- FRANCE : Cavaillon - Un archéologue pratique des fouilles sur le terrain de la maison de Christian. Sous le sol, à trois mètres, sous les racines d’un acacia, il découvre un trésor: 300 pièces d’argent qui datent de l’époque romaine. Il s’agirait d’un des 10 plus importants trésors de France. Les pièces datent de la fin du I er siècle après Jésus-Christ jusqu’à la fin du IIe siècle. Elles étaient dans une poche en cuir et ont été enterrées en l’an 193. Mais, reste à savoir s’il n’y aurait pas, quelque part dans ce site, des pièces en or? Pour un spécialiste c’est possible, car il y avait peut-être là un temple et les pièces auraient alors été déposées en hommage à une divinité. Les fouilles doivent continuer.
- FRANCE : Colombiers-sur-Seulles - Un cimetière mérovingien fait actuellement l’objet de fouilles archéologiques dans la commune, à quelques encablures du tumulus néolithique, connu depuis 1830. Des tranchées ont été creusées et ont permis de mettre à jour des sépultures et des sarcophages ainsi que le tracé extrêmement net de l’ancienne voie romaine parallèle à la ligne du littoral. Il est encore trop tôt pour évaluer le nombre de tombes mais déjà des premiers enseignements apparaissent. « Ce qui a été dit au XIXe siècle n’est pas vrai. Certains objets, attribués à ce site, comme une boucle de ceinture, ne peuvent provenir d’ici. De même, c’est un tout petit cimetière, contrairement à ce que laissaient entendre les fouilles du XIXe siècle », indique Vincent Hincker, archéologue. Historiquement, ce lieu pourrait livrer des informations sur les traditions funéraires.
- SYRIE : Belaas - Syrian, French archaeologists have discovered the oldest sculpture of the hawk in the world, it dates back to the 10th millennium B.C. The discovery was during the excavations of the Syrian-French joint expedition, it proves that the Syrian Hawk is 5 millenniums older than all other sculptures, which proves, in return, the historic role of the region where the sculpture was first created.
- KENYA : Mambrui - A press release by the joint Sino-Kenya archaeological team said digging at the ancient sites in Mambrui Village in Magarini District was legal and all procedures had been followed. "The sites are not in the burial sections and the team tried to strictly adhere to Islamic laws where graves are not supposed to be tampered with nor bodies or human skeletons exhumed. "This has been observed to prevent damaging both ancient and contemporary graves in accordance with Islamic traditions," the statement said. From the initial findings, the archaeologists have concluded that Mambrui has a long and rich history with evidence that the settlement traded with the Middle East and Asia. The archaeologists say the history of the East African coast could be re-written after a three-year excavation on the mainland and Lamu, where a Chinese ship sank some 600 years ago.
- FRANCE : Châteaubernard - Les fouilles du Fief du Roy ont lieu sur la partie basse nommé "Bellevue" près de la rocade. Le chantier a mis à nue de grandes surfaces révélant des formes rondes et rectangulaires ressemblant à des fossés ou peut être des fondations. Tout laisse a penser que l'on peut avoir a faire à une nécropole, les zones étant de taille modeste. Ce type de structure est typique dans la région des périodes âge de Bronze / âge de Fer, soit de 1200 à 600 avant JC. D'autres traces de présence à cette période existent non loin de là : l'éperon rocheux de La Trache abrite très probablement un ancien camp de la fin du Néolithique (découvert en 1989 mais jamais fouillé) et il existe aussi plusieurs dolmens et tumulus de cette période (Sechebec, Combes-des-Dames, Saint-Brice, Saint-Fort-sur-le-Né, Sainte-Sévère, Métairies...). Un peu plus loin dans le temps, Merpins a abrité un camp celtique, puis encore plus tard les vestiges d'une ferme Gallo-Romaine à la Haute Sarrazine.
- U.S.A. : Monticello - Thomas Jefferson is known as one of the great architects of independence, but largely out of sight of his esteemed guests at Monticello was a world of enslavement, which archaeologists are gradually bringing to life through excavations. Jefferson had as many as 200 slaves at any given time. Slaves had guns, for example, for purposes such as hunting. And slave shelters grew farther from their overseers’ dwelling in Jefferson’s older years, beginning sometime around the 1790s, according to archaeological findings. It’s a signal that Jefferson’s slaves may have been given more autonomy as the slavery establishment at Monticello aged.
- BULGARIE : Perperikon - A unique Byzantine seal has been found in the ancient Thracian city. The seal is of patrician Teodorokan. The seal is made of lead. In the past such seals were used for decree-letters. These seals in some way resemble post cards. They bear the name, the surname, the title and the rank of the person. The seal is a unique item because it belongs to a person that is very important for the Bulgarian history. This patrician lived in the X-XII century and is well-known in the historical sources. He is a person who had a very important role in the decisive battle between Bulgaria and Byzantium – a gigantic battle between Samuel of Bulgaria and Basil II the Bulgar-slayer. According to the historical sources in 999 patrician Teodorokan was appointed commander-in-chief of the Byzantine troops in Philippopol – Plovdiv.
- U.S.A. : Albuquerque - A battleground in the first major conflict between Europeans and Native Americans in what would become the U.S. Southwest is a vacant lot on the west side of Albuquerque. For a century, archaeologists and pot hunters have known of the ruins called Piedras Marcadas ("marked boulders") — once one of at least a dozen thriving Tiwa-speaking villages in the central valley of the Rio Grande, known collectively as Tiguex. Recent discoveries of 16th-century metal artifacts at Piedras Marcadas indicate it also had been involved in an armed conflict with the first European expedition into New Mexico.
- ROYAUME-UNI : Caerleon - Archaeologists digging at a site in south Wales have uncovered an entire suit of Roman armour and some weapons. The rare discovery was made during an excavation at the fortress of Caerleon. A number of objects were first spotted last week on top of a floor in one room of a warehouse on the Priory Field site. The suit was found alongside a number of copper and bronze studs and hinges. It's in a pretty good condition considering Roman armour was usually made of iron and that does not survive very well in wet, cold soil like we have in Wales. Caerleon (Isca), which dates from AD 75, is one of three permanent legionary fortresses in the UK. It was built to house 5,500 Roman citizens and was occupied for between 200 and 300 years.
- ROYAUME-UNI : Crosby Garrett - A stunning Roman cavalry helmet, made to awe the spectators in a procession of wealth and power rather than for practical use in combat, has been found by a metal detector user. However, the artefact is not certain to end up in a local museum as single items of bronze are not covered by the Treasure Act. The bronze helmet, which was originally tinned so it would have shone like silver, is modelled as the head of a handsome young man with curly hair, wearing a Phrygian cap - later adopted as the symbol of many revolutionary movements - topped with a griffin. The finder has found small pieces, including a few Roman coins, on a Cumbrian farm which is near a Roman road but miles from the nearest recorded Roman site.
- VIET-NAM : Tuyen Quang - A cave in Na Hang District in the northern province of Tuyen Quang is thought to have housed primitive humans during the Neolithic Era (7,000-8,000 years ago). The Viet Nam Archaeology Institute discovered primitive human artefacts in the cave, which is known as Tham Choong Cave to the locals. The archaeologists discovered more than 1,000 stone objects, including tools for cutting, chopping and grinding. The tools were handmade with stones that had been retrieved from a riverbed. The expert said the tools bore Hoa Binh cultural (34,100 years ago and lasted till 2,000BC) features. Archaeologist found tools made from animal bones, including a narrow tool with a sharp point. The scientists at the site assumed that the tool was likely used to stitch their clothing that was made from tree bark.
- RUSSIE : Kholmogory - Russian scientists found the remains of Emperor Ivan VI in the village of Kholmogory in the northern Arkhangelsk region. The remains were uncovered during excavation of the burial site of Ivan VI’s father, Prince Antony Ulrich of Brunswick- Luneburg. Ivan VI was born in 1740 and was made emperor under the regency of Ernst Johann von Biron, duke of Courland. After 404 days on the throne, Ivan VI was overthrown in a palace coup by Elizabeth, daughter of Peter the Great, and sent into exile. Ivan VI died in 1764 during an escape attempt. He was the last Romanov ruler whose burial place had remained unknown.