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16-17 Septembre 2014 NEWS : Grabünden - Hisarönü - Paralimni -  Van - Gloucester - Cirencester -






SUISSESuisse Grabünden - Melting glaciers are bringing new discoveries to light. The project "kAltes Eis" systematically scans melting ice fields in canton Grabünden for possible archaeological wonders. (SRF Tagesschau, The kAltes Eis programme, promoted by the institute for research into Graubünden’s culture, involves archaeologists as well as hikers and alpinists in the search for artefacts that are now being revealed as the glaciers retreat. As glaciers and ice patches are melting at an increased rate, there is a time window of one or two decades when artefacts are revealed but not washed away. The project was initiated by Leandra Naef in October 2013 after she graduated from the University of Zurich with a Master’s degree in Prehistoric Archaeology. Apart from discovering artefacts, the aim of the project is to identify the most interesting ice patches in the canton so that its archaeological service can then monitor these sites. To increase the probability of finding well preserved artefacts, the kAltes Eis programme uses a modified GIS-based (Geographic Information Systems) forecasting model first developed by archaeologists in Alaska.


TURQUIEN 71825 1 Hisarönü  - Within the scope of the Underwater Heritage Studies of Dokuz Eylül University (DEU), a Bronze Age wreckage dating back to 4,000 years ago has been discovered in Hisarönü Gulf in the western province of Muğla’s Marmaris district. It is reported that the wreckage has taken the title from Kaş’s Uluburun ship wreckage, which was known as Turkey’s oldest wreckage site.  The remains, located 50 meters away from the coast 25-30 meters deep, include very rare amphora forms, as well as kettle-shaped pots and ceramic cups in various forms.  Bodrum Mayor Mehmet Kocadon said in a statement that the wreckage was older than the Uluburun ship in Kaş. “Three Bronze Age wreckages were found during underwater studies over the last 50 years. Kettle-shaped pots were seen for the first time. The remains were delivered to the Bodrum Underwater Museum for analysis. Next year, further studies will continue at the wreckage site,” he said.

CHYPREOttoman cannon recovered off paralimni 540x338 Paralimni -On Sunday an Ottoman period cannon was recovered from an ancient shipwreck about three kilometres from the “Nissia” area in Protaras of the Paralimni Municipality (Cyprus).This was one of the three cannons found on the old vessel, which according to archaeologists dates back to the time Cyprus was under Ottoman rule. However this does not mean that the ship belonged to the Ottoman Empire. Volunteers, under the supervision of the Antiquities Department and the Archaeology Department of the University of Cyprus, helped retrieve the canon. The vessel’s identity and exact age are expected to be revealed after the cannon will be studied by the Antiquities Department in Larnaca. After that the Paralimni Municipality wishes to exhibit the cannon, as a piece of Famagusta’s history. Paralimni’s earliest residents had established the Lefkola settlement at the coast of modern Protaras, one of ancient Salamis’s most important suburbs. The settlement was later moved inland to avoid pirate attacks. Vessels with dozens of passengers watched the hour-long recovery of the cannon, as divers hooked the cannon on a crane aboard a special ship. The cannon’s emergence above the surface was welcomed with their sirens and cheers. Thus a piece of history was retrieved from the past, emerging before the gathered people’s eyes. Unfortunately, according to the archaeologists, the wreck of the warship was looted and the cannons were left behind because the mongers could not carry them.

TURQUIE – xN 71730 1Van - Ongoing excavations in the old city of Van have shed light on the lifestyles, social conditions and dietary habits of the city’s inhabitants from the Ottoman era, revealing bazaar structures that resemble modern-day shopping malls.The excavations were undertaken to uncover the hidden ancient layers of Van, which was occupied by the Russians and ruined during the turbulence of the First World War. They provide significant insight into civil architecture in the Ottoman era, when Van was a major center home to many intellectuals and elites. Led by Istanbul University’s Van Region History and Archaeology Center Director Erkan Konyar, the excavations are being carried out by a team of partners from 12 universities. The team is working around structures such as the Kayaçelebi Mosque and the Hüsrevpaşa social complex.Konyar said the group has been particularly working on Van’s settlement between the 13th and 20th century. He said they have located significant details about the streets, civil architecture and public structures in the Seljuk and Ottoman eras, working on an area of 5,000 square meters. The team has unearthed three complexes of commercial units, which Konyar called “very significant work.” Konyar said remains of business sites found included fabric, perfume, glass and shoe stores dating back to the 19th century, many of which “had been left after big fires.” Excavations uncovered large enterprises, smaller stores with counters, and areas similar to shopping malls.  Excavations show that Van had a rich culture in the 19th century. It is possible to see in the city the traces of French brands, French perfumes, British and Russian porcelain shops. We can find here everything about the life and socio economic structures of people. Van was very close to Western culture at the time,” Konyar added.He said the team’s goal is to “reveal the tissue of the city,” explaining that over the last two years they had obtained very important information about the structures of an Ottoman city. Many adobe structures found in the old city easily corrode. Projects to protect and reevaluate these areas have taken place and will continue.

ROYAUME UNI - Gloucester  - Roman artefacts have been found on the site of new classrooms at the High School for Girls. Cotswold Archaeology’s excavation team will now undertake a full dig to see what else lies beneath the site in Denmark Road.Andrew Armstrong, archaeologist at Gloucester City Council, said: “We knew there was Roman archeology in the area but we will have a much better idea when the whole site is evaluated. These finds clearly help fill in the gaps in Kingsholm’s history but it is too early to say if it is going to be an exciting find.” The dig starts on Monday and is expected to take a month to complete.

ROYAUME UNI –  England roman cockerel Cirencester - Cotswold Archaeology announced that the Cirencester cockerel—a colorful, enameled bronze figurine of a young rooster discovered in a child’s grave in 2011—will go on display at Corinium Museum this month. Such figurines are thought to have been crafted in Britain and exported across the empire, but only eight of them have survived. The Cirencester cockerel is unique among the eight because it still has its openwork tail, and it is the only one from Britain to have been found in a grave. The two- or three-year-old child had been buried in a wooden coffin wearing hobnail shoes, accompanied by the cockerel and a pottery feeding cup called a “tettine.” In the Roman world, cockerels were linked to the cult of Mercury, a messenger to the gods who accompanied the souls of the recently deceased to the afterlife. The figurine may have been placed in the child’s coffin to ensure a safe journey.
