15 MARS 2016 NEWS: Eastern Galilee - Pyadarlin Cave - Ban Faqiran - Cayeux sur Mer - Puri - Solduz Valley -







ISRAELTumblr inline o418nhknid1qgjbhq 500 Back of coin 635x357  Eastern Galilee - A hiker recently found a 2,000-year-old Roman gold coin of which there is only known to be one other example, the Israel Antiquities Authority said Monday. The coin carries an image of the Emperor Augustus, founder of the Roman Empire, who ruled from 27 BCE until his death in 14 CE, and was minted by Emperor Trajan in 107 CE . Only the British Museum in London has another coin like it, which, until the recent discovery, was thought to be the only one in the world. Danny Syon, a senior numismatist at the IAA, explained that Trajan ordered coins struck with images of previous Roman emperors to honor their memory.On the reverse we have the symbols of the Roman legions next to the name of the ruler Trajan, and on the obverse – instead of an image of the emperor Trajan, as was usually the case, there is the portrait of the emperor ‘Augustus Deified,’ Syon said. “This coin is part of a series of coins minted by Trajan as a tribute to the emperors that preceded him.”


MYANMAR - Pyadarlin Cave - Pyadarlin Cave, located in Yawngan Township in the Danu Self-Administered Zone, will be officially classified as the ‘Pyadarlin Cultural Heritage Site’, according to the Department of Archaeology and National Museum (Mandalay Branch). The cave, estimated to be over 13,000 years old, was first discovered by archaeologist Khin Maung Kyaw in 1961. Over 1,600 ancient weapons, 12 wall paintings and fossils were found in the cave. The discoveries were sent to New Zealand for analysis, and the results show that the fossils were around 13,400 years old and that the paintings were drawn sometime between 11,000 to 20,000 years ago. “Pyadarlin cave will be classified as a cultural heritage site, and territory markers will be set up in the upcoming fiscal year. We have had to clean up the mess left by visitors to the cave, including scribbles on the wall. We will put up warning signs,” said an official from the department. The wall paintings found in the cave are similar to others found France, Spain, Malaysia and elsewhere in Southeast Asia. The cave is the first of its kind to be found in Myanmar.


PAKISTANBan faqiran 588x420 Ban Faqiran - Discoveries of antiquities at a new Buddhist site `Ban Faqiran’ atop Margalla Hills by Department of Archaeology and Museums (DOAM) would be a valuable addition to the rich cultural heritage of the country. The excavating team under the field directorship of Abdul Ghafoor Lone and site supervisor, Arshad Khan exposed a large stupa- like square structure, measuring 10.26 meter a side, on the top of Margalla Hills.,This structure, he said, is made of lime and kanjur stone, with semi ashlar and diaper masonry dated from the second to the fourth century Common Era (CE). Besides other antiquities, six coins and four iron arrowheads were discovered from the Buddhist site. The heritage site also includes a water tank and mosque of early period.


FRANCE – Cayeux sur Mer - Du 13 au 22 avril 2015, l’INRAP a exploré le terrain pour réaliser un diagnostic archéologique. Des investigations ont été menées sur une superficie de 3400 mètres carrés. Et les résultats sont fort intéressants. Le rapport qui vient d’être dévoilé met au jour deux occupations archéologiques distinctes. L’une est un cimetière médiéval. Il se situe en contrebas de la parcelle, au sud du cimetière actuel. Oubliée par l’Histoire, son utilisation est pérennisée entre le XIIe siècle et le XVIIIe siècle. Avec deux à trois niveaux de sépultures médiévales et une forte densité, sa population est estimée à 300. Leur niveau d’apparition est seulement de 40 cm sous le sol actuel. Le document note :Il est fort probable que ces zones aient été décaissées anciennement dans le but de rehausser les terres du cimetière actuel. Seconde découverte : L‘axe nord-sud de la parcelle révèle un probable habitat carolingien d’une taille importante pour l’époque. D’après la céramique récoltée, 230 fragments à un niveau d’apparition moyen de 80 centimètres sous le sol actuel, l’habitat aurait servi du Xe siècle au XII siècle. Ce qui correspond avec des documents qui attestent de la présence d’une maison forte du XIIe siècle au XVIIIe siècle. Le rapport estime : Ces vestiges sont d’autant plus intéressants qu’ils représentent à l’heure actuelle la seule occupation archéologique attestée par la ville de Cayeux. Ils pourraient correspondre à la fondation du hameau.


INDEPuri Puri - Worried over the cracks being detected in the 12th century Shri Jagannath shrine at Puri, Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik today urged the Centre to send technical experts to oversee the repair and restoration of the temple. Shri Jagannath Temple is the holiest shrine in Odisha and an institution of unique importance in India. After deplastering of the inner surface of the Jagamohan, it was noticed the four column capitals and the eight stone beams have serious cracks which might affect its structural stability


IRAN – Solduz Valley  - Seyedeh Mandana Kazzazi, from Edinburgh Unit for Forensic Anthropology, School of History Classics and Archaeology, University of Edinburgh, said on Tuesday that cervical measurements of the premolar is a reliable method for sex estimation and is useful to predict sex in Iranian Archaeological populations. Kazzazi said she had an analysis of the Hasanlu skeletal material from April to March 2014 and a total of 51 male and 33 female adult individuals belongoing to the Iron Age levels were used for the gender estimation. She said the study aimed to investigate the degree of sexual dimorphism in the permanent teeth of Hasanlu, the Iron Age population in the Solduz Valley (West Azarbaijan Province of Iran).

