- ROYAUME-UNI : Cornwall - A rare Native American canoe thought to be more than 250 years old has been found on a family estate in Cornwall. The birch bark canoe was discovered in a barn on the Enys estate near Penryn. It is believed the Canadian boat was brought to Cornwall by Lt John Enys who fought in Quebec during the American War of Independence. The canoe will be preserved and put on display to the public at the National Maritime Museum in Falmouth before being repatriated to Canada. Historians believe the boat could possibly be one of the oldest birch bark canoes in existence.
- ISRAËL : Césarée - La tempête a détruit les digues protégeant le port de Césarée, menaçant ce célèbre site archéologique datant de l'époque romaine, a indiqué lundi un responsable israélien. "Maintenant, le port est exposé à la furie des vagues, ce n'est qu'une affaire de temps avant que tout ne s'effondre", a expliqué Zeev Margalit, un responsable de l'Office israélien des parcs et de la nature. Césarée est l'un des principaux ports de l'Antiquité, construit par Hérode (73 à 4 av. J.-C.), devenu une des principales attractions touristiques en Israël grâce à ses célèbres ruines romaines. Césarée a été ensuite fortifiée par les croisés.
- VIET-NAM : Hai Phong - Twenty four kilograms of coins dating back to the 18th century were found at a private residence in Hai Phong City. After cleaning and sorting, they found some of the coins had been minted during the reign of China’s Qianlong Emperor while others had been produced by uprising peasants under Vietnam’s Le Dynasty in the 18th century. The coins were packed in a ruddy wave-patterned jar and hidden in the pond. The zinc-bronze doubloons have taken on a dark, rusty color over the years.
- ARGENTINE : Venado Tuerto - Argentine anthropologists found human skeletal remains some 8,270 years old on a lakeside beach in the central province of Santa Fe, the scientists said from their university offices. The remains were found together with the bones of guanacos from 7,000 years ago and ceramics between 1,500 and 2,300 years old near the town of Venado Tuerto, 375 kilometers (230 miles) northwest of Buenos Aires. The anthropologists from the National University of Rosario, Argentina's third-largest city, made the find in 2003, when heavy flooding from the lake left the remains on the surface. From the characteristics of the materials, the technology and the lack of any elements connected with European populations, we judged their antiquity to be a minimum of 500 years old and a maximum of 3,000 years. The remains were then sent to a U.S. laboratory in Arizona that studied the bones and discovered that their antiquity was far greater than the Argentine archaeologists had thought. What is interesting is that this is the first dating of such antiquity ever made here in Santa Fe. This is the oldest material recovered in the province up to now. The scientists are now doing research to determine to which native peoples the skeletal remains belonged.
- E.A.U. : Sir Bani Yas - Sir Bani Yas island is home to the remains of a 7th century monastery and church, discovered by a tourist in 1991. The remains, which pre-date Islam, are the most easterly Christian settlement found in the Gulf. The island has a rich history. The UAE's ruling Al Nahyan family are descendants of the Bani Yas tribe, and archaeological finds indicate that the island itself was inhabited as far back as 6,000 years ago. Sheikh Zayed used Sir Bani Yas as a personal retreat, and it was his dedication to conservation and archaeology that helped to excavate and maintain this hidden treasure. His vision for the island was for it to be a haven for endangered plants and animals. It's beauty lies not in conventional tourist attractions, but in providing a snapshot of what life in this land was like across the centuries.
- FRANCE : Bousbecque : Patrimoine et mémoire de Bousbecque va demander des fouilles archéologiques sur le site de la ferme Ghestem. Un dossier qui prendra du temps s'il aboutit à des recherches. Impuissante devant les engins de démolition, l'association ne désespère pourtant pas de faire protéger le site. Et entend déposer un dossier auprès du Service régional de l'archéologie (SRA, service de la DRAC) pour réaliser des fouilles préventives sur cet ancien domaine de la Seigneurie de le Lys au 11e siècle. « On a la preuve qu'il y avait une motte féodale (butte de terre entourée d'eau où s'élève un château féodal, ndlr). Ce site n'a jamais été fouillé », souligne Pascale Catry en avançant diverses archives historiques et sources iconographiques référencées. « On ne peut pas vivre sur une interrogation », souligne encore Jean de Facq, président de l'association Patrimoine et mémoire de Bousbecque. Ainsi, les membres sont en train de constituer le dossier qu'ils soumettront au SRA.
- INDE : Annigeri - The mystery surrounding the skulls found in Annigeri while digging a canal, may soon unravel as the general director of Archaeology Survey of India (ASI), New Delhi, has finally given a permission to the state archaeology department to carry out excavation in Annigeri where the skulls were found. Besides this, the district administration has also sent samples of the skulls to the Institute of Physics, Bhuvaneshwar, for radio carbondating test to ascertain the exact age and history behind the persons whose skulls were found in Annigeri. The excavation will be conducted on a one-acre land. We will further extend it if necessary. The skulls should not be exposed to rain before conducting the carbondating test. We will immediately send the skulls for further tests if we find any during the excavation.