Londres - Excavations of up to 3,000 skeletons which archaeologists say offer a glimpse into a fascinating phase of London's history are under way. The Bedlam burial ground under Liverpool Street is a site that will serve the cross-London Crossrail line. It was used from 1569 to at least 1738 and includes bodies belonging to victims of the Black Death. Tests on excavated victims will further the understanding of the evolution of the plague's bacterial strain. A team of 60 archaeologists will work six days a week to remove skeletons and carefully record evidence of what may prove to be, in archaeological terms, London's most valuable 16th, 17th and 18th Century cemetery site. The skeletons will be excavated over the next four weeks, after which archaeologists will dig through medieval marsh deposits and Roman remains. The remains will eventually be reinterred in a field in Essex. Niamh Carty, a osteo-archaeologist working on the site, said the age, sex and stature of the people buried in the site will be investigated. Preliminary excavations at the Liverpool Street site in 2013 and 2014 have already uncovered more than 400 skeletons and numerous artefacts.
Manchester - Outlines of a prison where three wrongly-convicted men were hanged in 1867, built as the first jail to be constructed in accordance with reformist principles, have been uncovered by archaeologists in Manchester using aerial photos to plot the foundations of its extension more than 200 years ago.Founded between 1787 and 1790, New Bailey Prison had male and female blocks of misdemeanant workshops and wards in a rectangular enclosure surrounding its gardens, a radial-plan Gaoler’s Building and Gate Keeper’s Lodge.The prison site, where a huge office development will be built, was expanded during the 1810s with the clearance of Bolton and Faulkner Street, making way for a western extension including a Governor’s House and four structures, two of which were used as a cook house and hospital.The Manchester Martyrs - three innocent Irishmen convicted of killing a sergeant - were hanged outside the prison in November 1867, by which time a turn keys office, clerk’s office and a new chapel had been added to the western extension. Salford University archaeologists have been excavating the site since February.
Sengamadai - The Department of Archaeology has recovered artefacts of Megalithic (iron-age) burial site, datable to circa 1000 BC, at Sengamadai village near RS Mangalam in Ramanathapuram district. Curator of Ramalinga Vilasam Palace K. Sakthivel, and convenor of Tiruppullani Heritage Club V. Rajaguru recovered the artefacts from the deposit site of the temple tank at the village while undertaking a field survey. Displaying the artefacts – red ware, black ware, red and black ware, parts of burial urns, decorated red ware, potsherds, remnants of ring stand and iron ore – to reporters here recently, Mr. Sakthivel said the recovery revealed that a King of Ramanathapuram had built a fort at the burial site about 300 years ago. He said the villagers had desilted the tank about three years ago and the artefacts were found scattered on the bank of the tank. “Burial urns are also found inside the tank and this is the first time that parts of burial urns are recovered in the district,” he said. The tank was located at the centre of the fort built by King Vijaya Ragunatha Sethupathy (1711-1725) at the burial site about 300 years ago. The king’s other fort was located at Kamudhi and it is now maintained by the Archaeology Department. During the iron-age also, there were separate residential and burial sites and the residential site could be located if the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) conducted an excavation, he said. About 300 metres from the burial site, there was a river and the residential site might be located on the bank of the river, he added. Mr. Sakthivel said he would send a report to the State Department of Archaeology giving details of the artefacts recovered from the site and suggesting an excavation. The ASI would decide on the excavation after the department sent a detailed profile of the site, he said. The ASI had conducted excavations at two sites in the district in the past and found that Azhagankulam belonged to the Sangam period and Theriruveli, the Historic period. An excavation at Sengamadai was worth it as it appeared to belong to the Megalithic or Iron-age period, he added.
BELGIQUE – Stasegem - De nombreux vestiges allant de la Préhistoire à la Première Guerre mondiale ont été découverts lors de fouilles archéologiques préventives menées en 2014 à l'occasion de la création d'un nouveau lotissement à Stasegem dans l'entité de Harelbeke en Flandre occidentale. La découverte archéologique la plus importante est un tumulus d'un diamètre de 7,2 mètres datant de l'Age du Bronze (-2000 à -800 avant notre ère). Une ferme de l'Age du Fer comprenant plusieurs bâtiments a également été découverte. Le tumulus ne constitue toutefois pas la découverte archéologique la plus ancienne. Les archéologues ont en effet mis au jour lors de fouilles des outils en silex remontant à la Préhistoire. Les fouilles ont également permis la découverte de tombes à incinération de l'époque romaine ainsi que des perles de verre et des garnitures datées de l'époque mérovingienne, ce qui est unique pour la région. Les découvertes les plus récentes remontent à la Grande Guerre puisqu'il s'agit d'un cratère d'obus.