- A collection of millennia-old mummies at Sanaa University Museum in the Yemeni capital could face destruction as a result of the fighting. With electricity intermittent at best and the country's ports under blockade, experts are fighting to save the 12 mummies in the face of heat, humidity and a lack of preservative chemicals. Some of the remains, from pagan kingdoms that ruled the region around 400 BC, still have teeth and strands of hair.
INDE - Garhi Patti - The Haryana government has decided to carry out excavation at Kachi Khera in Palwal district where ceramics dated back to 1200 BC were found. Garhi Patti village, where this historical site is located, lies on the west bank along with the flood-plains of river Yamuna. During field survey, ceramics of different cultural phases since Painted Grey Ware culture period, associated with black and white painting on grey, to Kushana period, were found at the site. This covers the period between approximately 1200 BC to first century AD. Misra said a large number of pottery remains and brick alignments were visible on the mound. The ceramics include vase, dishes, bowls, basins and handi. The ancient mound, which has a circumference of about eight acres, is located in agricultural field in the south- east of the village.
INDE – Kurdi - The relics of an ancient temple of Shree Ganesh has been found at Kurdi in Quepem, the village that lies submerged in water round the year. It was a chance discovery, as the original inhabitants of the village stumbled on the idol of Lord Ganpati during one of their annual visits to the site at this time of the year when the village resurfaces. "More explorations led them to the relics of the ancient temple. The idol of the deity is made of stone, and probably dates back to over a century. Nobody knew a temple existed in this village, not even the old timers who resided here. This suggests that the Shree Ganesh temple may have been razed at least over a century ago," locals told TOI. Sources point out that the ruins went unnoticed by Kurdi residents as the site was covered by mounds of earth and thick vegetation. The submergence of the village, and the subsequent relocation of the villagers, led to the ancient temple ruins slipping into oblivion, before the recent chance discovery brought in into focus. The ruins of the ancient Shree Ganesh temple are located less than 500m from the ruins of the relatively well-known ancient temple of Shree Someshwar, the presiding deity of Kurdi.
Bonifacio - Une seconde campagne de fouille vient de s’achever sur l’épave de Bonifacio. Les archéologues ont étudié plus en détail la partie centrale de ce caboteur de la fin du 17e siècle qui s’inscrit dans le patrimoine maritime local . C’est une découverte majeure pour l’histoire maritime de l’île et de la Méditerranée. L’épave de Paragan sur la commune de Bonifacio, découverte en 2015 à moins de 3 mètres de profondeur par un plongeur bonifacien, avait fait l’objet d’une première campagne de fouille en 2016 pour dégager et étudier l’extrémité sud correspondant à la poupe du navire. Ces premières recherches avaient permis de dater cette épave particulièrement bien conservée de la fin du 17e-début du 18e siècle et de l’identifier selon toute vraisemblance comme un petit caboteur de commerce de la famille des "tartanes". Durant une dizaine de jours l’équipe d’archéologues a effectué une série de marquages, de mesures, de relevés et de prélèvements sur le site de Paragan. Un premier sondage a mis au jour le massif d’emplanture destiné à recevoir le pied de mât. Une zone de 4 mètres de long qui a permis de faire parler le bois et d’étudier notamment les éléments architecturaux caractéristiques du navire. La partie centrale est en effet l’élément structurant à partir duquel l’archéologue va pouvoir déterminer la forme de la coque et des extrémités avant et arrière. Une chance donc, que celle-ci ait été particulièrement bien conservée à Paragan. Un second sondage a quant à lui permis de dégager l’extrémité nord de l’épave, en moins bon état, et de préciser les dimensions de ce caboteur qui atteignent 18 mètres de long et 4,5 mètres de large.
Bonifacio - C'est un des plongeurs du port de plaisance de Bonifacio qui, en effectuant ses missions habituelles d'entretien, a découvert les restes d'une ancienne épave au niveau du quai d'honneur. Immédiatement informé le directeur de port Michel Mallaroni a mis sur le coup l'équipe d'archéologues présente à Bonifacio dans le cadre de la seconde campagne de fouille de l'épave de Paragan. Franca Cibecchini et Eric Rieth qui dirigent le chantier de Paragan sont allés en repérage sur le site. "Il s'agit d'une très grande épave, pas trop en mauvais état de conservation, qui semble plus récente que celle de Paragan, peut-être des environs du 19e siècle", a confié Franca Cibecchini. Une expertise plus poussée va être sollicitée auprès de la DDTM et du DRASSM pour peut-être lancer un nouveau chantier de fouille. L’épave découverte a été mise au jour vraisemblablement par le brassage de la vase lors du passage et du va-et-vient des grandes unités accueillies à quai durant l’été.
Ereğli - A 2,700-year-old ancient funerary stele that went missing before being found in the yard of an excavation company has turned out to be a fake. It was determined that the stone was made out of volcanic pink andesite stone and was covered with a chemical substance to present a historical look. The stele was unearthed last year during construction work in the Central Anatolian province of Konya’s Ereğli district before it was alleged to have been sold, only to be discovered on May 3 buried in the garden of a digging company.
Jackson - An estimated 7,000 bodies are thought to be buried under The University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC), according to radar scans of the campus grounds. Construction workers first discovered some of the unidentified human remains under the university in November 2012 while preparing to build a new road on the campus. University officials described the discovery of the 66 corpses in a statement published online in April 2013, noting that the workers had uncovered wooden coffins containing human remains dating to the 19th and 20th centuries. The remains were thought to be those of former patients at the Mississippi State Insane Hospital, an asylum for people with mental illnesses, which operated on that site from 1855 to 1935, according to the statement. Then, in 2014, radar scans of land to the west of the UMMC School of Dentistry yielded another grim surprise: 2,000 more bodies, The Clarion-Ledger reported in March of that year. And more recent scans now place the current estimate of human bodies under UMMC at around 7,000 people, distributed across 20 acres of grounds, UMMC officials announced yesterday (May 9)
Zuoying - A team of archeologists from the National Cheng Kung University kneel in front of an ancient stone stele on Wednesday, May 10, in Zuoying District, Kaohsiung. The cultural bureau of the Kaohsiung City Government said that the stone stele was from the Qing Dynasty, the last dynasty of the Chinese empire. The stele was uncovered at the Old City of Zuoying (左營), a state-designated national monument in Kaohsiung