Stoney Cove - Divers have tampered with remains of a 16th century armed merchantman sunk as a diving attraction and archaeological training ground at Leicestershire’s Stoney Cove. The NAS oversaw the placement of five large wreck sections at a depth of 6m in Stoney Cove’s waters in early June. The largest section is over 8m in length and weighs some 8 tons. The remains were salved from London’s River Thames in 2004 and transported to Horsea Island lake in Hampshire, were they were stored before the decision to move them to Leicestershire. Tree ring analysis of the ship’s timbers have suggested that it was built around 1574. Cannon from the wreck are housed at the Royal Armouries museum at Fort Nelson in Hampshire. One gun bears the insignia of Sir Thomas Gresham (1500-1579). Other finds from the Thames wreck site have included iron bars, lead and tin ingots, pottery, leather footwear, pewter and copper vessels, and a silver spoon.
ROYAUME UNI – Southam - Archaeologists are hoping to find traces of Southam’s earliest buildings before work starts on a new library and care home. Project manager Tom Vaughan admitted nobody was sure what would be found on the site, identified as the centre of medieval Southam. He said: “There is the potential for some Anglo-Saxon deposits. Until we get some holes in the ground, nobody knows for certain.” In contrast to the modern buildings, Mr Vaughan said the original site would have been heavily built up, but with stone reused, only foundation trenches, pottery, refuse and post holes might remain.
ROYAUME UNI – Newquay - Around 5,500 years ago some of Britain's first ever farmers settled in Newquay and worked the land, a new discovery has shown. New evidence unearthed on a site between Tregunnel Hill and Threthellan shows a thriving community of Neolithic farmers once lived there and even enjoyed feasts. Archaeologists discovered artefacts and tools dating back to the period in history during a routine pre-development dig at the site. he experts found Neolithic flint tools, pottery and a polished stone axe-head as well as a large pit containing charcoal and a number of smashed pots, thought to be from an important feasting event. Middle Bronze Age pottery and flint arrowheads dating back to around 3,500 years old were also unearthed as well as a rare Iron Age copper alloy bracelet and pottery dating back to around 2,500 years old. The artefacts show how inhabitants lived thousands of years ago and provide a direct link to our ancestors from the fourth millennium BC to the present day.
FRANCE – Mirebeau - A Mirebeau, les caves troglodytiques sont monnaie courante. Dans le bourg, tout le monde connaît quelqu'un qui en a une sous sa maison, ou qui en a trouvé une pendant des travaux. Ceci dit, la mairie se serait bien passée des deux dernières qui viennent d'être mises au jour sur le site du futur lotissement de l'Aumônerie. « Elles se situent entre 4 et 6 mètres de profondeur, confirme le maire, Daniel Girardeau. On a demandé à l'entreprise de stopper le chantier et on a alerté la Direction régionale des affaires culturelles (Drac). Des spécialistes viendront la semaine prochaine pour estimer ce qu'il convient de faire. On suivra évidemment les recommandations de la Drac. » Des sondages avaient été effectués « tous les 30 mètres », sur ce terrain acheté par la commune mais aucun n'avait révélé la présence de cavité dans le tuffeau. Pas plus que les sondages réalisés en surface dans le cadre de l'archéologie préventive préalable à ce type de travaux. Faudra-t-il en faire d'autres pour éviter des mauvaises surprises? « Il fallait s'y attendre, commente un riverain. Avant de s'appeler l'Aumônerie, ce lieudit était baptisé "les caves d'enfer". On se situe à la hauteur des tours qui marquaient l'entrée de l'ancien bourg, avec une abbaye pas loin. C'est logique de trouver de l'habitat et des souterrains troglodytiques. » Selon lui, plusieurs voisins du lotissement habitent eux aussi sur des caves.
Ynyslas – The wrecks of three 19th Century boats are being examined by archaeologists after heavy rain eroded their watery final resting places. The 65ft (20m) vessels have been in the River Leri, near Aberystwyth, since the 1860s. It is believed they were used to transport slate from mines in Gwynedd to ports for export around the world. Experts said the wrecks had appeared in recent years after heavy rain and high tides had eroded the riverbank.
ROYAUME UNI – Edinburgh - Archaeologists have unearthed the ruins of one of Britain's oldest homes during construction work in a field north-west of Edinburgh. The remains are thought to be more than 10,000 years old. They were found during archaeological excavation works in preparation for building the Forth Replacement Crossing, a new bridge across the Firth of Forth. All that is left of the house is a large oval pit, nearly seven metres in length, a handful of holes, and more than 1,000 flint artefacts, thought to be from old tools and arrowheads. It has been dated to the Mesolithic period, around 10,252 years ago. Rod McCullagh, a senior archaeologist at Historic Scotland, said: "The radiocarbon dates that have been taken from this site show it to be the oldest of its type found in Scotland." The remains include a number of holes, which would have held wooden posts to support the walls and roof, probably covered with turf. Archaeologists also identified several internal fireplace hearths, and large quantities of charred hazelnut shells, suggesting whoever lived there roasted the nuts for food.
Berry - It is archaeological work being carried out for the Berry bypass. Investigations involve assessing locations of potential Aboriginal significance as part of the Review of Environmental Factors for the project, including consultation with Aboriginal stakeholders about cultural heritage. Investigations are being carried out near the intersection of Princes Highway and Ison Lane. The teams take soil samples from a host of pits along the proposed route, which are then processed for any possible artefacts. Some artefacts, including Aboriginal slate stones have been found, while evidence of European activity has also been discovered. Found artefacts are analysed by archaeologists to help understand the way they were manufactured and used and also to build knowledge about how they relate to the varying landforms in the project area.