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13 AVRIL 2017 NEWS: North Shields - Assos - St Albans - Hapton - Montréal -






AUSTRALIENorth shields  North Shields - The team began on Monday to try and unearth the site where Lutheran missionary Clamor Schurmann lived in his cottage and ran his school for the Barngarla people. Trenches were dug based on a geophysical survey done last year and based on observation on the surface. Dr Burke said the trench was done on what was thought to be the floor of the cottage to find a deposit but didn’t unearth anything. Other trenches were made at the top and bottom of the hill and work has started on excavating what is believed to be the cottage’s well. So far the dig has unearthed some ceramics and metal from the time period, as well as several shards of thin glass in the square trench near the well, indicating a window was located close by.

TURQUIEN 111888 1 Assos - A sculpture of Aristotle has been restored and re-erected in one of the most important centers of learning in the classical age, Assos on Turkey’s Aegean coast. The 2.5-meter-high sculpture, which was erected by the Culture and Tourism Ministry in 2009 at the entrance to the ancient city, was damaged by vandals 1.5 years ago and sent to a sculptor in İzmir for repairs. Assos is known as the settlement where Aristotle opened the first philosophy school.  Excavations began in the ancient city, which is protected by city walls, in 1980 under the direction of Professor Ümit Serdaroğlu. A theater, agora, assembly building, harbor, necropolis and gymnasium have been unearthed so far in the city.  Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (ÇOMÜ) Archaeology Department head Nurettin Arslan and his team continue to conduct works on Assos.

ROYAUME UNIImgid105737803 jpg gallery  St Albans - Archaeological finds from the Roman town of Verulamium have been uncovered in St Albans. Recent gas main works in Verulamium Park revealed the location of the corner of the town wall and a previously unknown house – the area was formerly believed to have been the location for a road. Verulamium was the third largest city in Roman Britain and the area has been mapped through various excavations over the years. The remains of an Opus Signinum floor - made of tiles broken into very small pieces - were also uncovered. Mr Simon West, district archaeologist for St Albans City and District Council’s museum service, said: “Two of the holes have produced significant archaeology, which is very exciting. One near the park’s running track has hit the very corner of the wall around the Roman city. "However, there is no evidence of a corner tower - this is significant as it suggests that the wall was built for show as well as for defence purposes.

ROYAUME UNIHapton Hapton - The project will focus on the southern half of the late-medieval Deer Park at Hapton. It is their hope to locate the "Lost Hamlet of Birtwisle" which is thought to be in the vicinity of Hapton Tower, a deer park lodge built around 1510 by Sir John Towneley. Its construction probably led to the demise and sweeping away of the medieval settlement of Birtwistle first documented in AD 1193. The survey of land on Hameldon Hill also found possible Bronze Age burial mounds and evidence of agriculture. The discoveries have got local heritage champions excited and calls have been made for further archeological work to be carried out to unearth Hapton’s hidden history. Joan Lakeland, of the Hapton Heritage Group, said: "It could point to something quite interesting up there but we cannot tell for sure. "It is looking very interesting around Hapton Tower - there seems to be more there than just a tower. I think there is a lot more that needs to be looked into.

FRANCEMosaique ecole aquitaine restauration Montréal - A Montréal dans le Gers la Villa de Séviac est une des plus vastes et luxueuses résidences du Sud-Ouest de la Gaule. Découvert en 1864 et révélé à l’issue de 30 ans de fouilles, ce palais monumental de plus de 6000 m2 doit sa célébrité à ses vastes thermes (bains privés de 500 m²) et ses exceptionnels tapis de mosaïques polychromes, qui dessinent  sur 450 m² des motifs géométriques et ornementaux. Après avoir restauré l'archange de Mont Saint-Michel, la société SOCRA réalise le travail de remise en état de ces mosaïques. La réouverture des trois sites est prévue au printemps 2018.  Une centaine de motifs géométriques et floraux formés par des tesselles de grès vert, de marbre noir ou bleu, de calcaire blanc forment un ensemble polychrome de ses fresques de l'école d'Aquitaine. Les mosaïstes ont en charge de révéler les couleurs et les formes d'origine.  Située dans le sud-ouest de la Gaule (en territoire aquitain) Elusa est la cité gallo-romaine des Elusates. Sa capitale est l'actuelle ville d'Eauze dans le département du Gers.  Au nord de la cité se trouve la riche demeure de l'évêque, la villa de Séviac composée d'une trentaine de pièces d'habitation. A la fois domaine agricole et villégiature, les vestiges laissent entrevoir le luxe de cette demeure : chauffage au sol, thermes, église et baptistère.