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13 MAI 2014 NEWS: Whitewell Brake - Takamatsuzuka - Neuse River - Marion -






ROYAUME UNIV0 master 26 Whitewell Brake- Archaeologists have discovered more about the Romans in south Wales as part of a team effort in an abandoned village. A Roman underfloor heating system has been found in an abandoned village during a fourth dig at Whitewell Brake, a Roman building complex within a Ministry of Defence training area which once overlooked the walls of the city of Venta Silurum. Grand buildings, fragments of coloured mosaic and the remains of a small column were found during a fortnight of investigations in Caerwent, where archaeologists are hoping to discover more about the Roman community in Monmouthshire.

JAPONImage1 1 Takamatsuzuka  - Stunning murals painted 1,300 years ago in the stone chamber of the Takamatsuzuka burial mound, currently under repair, will continue to be preserved in an outside facility. The government panel said the colorful wall paintings can stay “for the time being” outside the stone chamber even after the decade-long repair process winds up. A key reason for this is the lack of established technology to prevent mold from re-emerging and destroying what is left of the paintings. The murals created a huge buzz when they were discovered in 1972 at the burial mound in Asuka, Nara Prefecture.

USA- Neuse River - The State Underwater Archeology Team will again try to get on the Neuse River in Kinston Tuesday (May 13)  to search for remnants of the CSS Neuse. George Olsen has more. The initial plan was to be on the Neuse two months ago to find out if any part of the CSS Neuse remains and is salvageable. But the survey was postponed once, twice and then indefinitely because of high river levels. Now, Deputy State Archaeologist John Morris says “the river is at the right depth” for planned research. The R/V Snap Dragon II will patrol the Neuse between the King Street and Queen Street bridges, using side-scan sonar and a magnetometer to look for anything that may be salvageable. The CSS Neuse was scuttled by its Confederate troops in 1865 and remained underwater until 1964 when most of the ship was salvaged. I’m George Olsen. UPDATE -- The expedition has been cancelled because of the failure of brakes on the trailer that was to transport the R/V Snap Dragon II to Kinston. The expedition will not take place until July.

USA - Bilde 53 Marion - Archaeologists are digging at the Harding Home. Their objective is not dinosaur fossils or mastodon remains, but rather evidence that might help the historic structure’s proprietors in their efforts to restore the residence of the 29th president of the United States to its glory days. Sherry Hall, site manager for the Harding Home and Museum, said 1920 probably was the pinnacle for the Mount Vernon Avenue neighborhood’s most prominent house. When we did our research, we found evidence (the larger kitchen) was added just prior to the campaign,” she said. The Hardings enlarged the original 1891 kitchen to accommodate additional food preparation needed for Harding’s breakfast, lunch and dinner meetings with campaign personnel and dignitaries, she said.
