Amiens - *Dans les niveaux de tourbe, probablement lié à un ancien canal de la Somme, des tuiles, des semelles de chaussure romaines et de la céramique de la première moitié du IIe siècle ont été recueillies. *Un niveau fluviatile sableux gris doit être lié à un canal probablement actif entre le XIVe et le XVe siècle. Il a livré de nombreuses chevilles osseuses, issues d’une activité artisanale. *Les niveaux fluviatiles sont scellés par un remblai d’assainissement et le terrain est nivelé lors de l’intégration de la parcelle à l’Hôtel-Dieu ( XVIe-XVIIe siècles?). Une fosse commune, datable du XVe siècle, contenait au moins quatre individus. Elle témoigne probablement d'une des épidémies de peste qui a frappé Amiens à cette période. A la fin du XVIe siècle, la parcelle est transformée en cimetière pour l’inhumation des «pestiférés» et des niveaux riches en os humains appartiennent probablement à l'ancien cimetière. La découverte de niveaux de remblai contenant des nombreuses ossements humains montre qu’au moins une partie des sépultures a été détruite pendant l’époque Moderne, probablement lors de la construction des édifices dont les fondations ont été retrouvées. En effet, les murs de fondations appartenant à des édifices d’époque moderne et probablement à un des murs de clôture du cimetière ont été mis en évidence.
OUZBEKISTAN – Minggepa - Significant findings have been made during excavation work by a joint team of archaeologists from China and Uzbekistan, an archaeology forum staged by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) announced Tuesday. The work was carried out at the Minggepa ruins in the southeast of the Fergana Valley in Uzbekistan. Five excavations since 2012 have broadened the ruins' size from 500 by 800 meters to 2,100 by 1,300 meters, showing that just over 2,000 years ago Minggepa was not simply a provisional garrison fort for nomads, but a fully functional castle, the largest in the Fergana Valley. The team also unearthed the ruins of a handicraft workshop, the west gate of the inner city and a graveyard. The relics were believed to date back about 2,155 years, according to a report from the Institute of Archaeology of the CASS. The institute started cooperation with counterparts in Uzbekistan in 2012. The excavations adopted a unique Chinese tool known as a "Luoyang shovel." Precision measurement, computer mapping and data analysis also played significant roles in the work. "Uzbekistan archaeologists are familiar with excavation where ruins have signs on the ground surface. We Chinese archaeologists apply our special strength in digging underground. Both parties are quite satisfied with the results," said Zhu Yanshi, director of the institute's Research Department of Han to Tang Archaeology. Minggepa is located near Andigon in southeast Uzbekistan. The area once belonged to Dayuan state, an ancient state known for the precious Ferghana horse breed. Wang Wei, director of the institute, said the excavation project had shed new light on research in Dayuan, and it marked the beginning of China's archaeology going abroad. Zhu said the excavation and study of the Minggepa ruins would be a long-term effort, and the next step would be to establish an archaeological chronology of Minggepa, based on findings from the excavations and dedicated surveys.
Norton - A significant archaeological find of national importance has been unearthed in Norton. Construction work at the former Brooklyn House site in Langton Road to expand Norton Primary School has discovered a wealth of archaeological treasure, including the original Roman road, human remains, including baby burials, a strange burial of two geese heads facing each other with a pair of wings placed over them and large amounts of pottery. He said although the remains of the Roman fort and town of Derventio were mainly in and around Malton, it appeared a significant settlement developed on the south side between the fort and the River Derwent crossing and continued into what is now the northern part of Norton. The settlement could now be shown to have extended much further than had previously been known. “The archaeological investigations have uncovered the remains of not only a Roman field system but, more significantly, the remains of between six and 10 stone buildings, all orientated gable end on to the adjacent Roman road which would have led up to the all-important crossing on the River Derwent. While the bulk of the pottery originated from local kilns, there are many examples from other parts of the Roman Empire. This pottery shows both the range of trade routes and products being imported to Norton as well as the wealth and status of the towns’ inhabitants. In addition to the pottery, large amounts of animal bone from the meat which fed the town have also been recovered along with personal items including copper and jet jewellery, tools and even fragments from Roman central heating.
Bazhong - Recently, two ancient tombs from the Ming Dynasty were discovered on a construction sitein Bazhong, Sichuan province. Staff at the local administration of cultural heritageimmediately reported to the site to evaluate the finding. The tombs cover an area of 624 square meters, and are located in a village called Baiyangmiao, according to He Hui, deputy director general of the cultural heritageadministration. Three sides of each tomb are carved with delicate patterns, such as flowersand others auspicious Chinese characters. Also excavated were several pieces of china andpottery, but no remains or coffin nails were found at the site. He pointed out that the Longquanyao celadon excavated from the two tombs is a valuablearchaeological resource. More clearing and restoration work will soon be done, and thepieces will be inventoried.