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CHINE – Zhangjiakou - Recently a large group of tombs of the Warring States period, a dynasty that existed about 2,000 years ago, was discovered by the workers of the Heritage Protection Institute of Xuanhua District in Zhangjiakou of Hebei province during an investigation of the construction site of a building of fuel supply company. This relic contains 18 tombs, eight of which have been unearthed. A great amount of precious cultural relics, such as a pottery tripod, an earthen pot, pottery stem cups and ceramic plates, were excavated. Archeologists also discovered a number of animal bones, which were determined to be remains of livestock, like dogs and sheep. It is rare to discover an ancient tomb with such a dense distribution and so many high-standard unearthed artifacts in this area in recent years. The discovery of this group of tombs is very valuable for the research on the development and evolution of Shanggu city during the Warring States period.

CHINE – Nanchang - A copper sword dating back more than 2,200 years has been discovered in east China's Jiangxi Province, local archaeologists said. The design and shape of the sword indicate that it was forged during the Warring States Period (475 BC - 221 BC), according to Li Guoli, curator of the Nanchang Museum, where the sword is currently being stored. Despite having little aesthetic or scientific value due to a lack of decor or inscriptions, the sword still offers insights into the type of military equipment used during the period, Li said. The identity of the sword's original owner and the precise location where the sword was forged and used are still unknown, Li said. The sword was discovered by a laborer surnamed Xiong in Jiangxi's capital of Nanchang. Xiong found the sword while sorting and cleaning stones that had been dredged up from a riverbank. An argument between Xiong and another worker who was trying to claim the sword aroused attention from the local law enforcement, who then convinced Xiong to turn the sword over to archaeological authorities.

FRANCE – Pleurtuit - Le paysage a déjà bien changé en quelques semaines sur l'ancien lieu-dit du Tertre-Esnault. En 2013, le site accueillera la zone commerciale Cap Émeraude sur 51 ha, avec de nombreuses enseignes. Pour l'heure, des fouilles archéologiques sont menées par l'Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives (Inrap), une obligation préalable pour un chantier d'une telle ampleur. Ces fouilles ont débuté le mois dernier, elles s'achèveront fin janvier. L'équipe d'archéologues, dirigée par Anne-Louise Hamon, étudiera les vestiges de deux occupations datant pour une part de l'âge du fer, pour une autre de la période gallo-romaine (quelques siècles avant et après Jésus-Christ.) « La technique de fouille commence par un décapage de la terre végétale à la pelle mécanique, décrit l'archéologue. Le sol livre ses secrets par sa couleur, sa consistance et l'on continue la fouille manuellement. Dès à présent, on pense que ce site gaulois pourrait correspondre à une exploitation familiale. »

VIET NAM - Thap Mâm - Après trois mois de fouilles de 1.000 m2 du site archéologique de la tour Mâm (Thap Mâm) dans la province de Binh Dinh (Centre), les archéologues ont découvert la totalité des fondations de ce vestige. Ils ont également trouvé des sculptures typiques de l'art du Champa du XIe-XVe siècles. Il s'agit de statues d'animaux fabuleux tels que dragon, lion, ou encore du Makara, un animal mythique ayant les attributs du crocodile, de l'éléphant et du serpent. Ce dernier est lié à l'eau, à la pluie, aux bons présages, à la gloire mais aussi à la duplicité, et donc à la vie et à la mort. Des reliefs de Siva, symbole du droit divin, de Brahma, dieu créateur attaché à la puissance humaine et à la vie sociale, et de Visnu, dieu symbole de l'univers, ont également été découverts. Sans oublier des matériaux de construction et de décoration ainsi qu'une grande quantité d'objets de la vie quotidienne (58 tonnes), ce qui va permettre d'étudier des conditions de naissance et l'histoire de la tour Mâm. Les fouilles révèlent qu'il s'agit d'un complexe architectural réunissant les différents types d'architecture des temples et tours Cham. Elles sont aussi les preuves de la conception du monde du peuple Cham. Par ailleurs, les fondations de cette tour illustre la parfaite maîtrise des techniques de construction des Cham. Les archéologues font remarquer qu'aucun vestige fouillé à ce jour ne comprend autant de statues et objets que la tour Mâm. Tous remontent à la fin du XIIe et au début du XIIIe siècles. Selon l'historien Dinh Ba Hoà, directeur du Musée de Binh Dinh, les résultats de cette recherche soulignent que cette tour a une architecture originale et typique des temples et tours Cham de la province de Binh Dinh. Sa préservation est très importante. La tour Mâm a été découverte par l'École française d'Extrême-Orient en 1933. Les fouilles ont été menées un an après. Ce site archéologique a été qualifié par ses membres de preuve de la créativité et de l'originalité technique, architecturale et artistique de la culture du Champa.

ROYAUME UNI  - Bouldnor Cliff - A submerged Middle Stone Age settlement off Britain’s South Coast has been detailed in a new archaeological publication.The Bouldnor Cliff Mesolithic Village, near Yarmouth in the Solent, has been investigated by Hampshire and Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology for the past 13 years.Working in 11m of water, the team has collaborated with universities, archaeologists and other specialists to survey the site and to excavate and analyse key artefacts. Findings have demonstrated “technological abilities some 2000 years ahead of those seen on sites in mainland Britain”. They have shown also that “it is in our coastal waters that we should be looking for information on the story of human dispersal and adaptation to sea-level change in north-west Europe at the end of the last Ice Age”. The 8000-year-old site would have existed at a time when “sea levels in the North Sea and the English Channel were some 30-40m lower than those of today”, with Britain “a peninsula of northern Europe”.

INDE - Fatehgarh Churian - State government's department of cultural affairs, archaeology and museums has given approval to protect the 180-year-old Panj (five) temple situated at Fatehgarh Churian in Gurdaspur district. An archaeological survey of India's team comprising two assistant archaeologists visited the temple on Sunday to study the damage done to the frescos, idols and the unique architecture of the temple which was constructed by daughter-in-law of Sikh ruler Maharaja Ranjit Singh, Chand Kaur, of Kanahaiya Misil. Chand Kaur was an ardent worshipper of Hindu deities and visited the temple everyday for performing religious rituals. The temple has marble idols of Hindu deities but unfortunately, 14 metal idols which were certified antiquities by the department had gone missing in the past 11 years due to family conflict among the temple custodians.

USA - Ingomar Mounds - Imagine having the opportunity to study artifacts that are around 2,000 years old. That's just exactly what a group of archaeologists and artifact enthusiasts did at the Ingomar Mounds complex located on County Road 96 in Union county. "This site is an historic site and is also a Mississippi landmark as well as being the oldest manmade site in Union County," adds Jill Smith, executive director of Regional Museum in Union County. "This site is two-thousand years old." The site was studied by the Smithsonian Institute in the late 1800s and has also been examined by the Cobb Institute of Archaeology at Mississippi State University in the 1980s. They have determined the mounds are estimated to have been built 2,200 years ago.


