INSCRIPTION 2012 / Session II : Avril 2012
REGISTRATION 2012 /2 Term II : April 2012
Kalipur Kadamtal - A rock-cut cave has been discovered in the Kalipur Kadamtal area of the city’s Greater Umachal area. The cave is facing the Brahmaputra. According to Dr HN Dutta, Director of the State Archaeology Department, the cave has some carvings of the nature of floraldecoration. Dutta said that the Umachal Rock Inscription of Mahendravarman datable to 400-500 AD, which is located nearby, refers to the construction of a cave temple for Balabhadraswami. It has to be confirmed if this cave temple could be assigned to that structure, Dutta said. Ranjana Sarma said that the cave has some geometrical lines drawn inside it. Rock-cutniches meant for some purposes, have also been noticed in the cave. The interior area of the cave measures 6.26 metres×5.02 metres with a height of 1.48 metres in its central region. She said that findings inside the cave include two pieces of a broken stone bowl, measuring 16.5 cm in diameter, with a 50 cm circumference and a thickness of .5cm. Astone slab found inside the cave measures 168×29×107 cm with floral carving on its vertical border. The antique found inside the cave with floral carving measures 76×73×16 cm. A sherd of a thick terracotta storage container is also found inside the cave, Sarma said.
East Farleigh - Gallagher Group have helped preserve some Roman walls dug up by archaeologists – by burying them again. After being recorded by Maidstone Archaeology Group, the walls of the Roman building near East Farleigh were due to be back-filled anyway, but fears they could be damaged by frost meant the job needed to be done quickly. The Maidstone-based building, civil engineering, quarrying and property business provided a digger and staff for a day to get the job done. Linda Weeks, Honorary Secretary of the Maidstone Area Archaeological Group, thanked everyone who helped out, adding: “We were concerned that the ragstone walls of the Roman buildings would have been damaged by the winter frosts, but Gallagher’s timely intervention has meant these walls have now been preserved.” The Maidstone Area Archaeological Group has been excavating the group of Roman buildings at East Farleigh since 2005. They may well have been part of a Roman farmstead that supplied those working at the quarries near Dean Street, a mile or so away, which supplied the Kentish ragstone used to construct the walls of Roman London.
Farr - Further analysis has been recommended of human bones found buried in a sand dune in Sutherland. The Glasgow-based archaeologists said it was unclear why the skeleton was incomplete and suggest animals, or other people, may have taken them. The bones were found about 10m away from skeletal remains found in 2010. A tenant farmer made the 2011 find after spotting bones in an eroding sand dune. Guard Archaeology has recommended skeletal analysis and radiocarbon work to determine the sex and age of the bones found at Farr, near Bettyhill.
ROYAUME UNI - Tamar Valley - A community dig which took place at the end of last year has revealed remains of ancient Roman pottery, and evidence that people were living in the Tamar Valley 3,000 years ago. The team of local residents involved with the dig managed to uncover a defensive ditch, thought to have been dug by the Roman army, as well as a large selection of Roman, Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age pottery. They also found evidence of metal working activity having taken place in post-medieval times and an undiscovered hedgebank.
FRANCE – Nimes - Le grand chantier de la ligne nouvelle du contournement ferroviaire de Nîmes-Montpellier (CNM) : C’est tout au long de ces 80 kilomètres de tracé, dont la superficie couvre 720 ha, que l’État a lancé des diagnostics archéologiques comme le veut la loi. A ce jour et depuis l’été 2009, toutes ces équipes ont exploré 550 ha. Ils ont révélé 34 sites d’occupation, de la Préhistoire jusqu’au Moyen âge. Une vingtaine d’entre eux pourraient d’ailleurs donner lieu à des fouilles préventives afin "d’étudier de façon exhaustive les vestiges décelés". Cette grande phase de diagnostic s’achèvera cette année. Quant aux fouilles, elles se dérouleront entre le printemps à venir et la fin de l’année 2013. Déjà, les résultats obtenus par les équipes de terrain sont exceptionnels. Sur l’ensemble des secteurs explorés, précise Marc Celié, "nous avons prévu d’ouvrir 20 campagnes de fouilles. Elles concerneraient des périodes d’occupation du paléolithique ancien, du néolithique et de l’Age de bronze. Mais aussi de l’Age de fer, de l’Antiquité ou du Moyen âge".,457497.php
ITALIE – Urbino - Heavy snow has caused extensive damage to the mediaeval walled town of Urbino . Partial collapses have been reported at the convents of San Francesco and San Bernardino in Urbino and the roof of the Church of the Capuchins outside the town centre has completely caved in, La Repubblica reported. There is also water damage in the town's 12th-century Duomo cathedral. The roof at the Church of the Holy Cross in the nearby town of Urbania also collapsed and a collection of paintings, drapes and ancient globes has had to be removed from the town's Ducal Palace due to fears of a collapse.
AFGHANISTAN – Bamiyan - Following their meeting in UNESCO Headquarters in March 2011, a group of Afghan and international experts working on the safeguarding of Bamiyan (Afghanistan), as well as representatives of the Afghan and Japanese governments and UNESCO, have released a list of recommendations for further activities to preserve the Bamiyan site. Building on the previous meetings, officials from the Afghan Government, national and international experts formulated a list of recommendations regarding the future activities for the preservation of the Bamiyan site. They addressed various areas, including archaeology, management and cultural master plan, capacity-building as well as the conservation and interpretation of the Buddha niches and fragments.