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15 MARS 2019: Sheriffmuir - Stonehenge - Thon Pan Hla -






ROYAUME UNISherriffmuir stone ball 610x564  Sheriffmuir - Archaeologists are celebrating hitting their fund-raising target to secure the Sheriffmuir Ball, which will now have a permanent home in Perth Museum and Art Gallery. The ball – which is thought to date from 3000 – 2500 BC – is one of most decoratively carved and southerly examples of its kind. Around 500 similar artefacts have been discovered across Scotland with experts undecided as to their purpose. The ball was unearthed on the slopes of the Ochil Hills at Sherriffmuir. Experts remain split on the purpose of the 4,000 year-old stones, with some believing them to be weapons, tools, status symbols or a combination of all three. Examples have been found in the north of England, Ireland and Norway, but most have been discovered in Orkney and the North-East of Scotland.The Sheriffmuir stone is one of the most southerly of the Scottish balls discovered to date. Experts also say it is one of the most decoratively carved.

ROYAUME UNI – 106005412 stonehengebig  Stonehenge - Archaeologists have uncovered evidence of early large-scale celebrations, with people travelling hundreds of miles for feasting rituals. Four sites close to Stonehenge and Avebury, including Durrington Walls, Marden, Mount Pleasant and West Kennet Palisade Enclosures hosted feasts which drew people and animals from all over the country. A study examining the bones of 131 pigs from four Late Neolithic complexes show that the animals came from as far away as Scotland, the North East of England and West Wales, as well as other sites in Britain. Researchers believe that those attending the feasts may have wanted to contribute animals raised locally at their homes. Before this study, the origins of the people who took part in the rituals and the extent of the journeys people would take, have been a mystery. Study lead Dr Richard Madgwick, from the University of Cardiff, said: "This study demonstrates a scale of movement and level of social complexity not previously appreciated. "These gatherings could be seen as the first united cultural events of our island, with people from all corners of Britain descending on the areas around Stonehenge to feast on food that had been specially reared and transported from their homes."The study, Multi-isotope Analysis Reveals That Feasts In The Stonehenge Environs And Across Wessex Drew People And Animals From Throughout Britain, is published in the journal Science Advances

MYANMAR - Thon Pan Hla - A Tomb-shaped structure has been unearthed at the Thon Pan Hla archaeological excavation site in Bago Region, said U Kyaw Myo Win, deputy director of Archaeology and National Museum Department. The structure was found in Ko Gyi Mhyote village, Sin Myee Swe city, about 80 kilometres from the ancient Pyu-era capital of Thayekhittaya, said U Kyaw Myo Win. It is difficult to say if it is a tomb. In the excavation, structures were found that have not been found at other Pyu-era sites. We cannot tell yet whether it is a tomb or a temple,” he said. The latest discovery was made in February. Before then, the excavation of the site, which has been going on for 20 years, had only yielded some pagoda images.  Residents said that although the grave of Princess Thone Pan Hla, who was famous in the literature of the Pyu era, was situated on a mound, it is still difficult to determine whether  it contains the body of Princess Thone Pan Hla because of the type of bricks and construction used, said U Kyaw Myo Win. Local experts are conducting conservation work and searching the site of Princess Thone Pan Hla’s burial mound, and more than K30million (US$20,000) has been allocated for the work. The beliefs of residents and historical facts were surveyed before the excavation began, according to the department. The residents strongly believe the legend of Princess Thone Pan Hla. Some still worship her today,” said U Win Oo, a resident of Pyay. The legend of Princess Thon Pan Hla is related to King Duttabaung of the Pyu era. According to the legend, the princess was a beautiful woman who was to be married to King Duttabaung, the grandson of the great King Naga Naing. But envious consorts of the king conspired against her, and told him that she was actually an ogre. The monarch believed his consorts and drove away the princess. Heartbroken, she ended her life in the woods.  Local people believe that those who worship and respect her spirit will have good health and bountiful harvests, while those who disrespect her will suffer from leprosy.
