11 Avril 2016 NEWS : Giriroto - Sarcham - Wallingford - Duddon - Vale of Glamorgan -







INDONESIE2016 04 09 2733 1460172723 large Giriroto - Officers from the Cultural Heritage Preservation Center (BPCB) discovered on Thursday a Mahakala statue and the foundation of a building at a temple excavation site in Gunung Wijil, Giriroto village, Ngemplak district, Boyolali, Central Java. The statue, suspected to be a relic of the Hindu Shiva era of the 9th century, was found just 30 centimeters under the ground’s surface. The discovery is not far from the location where a Nandeswara statue was discovered at the end of March. “We suspect that the building is a temple,” Muhammad Junawan, the head of the center’s excavation team, said.  He said the concrete brick-made foundation and the Mahakala statue indicated that the building was an archaeological remnant of the ancient Hindu Mataram era of the 9th century. In Hindu Shiva culture, Mahakala was the protector of a temple gate.   Currently, the excavation process has reached the temple’s leg, which is 25 square meters in width, and 1.5 meters in height. It is likely there are two temples at the site. The first temple is the main temple and the other one is a companion temple. They stand face to face,” said Jumawan. Jumawan said Boyolali was an area that may contain many ancient objects from the Hindu period. It was probable that the latest discovery in Ngemplak was related to previous discoveries in several areas across Boyolali.


IRAN1884345 Sarcham -  Archaeologists in western province of Kurdistan have uncovered remains of a village, probably settled during sixth millennia BC, several miles from Sanandaj. Cultural Heritage Organization Research House public relations office told Mehr News correspondent that Mr. Amir Saed Moucheshi, the head of expedition and his team members had carried out investigations in Sarcham historical site during which they found the relics of a settled village belonging to aneolithic age. “The exploration uncovered pottery, stone appliances, animal bones, and remains architectural structures in the site; the earthenware bears crimson paintings and embossed shapes and other basic geometric designs, and possibly belong to Dalma ceramic tradition and a few others to She-Gabi Tepe pottery design,” Moucheshi had said. According to the head of expedition, before the exploration, settled regions in Uraman of Mesolithic and aneolithic periods; “this is the oldest village uncovered in the region; explorations would provide valuable information as to the lifestyle, cultural traditions, and modes of communication of ancient people of the region; the site also reveals remains of settlement during iron age belonging to 3,000 ago, which indicates that the region had been settled as old as that time,” he detailed. “The present exploration is part of grander scale of archeological excavations led by Dr. Fereidoun Beiglari in the Valley of Sirvan River; during a year of explorations, different sites belonging to Paleolithic, aneolithic, Iron Age, and Islamic period have been uncovered,” he told Mehr News correspondent.


ROYAUME UNI Imgid61395696 jpg gallery Wallingford  - The  smallest medieval Arabic chess piece to be discovered in the country has been unearthed in an archaeological dig at Wallingford Museum. At first curators at the museum in High Street thought the artefact was a tiny carving of a cat. But a closer examination revealed it was a chess piece made from the tip of an antler, and further pieces could be found when a second dig is carried out at the visitor attraction in July. The tiny object was discovered during an excavation in the back yard of the museum. Once it was cleaned up it was identified as a gaming piece, highly decorated with ring and dot designs. The curator said: "Expert identification has shown that it is actually a medieval Arabic chess piece. "It is one of only about 50 medieval chess pieces found in England and, at only 21.7mm high, it is unique in being the smallest medieval Arabic chess piece known in the country. "The chess piece was made from the tip of an antler in the 12th or 13th century and is highly decorated with traditional roundels - most other such pieces are at least double the size. This is a bishop so the other pieces in the set must have been really tiny - it may have been part of a travelling set." Mrs Dewey added that the design originated in the East from an elephant, with the points representing tusks. When chess spread to Europe the piece became known as a Bishop, as the tusks looked like the points of a bishop’s mitre.


ROYAUME UNIImgid62024033 jpg pwrt3 Duddon - The Duddon Valley Local History Group (DVLHG), which surveyed the structures, will now be able to excavate the three longhouses, in the hopes that they can find out when they were built. The archaeological work will focus in the higher intake fields below the Walna Scar road leading into Duddon, close to Seathwaite Tarn, which is farmed and managed from Tongue House Farm. It has been suggested that the longhouses, which would have typically been used as dwellings and were built around wooden frames, are medieval and could even be Norse in origin. Cumbria had a strong Norse influence, as is evident by the place names, burials and treasure hoards of Scandinavian origin in the county.


ROYAUME UNI - Vale of Glamorgan - Work on part of a Vale of Glamorgan housing development has been suspended after human 'cremation pits' were uncovered during surveys. It is understood skeletal remains were found at the St Athan site. Vale of Glamorgan council confirmed "a number of cremation plots" had been indentified at the Tathana Court development.

