Chan Chan - Des archéologues ont découvert une ancienne fosse commune contenant environ 25 squelettes précolombiens pratiquement intacts, principalement de femmes et d'enfants, dans la citadelle de Chan Chan, dans le nord du Pérou, a déclaré jeudi 11 novembre un membre de l'équipe. Ils ont également trouvé des dizaines de céramiques et des objets tels que des aiguilles utilisées pour la couture, a déclaré l'archéologue Jorge Meneses. Chan Chan (qui signifie "soleil resplendissant" en langue chimu) était une citadelle de la culture Chimu, qui a prospéré entre les années 900 et 1450 sur la côte nord du Pérou avant de tomber aux mains des Incas. La citadelle a été construite sur une superficie d'environ 20 kilomètres carrés pour jusqu'à 30 000 citoyens à son apogée et comptait dix palais fortifiés.
Pérou : découverte d'une fosse commune de l'époque précolombienne sur le site de Chan Chan (
Madárhegy - Remains of a 7,000-year-old prehistoric settlement were discovered on Madárhegy (“Bird Mountain”) in the XI district. Archaeologists found pottery shards and animal bones left by Stone Age people, reports the portal In 2016, in the so-called Spanyolrét, in the area of the XI district on the border with Budaörs, a previously unknown Neolithic site was discovered during the construction of a residential building. In the following years, smaller excavations were carried out during the excavation of the foundations of two other dwellings in this settlement, which is about 7,000 years old, writes the archaeological portal. In September of this year, the sewerage and waterworks started at Madárhegy. During the demolition works, archaeologists found more than 50 archaeological objects buried in the ground in narrow (60-100 cm wide) utility trenches. The objects were mostly ceramic fragments and animal bones left by those of the Stone Age. Based on the fine ceramic pieces with incised and painted decoration, the majority of the finds can be assigned to the so-called Zseliz group of the Danubian Bandkeramic Culture. However, there were also pieces with earlier clay head decoration. Only some small round postholes indicate the possible location of the half-timbered houses known from this period, highlighted archaeologist Dávid Kraus in his report. One reason for the Stone Age settlement could have been the good water supply in this area by streams. During the excavations, a stream bed, which has been filled in in the meantime, was also discovered northeast of today’s Spanyolrét.
Alingsås - A unique Bronze Age find was made on 8 April in a wooded area just to the south of the town of Alingsås. Following an archaeological examination by among others Johan Ling, Professor of Archaeology at the University of Gothenburg among others, it has emerged that this is one of the most spectacular finds ever made in Sweden. It comprises around 50 artefacts that are all largely intact. These exclusive objects would have belonged to one or more high-status women in the Bronze Age. About 80 per cent of these were found outside a burrow, while the remainder were found under a large boulder inside the burrow.
USA – Floride - New collaborative research results using a new paleontological analysis technique directed by Professor Dongya Yang, developed in the Ancient DNA Lab of SFU Archeology in collaboration with Tsleil-Waututh Nation Science report Provides strong evidence that the Coastal Salish people were in control before the colonization of Europe Cham salmon By selectively harvesting men. Male salmon are larger than female salmon, so selective harvesting of male salmon will increase the overall size of the harvest. It also helps one male to mate with multiple females for successful spawning. This allows the fishery to maximize yields without negatively impacting future profits. “This management practice is also documented in the knowledge of Coast Salish, and through archeology we were able to extend the time depth of this practice by 2,000 years,” said postdoc Thomas Royle, who works in the lab. Say. The researchers applied a new paleontological technique to the archaeological salmon vertebrae to identify the sex of each sample and find evidence to support the Coast Salish. Traditional knowledge It has been shared for centuries. Tsleil-Waututh’s ancestors worked to maintain Salmon For thousands of years, a rich population has passed on knowledge from generation to generation.With the current decline and many collapses Commercial fishing, These traditional Tsleil-Waututh practices may inform current management and maintenance.
Taiyuan - Archaeologists have found ruins of a pentagonal structure dating back 5,500 years in the city of Taiyuan, north China's Shanxi Province. The remains, unearthed at a construction site in Taiyuan, Shanxi's provincial capital, are believed to belong to the middle and late periods of the Yangshao Culture, according to the Taiyuan Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology. A total of 98 ash pits, 11 pottery kilns, two houses and six tombs of Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties were found at the site, among which the most prominent discovery was the pentagonal house covering about 32 square meters, said Pei Jingrong, a researcher with the institute. Abundant pottery pieces have been unearthed in the house, including sand-filled pottery kettles, sand-filled grey pottery pots, red pottery pots, and sharp-bottomed bottles, Pei said. The discovery is of great academic value for studying the cultural features of the Neolithic Age in Taiyuan Basin and the prehistoric cultural exchanges in Taiyuan and its surrounding areas, according to experts. Originating around the middle reaches of the Yellow River, the Yangshao Culture is considered an important stream of Chinese civilization and is widely known for its advanced pottery-making technology.
Grece –
Olympia - Microsoft collaborated with the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sport on Ancient Olympia: Common Grounds, a project that aims to digitally preserve as well as restore ancient Olympia using artificial intelligence. This digital recreation enables viewers from around the world to explore ancient Olympia as it stood over 2,000 years ago through an immersive experience using a free interactive mobile app, web-based desktop experience, or a Microsoft HoloLens 2 exhibition at the Athens Olympic Museum. Read more for a video and additional information.
Angleterre –
Hadrian’s Wall - Historians often tell us to try and visualize the past as a colourful place – whether it be the bright colours of medieval clothing and statuary or the vibrant blues and golds found in the tombs of Antiquity. Accordingly Roman Britain was also a place of vibrant hues – even at its most northern reaches. Apart from the deep red robes of the Roman legions, Pliny the Elder cited the orange, red and purple worn by priests and priestesses, while common dyes used in the Roman world included madder, kermes, weld, woad, saffron and lichen purple. But these colours weren’t just confined to robes and other clothing, the statues and buildings also offered a surprising palette – as can be glimpsed in a new project at the Hancock in Newcastle, which is revealing the colours encountered along Rome’s Northern frontier at Hadrian’s Wall. The Museum has a vast collection of altars recovered from Hadrian’s Wall – many of them with dedications to the deceased and inscriptions to the Roman Gods – and seven of the latter now feature animations projected directly onto the stone surface to offer a sense of how brightly coloured the altars appeared 1900 years ago.
New Khanis - Archeologists announced this week that they had identified the remains of a 2,700-year-old wine press in the Kurdistan Region’s province of Duhok that dates back to the Assyrian Empire. The site, which they say is the oldest such discovery made to date in the northern part of what was ancient Mesopotamia, is located outside the village of New Khanis, some 8 km north of Sheikhan district. It dates back to the rule of Assyrian King Sennacherib. It is carved directly into mountain rock, consisting of 14 reservoirs, with two larger rectangular reservoirs in which ancient laborers would press the juice from grapes, causing it to flow into other circular basins to be collected and stored in jars for fermentation. In the late Assyrian period, between the 8th and the 7th century BC, there was a dramatic increase ... in wine demand and in wine production," described in Assyrian texts that coincides with the age of the site.,700-year-old-wine-press
Newfoundland - The Daily Mail reports that it is a half groat, or a two-penny piece, and this silver coin was found this year in Newfoundland, a former British colony. It was minted at the end of the 15th century, somewhere between 1493 and 1499, which makes it over 500 years old! Henry VII ruled England between 1485 and 1509, and is widely credited with restoring the honor, power and stability associated with the English crown, and peacefully handing over the crown to his successor, Henry VIII. This is likely to be the oldest English coin ever found in Canada, if not the entire continent of North America.