken over 750 photographs and recorded 233 prehistoric features, they confirmed tahth inland areas were once sites of dense prehistoric settlement.

JORDANIE2017561626rn330 Edom - Excavations in the lowlands of Edom show conclusively that the Iron Age social complexity and emergence of the Kingdom of Edom, known from biblical texts, began 500-400 years earlier than previously thought, according to a Jordanian archaeologist. The Kingdom of Edom primarily comprised parts of modern day southern Jordan and Al Naqab Desert. Najjar was part of Edom Lowland Regional Archaeological Project (ELRAP) which ran from 1997 to 2017 and combined classical archaeology with cyber archaeology.  Cyber archaeology is a new multi-disciplinary method that combines engineering, computer science and physics, he elaborated, noting that ELRAP studied the copper production and its correlation with social, economic and political changes in the region.  “The fact is that metalworking and exploitation of metal resources are strongly tied to political power and social infrastructure,” Najjar said.  Moreover, metalworking can be used as a proxy for measuring the degree of social complexity of the communities involved in metal production, the scholar noted. Wadi Feynan is mentioned in ancient sources as an area well-known for its copper mines. “Being at the edge of the Arabian and African tectonic plates, the geology of the southern Levant is very complex,” he stated, explaining that Wadi Araba transforms, or runs parallel to, other major east-west fault systems including Dana and Qwaira, to shape the geology of the region. The crystalline basement rocks (Aqaba and Araba complexes) are overlain by a long sequence of sandstones, siltsones, shales and limestones; it is within the Salib Arkosic Sandstone, the Burj Dolomite-Shale and Umm Ishrin formations, that copper ore occurs, the archaeologist said. The C-14 (radiocarbon) dates from Feynan in southern Jordan clearly demonstrates that there were two peaks of copper production during the period between the end of the Late Bronze Age 1,200BC and the 9th century BC, Najjar underscored. The veteran archaeologist claimed that “this new data challenges previous assumptions about the Iron Age in Jordan, such as that the formation of the Iron Age kingdom of Edom only took place in the 7th and 6th centuries BC; and that no monumental building activities took place in Jordan during the 10th century BC.  “Control of copper production and trade in copper at the very end of the Late Bronze Age, Iron I and Iron II periods was probably the main catalyst for the rise of social complexity in Iron Age Edom,” Najjar concluded.

FRANCEC est ce genre d ancre de marine du xviiie siecle que les 3409352 307x330p Ploemeur- Des travaux archéologiques sous-marins seront menés pour reconstituer dans l'anse du Stole, un mouillage à l'ancienne avec quatre ancres du XVIIIe siècle, accessibles au grand public, par la mer ou la plageCette opération de ré-immersion de quatre ancres du XVIIIe siècle et du début du XIXe siècle, menée vendredi dans l'anse du Stol, à Ploemeur, par l'Adramar (Association pour le développement de la recherche en archéologie maritime), a pour but de reconstituer un chantier archéologique sous-marin.

FRANCEB9711917193z 1 20170504172418 000 gng90h06v 3 0 Arques -  Imaginez des bâtiments posés sur des poteaux de bois plantés à même le sol et renforcés par du torchis. C’est ce type de constructions, propres à la période protohistorique (néolithique et âges des métaux) que les archéologues ont décelé grâce à de simples marques grises présentes au sol et à une série d’empreintes. «  Après une interruption de l’occupation pendant l’Antiquité et le Moyen-Âge, le site a de nouveau été occupé, explique Pauline Lhommel. De façon plus massive vers le XIIe siècle.  » En témoigne ce qui semble être un immense enclos circulaire, entouré de fossés creusés sur plus de deux mètres de profondeur. Comme des fortifications. «  On veut se protéger de quelque chose  », confirme l’archéologue. Au centre de cet enclos, l’équipe a trouvé des vestiges d’un bâtiment. Probablement une ferme. «  Il y a des traces d’activité agropastorale, des fosses où on jetait des déchets, des restes d’animaux et des pots cassés.  » Canalisation en céramique du Moyen-Âge et autre habitat du XVIIe siècle marquent une présence à la période moderne. Avant un abandon de la parcelle au XVIIIe siècle.

USA Tumblr inline opef5ojxt31qgjbhq 400 Chicago - The remains of notorious Chicago serial killer H.H. Holmes are set to be exhumed to try to solve a 120-year-old mystery: Did the "Devil in the White City" fake his own execution? History tells us that Holmes — whose macabre murder spree during the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago was detailed in Erik Larson's 2003 best-seller "The Devil in the White City" — was hanged in Philadelphia in 1896 and buried at nearby Holy Cross Cemetery. But Holmes, whose birth name was Herman Mudgett, was long rumored to have applied his infamous skills of deceit to his own fate, and one legend has it that he paid off jail guards to hang a cadaver in his place so he could escape to South America. Shortly before Holmes' execution, he confessed to some 27 killings, including the slaying of his own son — purportedly his first victim.

