Yadwad - Archaeological evidences from the periods of the Shatavahanas, Rashtrakutas and Kalyana Chalukyas (9th century to 13th century AD) have been unearthed at Yadwad in the taluk. Goshana inscriptions were found while digging the ground for the construction of a temple in a farm belonging to Vittal Dindalakoppa. Idols of Mahishasura Mardini, Saptha Mathrukas and two Shivalingas have also been unearthed. Idols had been found here in the past also. R M Shadaksharaiah, retired professor at the archaeology department in Karnatak University, Dharwad, said, "Pots unearthed here are from thue Shatavahana period (2nd century). Of the four Goshanas, two have been partially damaged and have Halegannada words carved on them. One of the Goshanas is a pillar-like structure with eight faces carved at its top. The objects of archaeological importance found here date back to a 1,000 years and a one-of-its-kind statue of Shivaji on horse back had been unearthed here in the past.
INDE - Buldhana - Prakash Dolas, head of Rajiv Gandhi Science and Technology Commission (RGSTC), Nagpur, has discovered ‘cup markers’ ( cupules ) and ‘stone circles’ on temple structures as well as in the vicinity of the temples, near the Lonar Crater Lake in Buldhana district. I will soon be formally confirming the authenticity of the latest findings with ASI,” said Dolas.Dolas says that a fascinating aspect of the discovery is that the cup marks found across the Lonar region, at least ten on each megalith, are all associated with religious structures.
INDE - Talagunda - The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) will soon embark on a trial excavation of a site at Talagunda, about 80 km north of Shivamogga town in Karnataka, which archaeologists believe was the capital of the Kadamba dynasty. There is a Pranaveshwara temple in the area," the ASI official told PTI. The excavation will be carried out in 7.5 acre of land at Talagunda, which the archaeologists believe was the capital of the Kadamba dynasty and Pranaveshwara Temple was an important study centre.The Kadamba dynasty, which ruled for almost 200 years, is believed to be founded in 350 AD by Mayura Sharman. They were Kannada speaking natives and got the name Kadamba due to many Kadamba trees near their settlement.What inspired archaeologists to carrying out excavation in Talagunda was discovery of gold coins and copper plate inscription."Till this copper plate inscription was found, it was believed that the Halmidi inscription, which dates back to 450 AD, found in Hassan district was the oldest Kannada language inscription. However, this copper plate inscription found in Talagunda precedes 80 years to the Halmidi script. It dates back to 370 AD," retired superintending archaeologist of ASI T M Keshava said. The ASI found the coins and copper plates while rebuilding the Pranaveshwara temple.
Nottingham - The unveiling of a face for Nottingham’s Medieval Man is the latest development in a mystery that began in 1962 when workmen dug up bones in Cranbrook Street. Elementary, the experts said at the time. They were victims of a cholera outbreak in 1831. Most of the remains of some 70 people were duly dispatched to Wilford Hill Cemetery … but happily one skeleton was transferred to a cardboard box and spent the next few decades in storage at Wollaton.Nottingham’s acting city archaeologist, Scott Lomax, had reason to doubt the cholera theory. He discovered that there had been buildings on the Cranbrook Street site in 1820, some 11 years before the cholera outbreak. He obtained funding from the Council for British Archaeology to have the stored bones carbon-dated at Oxford. The bones, it transpired, were half a millennium older than thought, dating from between 1415 and 1450 – the years between the Battle of Agincourt and the dynastic rivalries that led to the Wars of the Roses. But there was to be another surprise: testing established that what appeared to be the skeleton of one man was actually the remains of two; the skull had not been attached to the skeleton, but had been close enough for people to assume that they belonged to each other. What happened to the skull that belonged to the bones? It could have been a building worker. Recent inquiries have established that a workman snaffled one as a souvenir before the Cranbrook Street site was cleared.
Nicopolis Ad Istrum - An archaeological team has explored for the first time the water catchment reservoir which fed water to a 23-kilometer-long (12.4 miles) aqueduct of the large Ancient Roman city of Nicopolis ad Istrum. The 2nd century AD water catchment reservoir of Nicopolis ad Istrum is located near the town of Musina, Pavlikeni Municipality, to the west of the important city in the Roman Empire. It used to catch the water coming from the karst springs inside the Musina Cave, feeding it to the western aqueduct of Nicopolis ad Istrum. The major city was founded by Roman Emperor Trajan (Marcus Ulpius Traianus) (r. 98-117 AD) to honor his victories over the Dacian tribes between 101 and 106 AD (most probably in 102 AD) north of the Danube. “Some 2,000 years ago the Romans appreciated the qualities of the karst springs in the Musina Cave, and decided that it was worth building a costly 20-kilometer water pipeline allowing them to always enjoy fresh and quality water in their public and private spaces [in Nicopolis ad Istrum]," Chakarov explains. In his words, the water catchment reservoir feeding water to the western aqueduct of the large Roman city is an almost fully preserved octagonal facility built with large stone blocks, each of which weighs over half a metric ton. The archaeologist points out that four rows of the building stone blocks from the structure of the Roman water catchment reservoir near Bulgaria’s Musina have been preserved. The rows alternate, with one row of pentagonal stone blocks followed by a row of trapezoid-shaped stone blocks. At some spots, the blocks are pieced together with cramp irons covered with lead. “The water catchment reservoir has two openings – one in its northern end and one in its western end, giving the start to two canals. The first one is the one sending water to Nicopolis ad Istrum, while the other one is a spillway sending the excess water to the main canal," Charakov explains. “The western aqueduct of Nicopolis ad Istrum was probably built at the time when the Roman city was established following the Second Dacian Wars of Emperor Trajan at the beginning of the 2nd century," he adds. The water from the Musina Cave karst springs, which has a constant temperatures of 14 degrees Celsius was brought to the city with a system of underground and overhead canals and arches.
Windsor - Archeologists digging around the new Sandwich roundabout uncovered an ancient projectile point that may be the oldest artifact ever found in Windsor.The point dates back to around 7500 BC, according to Jim Molnar from Fisher Archaeological Consulting.Along with the projectile points, the searchers also found pieces of clay pots, buttons and dishware.