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15 NOVEMBRE 2014 NEWS Naples - Nankuan - Beyazit - Misis - North Uist - Belur -






ITALIE –  Nave romana napoli Naples - The remains of a vessel from Roman times have been found in the Piazza Municipio area of Naples, where construction work to build Line 1 of the subway is under way. This is not the first archeological find from the site: as the largest urban excavation site of the past 40 years, it has returned about 3,000 artifacts, including four boats. The site corresponds in fact to the ancient port of Neapolis, identified on the basis of a document from 1018 which mentioned two harbors, the Portus Vulpulum, and the contiguous Portus de Arcina. -

TAIWAN4111414253371 Nankuan - An intact canine skeleton dating back 5,000 years is headlining the Taiwan Animals Archaeology Exhibition taking place at Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology in Bali District, New Taipei City. Unearthed 14 years ago at Nankuan Borough Archaeological Site in Tainan City’s Southern Taiwan Science Park, the remains of the animal are believed to represent the earliest evidence of canine domestication in Taiwan. SMA Director Wu Hsiu-tzu said the careful interment of the canine reveals the profound bond between humans and dogs as early as the Neolithic age. “The Nankuan dog buried in a curled-up position as if waiting for its master. This indicates they enjoyed a relationship of companionship rather than ownership.”

TURQUIEN 74323 1 Beyazit - A cistern-like Byzantine-era structure has been unearthed during renovation of an underpass in Istanbul’s Beyazıt neighborhood. The construction company had tried to cover up the entrance to the structure to continue its work. During work by subcontractor Vizyon, the covers of two tombs in the area were found in August. The tomb covers, estimated to date back to the early Christian era, were badly damaged by a digger. After the covers were taken to the Istanbul Archaeology Museum, the museum became aware that it had not been informed about construction work in the area, but work nevertheless restarted a short time later.  An unidentified person later also informed the museum that the entrance to a Byzantine cistern hundreds of square meters in size had been unearthed during the construction, which the company had attempted to fill with cement.

TURQUIEN 74276 1 Misis - Misis (Mopsouestia) might be outshone by Rome, but the ancient city on the banks of the Ceyhan River in southern Turkey is just as old as the old imperial capital, while arguably trumping Rome’s moniker of “the eternal city” with its own title, “the immortal city.” Some 7,000 years after its founding, archaeological work at the site is now revealing the traces of antiquity. The city is located right next to the Ceyhan River, 27 kilometers east of the center of the southern province of Adana on the historic Silk Road.  As part of a project titled “The Infinite City: Misis,” made by Yüreğir Municipality, excavations have been continuing in the area, headed by Professor Anna Lucia of the National Research Council at the Institute for the Study of the Ancient Mediterranean and Professor Giovanni Salmeri of Pisa University.  Structures such as city walls, stadiums, caravanserais and theaters are being unearthed during the archaeological works in the ancient city, which was first settled seven millennia ago. As well as the artifacts underground, unearthed mosaics, an ancient stone bridge, city walls, aqueducts, baths, ancient stone tombs and the Havraniye Caravanserai make the city unique and significant. The Pisa University professor said Misis was a very old city and that they had found remains from the Neolithic, Chalcolithic, early Hittite, Roman and Byzantine eras. “People and history are living together here. This place will become a culture and archaeological park in two or three years,” he added. The archaeological work is helping augment the collection of the nearby Misis Mosaic Museum. In the museum various periods can be viewed in chronological order, and floor mosaics belonging to a basilica located within the boundaries of the Misis Ancient City are exhibited in situ.  The ancient city was discovered in 1956 and the mosaic area was revealed by Professor Dr. Theodor Bosset and Dr. Ludwig Budde from a German archaeology team who were carrying out excavations at that time on the Misis Mound.

ROYAUME UNI78990757 basket North Uist - A prehistoric basket found on the coast at Baleshare in North Uist has been successfully extricated and saved for full analysis. The basket was in danger of being washed away after being uncovered by coastal erosion. Archaeologists from the Comhairle and AOC and members of the local community worked together to save the artefact which is thought to be up to 3,500 years old. Deborah Anderson, Regional Archaeologist, said: “I’m delighted the rescue was successful, the archaeologists were brilliant and the local community were so helpful, we couldn’t have done it without them.”The basket will now be taken to a conservation laboratory for analysis.

INDE14bgmysore 002 2202240g Belur - Veerendra Heggade of the Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Dharmotthana Trust on Thursday inaugurated the centuries-old Sri Veereshwara temple, also known as Pataleshwara temple, at Belur. The trust had taken up the renovation of the ancient temple, keeping the aesthetical value and salient features of the Hoysala structure intact.Except the residents of Belur, outsiders were not aware of such a temple existing there. Although there are no inscriptions about the temple, the trust concluded that it was built in the twelfth or thirteenth century during the Hoysala regime, based on the style of architecture and its sculpture. The basement of the temple was looking as though it had sprouted from the earth’s surface. That was probably the reason for the temple being known as Pataleshwara temple.