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13 JUILLET 2016 NEWS: Ayios Tychonas-Klimonas - South Downs - Holy Island - Fourni -







CHYPREKlimonas 770x424 Ayios Tychonas-Klimonas  - Archaeologists have uncovered the remains of more than 20 round buildings with a diameter of between 3 and 6 metres during excavations at the site of Ayios Tychonas-Klimonas in Limassol, the earliest known village in Cyprus, they said on Tuesday. According to the Antiquities Department, the buildings were constructed on small terraces, notched into a gentle slope facing the sea.  The walls were built with earth and strengthened with wooden poles and the floors were often plastered. In most buildings large hearths were discovered, sometimes accompanied by a 30-50 kg millstone. “These buildings were probably frequently reconstructed, as seen by the multiple layers of remains that were found, one above the other, on the terraces,” the department said. The buildings are situated around a circular, 10 metre communal building, that was excavated between 2011-2012. The building dates to between 11,200 and 10,600 years BP (Before Present). The surveys and excavations that have been conducted since, have shown that the village would have covered an area of at least half a hectare. “This is the earliest known village in Cyprus, and is more than twenty centuries older than Chirokitia,” the department said. Large quantities of stone tools, stone vessels, stone and shell beads or pendants were also found there. The animal bones indicate that domestic dogs and cats were already introduced to Cyprus, and that the villagers hunted a small Cypriot wild boar and birds. Intensive sieving provided strong evidence for the cultivation of emmer wheat: a primitive cereal introduced from the continent. At this time, the Ayios Tychonas-Klimonas villagers were hunter-cultivators who did not produce pottery. The organisation of the village, its architecture, the stone tools and the presence of agriculture and hunting are elements that are very similar to those that have already been identified in the early Pre-Pottery Neolithic Levant, between 11,500 and 10,500 years BP. “This is the earliest manifestation of an agricultural and village way of life known to date, worldwide,” the department said. “Ayios Tychonas-Klimonas has demonstrated that, even though Cyprus was separated from the continent by more than 70 km of sea, the island was part of broader Near Eastern Neolithic developments.

ROYAUME UNI90358299 hi034014012 South Downs - Evidence of a prehistoric "farming collective" has been discovered after aerial laser scanning was carried out in the South Downs National Park. Large-scale farming from before the Roman invasion suggests a high level of civilisation, archaeologists said. The survey also revealed the route of a long-suspected Roman road between Chichester and Brighton. It covered an area between the Arun river valley in West Sussex and Queen Elizabeth Country Park in Hampshire. Images of land between Lamb Lea Woods and Charlton Forest showed that a field system already protected as a scheduled monument was just a small part of a vast swathe of later pre-historic cultivation extending under a now wooded area.

ROYAUME UNIHoly island Holy Island - Initial excavations on Holy Island have uncovered evidence of what may have been St Cuthbert's watchtower, as investigations have resulted in several fascinating new discoveries. The first season of archaeological investigation and excavation by the Peregrini Lindisfarne Community Archaeology project came to a successful conclusion this week. The season started with training excavations at two limeworkers cottages sites at Cocklawburn and the Kennedy Limekiln site on Holy Island.The trench opened nearest the war memorial revealed the foundation of a massive 2.5m wide wall. The size and structure of the wall is suggestive of a tower and the lack of any mortar suggests at least a pre-Norman Conquest date. A second trench was opened further east and again revealed the foundations of another unmortar stone structure which again is indicative of a building of early medieval origin. Hope-Taylor is known to have excavated another part of this structure and concluded that the building was a church.

GRECEFourni Fourni- A joint Greek-American archaeological expedition has found 23 ancient wrecks around the small Fourni archipelago, confirming the Greek site is the ancient shipwreck capital of the world. Discovered last month, the 23 shipwrecks add to other 22 identified last September, bringing the total to 45 wrecks in the last nine months. A collection of 13 islands and islets located between the eastern Aegean islands of Samos and Icaria, the Fourni archipelago had a critical role both as a navigational and anchorage point. The archipelago lies right in the middle of a major east-west crossing route, as well as the primary north-south route that connected the Aegean to the Levant. Ships traveling from the Greek mainland to Asia Minor, or ships leaving the Aegean for the Levant had to pass by Fourni. They found shipwrecks from the Archaic period (700-480 B.C.) to the Classical (480-323 B.C.) Hellenistic (323-31 B.C.) and Late Roman (about 300-600 A.D.) through the Early Modern Period (about 1750-1850). "Overall, Late Roman vessels are still the predominant type, but we see that ships were traveling past Fourni in every time period," Campbell said. The most significant shipwrecks of the 2016 campaign were a Late Archaic-early Classical wreck with amphoras from the eastern Aegean, a Hellenistic cargo of amphoras from Kos, three Roman cargos of Sinopean (carrot-shaped) amphoras, a wreck of North African amphoras of the 3rd-4th century AD, and a cargo of Late Roman tableware.