Jerusalem - The Temple Mount Sifting Project said Sunday it had found a stone finger that may have belonged to a Bronze Age Egyptian statue, but conceded it wasn’t sure. In the statement released by the Temple Mount Sifting Project to the press, Barkay was more authoritative in his assertions about the artifact than he was in conversation on the phone. “This is a fragment of a life-size statue, which was made in Egypt and imported to Canaan,” the statement said. “We clearly notice that this is part of a pinky finger measuring 3.5 centimeters (1.4 inches), from a man’s hand, which includes also a fingernail. The statue is made of a hard black stone originating in Egypt. The statue most likely represented a figure of a god or king. The black stone from which the statue is manufactured testifies to its Egyptian origin.” He posited that the statue to which the finger belonged dated to the Late Bronze Age, around 3,500 years ago, based on the style, but conceded that “We cannot exclude the possibility that the statue is from a later period.”
Murviel-lès-Montpellier - C'est presque devenu une habitude dans la région, quand on creuse... on trouve... C'est le cas des fouilles à Murviel-lès-Montpellier, où une équipe de l'INRAP, l'Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives, a mis au jour un sanctuaire gallo-romain. Les visiteurs découvrent un temple gallo-romain et son sanctuaire érigés sur 4.000 m2, qui a été mis aux jours lors de la dernière campagne de fouille. 17 ans déjà que les archéologues de l'I.N.R.A.P, l'Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives, scrutent le site du Castellas, qui compte aujourd'hui 22 hectares. Il y a 2.000 ans, cette cité administrative gallo-romaine abritait près de 3.000 habitants et beaucoup de commerces. Le peuple des Samnagenses venait ici dans le temple, déposer des offrandes. Les archéologues ont jusqu'au 21 avril pour poursuivre leurs fouilles sur cette parcelle.
Skrydstrup - A groundbreaking new study has shown that the Skrydstrup Girl, who was discovered in a burial mound in 1935, was neither born nor raised in Denmark. In 2015, another famous Danish preserved body, the Egtved girl, also caused a stir when it was discovered that she originated from southern Germany rather than territory within modern-day Denmark. This adds to the fascination of the new Skrydstrup girl discovery, reports DR. “The result is important because it shows that the Egtved girl was not a freak occurrence. It appears there is a pattern that is telling us how people, and in this instance women, moved around during the Bronze Age,” Frei, who also led the Egtved girl study, told the broadcaster. Researchers found that the Skrydstrup girl arrived in Denmark at the age of 13 or 14, before which she lived in a region “several hundred kilometres” away – possibly the Czech Republic, France or central Germany. The young woman lived in the area around Skydstrup for four years before dying as a 17-year-old in around 1300 BCE, according to the DR report. Remnants of tooth, bone and hair enabled researchers to map out the life of the woman in a way not possible with previous finds such as the Egtved girl. “Her burial place in Denmark suggests that she was a member of society’s elite, probably from prior to her arrival. For example, her teeth tell us that she had a nutritious diet from a young age, which can be a mark of high status,” Frei said. “The Skrydstrup girl shows that the Bronze Age was a globalised era. People moved from south to north because of marriage, and went on long trade journeys. Archaeology has long shown this, but now we also have evidence from the natural sciences that it was the case,” said Kristiansen.
Chios - The two kourοi from Apollo and Artemis sanctuary at the port of Emporios, Chios island, are now on display at the Archaeological Museum of Chios with the assistance of the Acropolis Museum experts. The kourοi were unearthed in 2004 by archaeologist Kokkona Roumbou. One of the kourοi is from a Paros island workshop and is dated back to 560 BC. The other kouros has been probably made at a Chios workshop in the period 575-550 BC.